Election 2020
Biden claims Boilermakers Union endorsed him but they say he blatantly lied!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - October 19, 2020 - Boasting a fictitious endorsement was among Joe Biden’s most recent gaffes of the day.
During last week’s dueling town hall events, Biden claimed to have the support of the Boilmakers Union. That came after host George Stephanopoulos brought up Biden’s new claim that he doesn’t want to ban fracking, while quoting a Boilermakers Local 154 member who said that this is inconsistent with Biden’s goal of ending the use of fossil fuels. Biden responded, “The Boilermakers overwhelmingly endorse me, OK? So the Boilermakers Union has endorsed me because I sat down with them, went into great detail with leadership, exactly what I would do, No. 1.”
Perhaps Biden sat down with them, and perhaps he went into great detail with the union’s leadership. But they did not endorse him.
Ballots stolen from mailboxes in state of Washington!
SAMMAMISH, Washington (PNN) - October 19, 2020 - In the town of Sammamish, Washington, mail-in-ballots were stolen from the mailboxes of residents and at a minimum, were dumped in another location.
The post office alerted the Sammamish pig thug cop department “that unopened or incomplete ballots have been inappropriately placed in out-going mail bins,” the city of Sammamish said Friday.
Cops have also investigated bags of mail that had ballots in them on roadsides and in ditches.
Trump says he won’t force Amerikans to take COVID-19 vaccine!
NEW YORK (PNN) - October 17, 2020 - It’s not every day that President Donald Trump outflanks his progressive critics on the issue of consent.
According to some recent comments from the president, skeptics worried about the prospect of mandatory vaccination orders in the Fascist Police States of Amerika and in the Fascist United Kingdom have rallied to voice their opposition.
Supporters hold parade for President Trump in Phoenix area!
WITTMANN, Arizona (PNN) - October 17, 2020 - Thousands of people showed their love for President Donald Trump on Saturday with a special drive through the valley and rally in Wittmann.
Supporters hopped on their motorcycles or into their cars and drove around the valley, honking their horns and expressing their admiration for the current president. Some of the pickup truck drivers had huge flags that said “Trump 2020” or had the Thin-Blue Line flag along with Amerikan flags. The Trump Train also featured trucks with digital billboards that said “Hate Cops? Next Time You Need Help Call a Crackhead” and “Vote No on Prop. 208.”
UFC fighter endorses Trump, urges fellow Latinos to join him!
TAMPA, Florida (PNN) - October 14, 2020 - Top UFC fighter Jorge Masvidal offered a full-throated endorsement of President Donald Trump and urged fellow Hispanic voters to do the same in a speech that has gone ultra-viral.
Masvidal, a Miami resident of Cuban and Peruvian heritage, joined Donald Trump, Jr. on a recent “Fighters Against Socialism” stump tour across South Florida to rally support for the president’s reelection bid.
“The Democrats think they’re just entitled to the Latino vote. They think we have to just hand it over to them,” Masvidal said in a clip that has been viewed over 4 million times since being posted to Twitter on Tuesday.
In latest teleblooper Biden calls for $15,000,000 minimum wage!
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (PNN) - October 13, 2020 - If one is to believe the most recent polls, Joe Biden is on his way to the White House to become the 46th President of the Fascist Police States of Amerika. Except according to Biden himself - the man whose finger would be on the button - he's "running as a proud Democrat for the Senate."
Biden and Harris kick off bus tour with not a single person attending the event!
PHOENIX, Arizona (PNN) - October 11, 2020 - The Democrat presidential ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris kicked off their campaign “Bus Tour” in Arizona on Saturday - but not a single person showed up to the event.
Fox News’ local affiliate expressed its shock and puzzlement that nobody would turn out to show support for Biden and Harris in their first major campaign event since the ticket was announced at the Democrat National Convention in August.
- DoJ refuses to investigate largest voting machine counting error in state history!
- Senator Josh Hawley will object to Electoral College votes on January 6!
- Was the election fraud a trap set up by Trump?
- Texas stands by claim that a Biden win is statistically impossible!
- Georgia senate committee recommends decertifying electors!
- Donald Trump summons Pennsylvania state lawmakers to White House!
- Navarro report states that election fraud is sufficient to swing victory to Trump!
- Trump alternate electors send votes directly to Congress!
- Representative Mo Brooks will challenge the Electoral College votes!
- Ratcliffe report will blow the mind of every citizen of the country!
- Republican electors from seven states cast votes for Trump!
- Nineteen FPSA states have now joined Texas SCOTUS bid to overturn election!
- Georgia governor calls for signature audit following CCTV footage of ballot fraud!
- Amistad argues that Electoral College deadlines are not set in stone!
- Georgia secretary of state acknowledges ballots were counted in secret!
- Arizona may withhold electoral college votes to Biden due to evidence of fraud!
- Pennsylvania Republicans to introduce resolution disputing election results!
- Pennsylvania judge backs Trump claims over mail-in ballots!
- Petition filed in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots!
- Trump scores two wins as legislature and federal appeals court agree to reviews!
- Governor Kemp calls for audit of signatures on ballot envelopes!
- Cobb County elections department caught shredding absentee ballots!
- Trump legal team exposes massive and well funded effort to destroy Amerika!
- Trump campaign files for recount in two Wisconsin counties!
- The Georgia recount may be as corrupt as the election itself!
- Martin Armstrong says 2020 election most corrupt in Amerikan history!
- Congress officially declares that Joe Biden is not president-elect!
- President Donald Trump outlines path to 2020 victory!
- Kayleigh McEnany says Trump expects to serve second term!
- Georgia announces hand recount as razor thin margins persist!
- Trump campaign files first election fraud lawsuit!
- Trump win validated by quantum blockchain system recount of votes!
- Georgia county discovers issue with ballot reporting!
- Commentary: Election 2020… and the winner is…!
- Donald Trump Jr. urges dad to go to war to expose election cheating and fraud!
- Penn. county won't resume counting votes until Friday due to “administrative work”!
- Workers illegally block windows and bar observers from absentee ballot counting!
- Wisconsin and Michigan Democrats fraudulently produce late night votes!
- Trump assembling all-star legal team to challenge elections in close states!
- Hundreds of Pro-Trump ballots have been recovered in rural Michigan city!
- Poll watcher denied entry in Philadelphia days after State AG says “Trump will lose”!
- Thousands of ballots in Pennsylvania may be missing!
- Biden zombie clip goes viral as Trump Campaign gambles on unconventional ads!
- Trump says if reelected he will cut middle class taxes even further!
- Joe Biden forgets Trump’s name and claims he is running against “George Bush”!
- The Democrat closing argument to Amerika is shut up and obey!
- Biden boosters dox nuns for the sin of attending Trump rally!
- Caravan of Trump supporters invade empty Biden rally!
- Supreme Court rules counties can’t reject ballots when signatures don’t match!
- Biden claims Boilermakers Union endorsed him but they say he blatantly lied!
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Thomas Jefferson 38
"Truth... seldom has received much aid from the power of great men to whom she is rarely known and seldom welcome." (Notes on Religion, October 1776)
— Thomas Jefferson