Election 2020
AOC cornered after top Democrat calls her a loser and a complete fraud!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - February 7, 2020 - For decades, Democrats have accused Republicans of racism for opposing certain legislative initiatives or just whenever they believe use of the term will score political points with the electorate and the blatantly biased mainstream media.
But now, one of their own has accused another Democrat of being a racist, and the Party is reaping what it has sown.
Black women leave Warren’s Nevada campaign in frustration!
RENO, Nevada (PNN) - February 6, 2020 - A half-dozen black women have departed Elizabeth Warren’s Nevada campaign in the run-up to the state’s caucuses with complaints of a toxic work environment in which minorities felt tokenized and senior leadership was at loggerheads.
Democrats don't realize how much impeachment hurts them!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - February 4, 2020 - We are watching the pathetic ending to one of the most pathetic periods in Amerikan politics. All the smoking guns have been firing blanks.
Following one of the most childish tantrums of denial ever recorded, Democrats set about destroying the Donald Trump presidency in its crib. A Washington Post headline from January 20, 2017 - Inauguration Day itself – exclaimed, “The Campaign to Impeach President Trump has Begun.” The opening gambit was going to be Emoluments, including rent paid by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China for its space in Trump Tower in New York.
After three years, it looks like that attempt finally reached its end game, failure, one gray afternoon. On Friday the Senate brought impeachment proceedings to their effective conclusion, declaring the witnesses already called before the House were to be the last. The formal vote to acquit Trump is scheduled as an anti-climax for Wednesday.
Hillary Clinton refuses to accept legal documents from Tulsi Gabbard lawsuit!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - January 30, 2020 - Hillary Clinton is refusing to accept legal papers from Tulsi Gabbard’s $50 million lawsuit against her, according to the Hawaii congressman’s attorneys.
Gabbard, who is running for president, filed a $50 million lawsuit against Clinton last week after the former Secretary of State implied the congressman was a “Russian asset”.
Bernie Sanders staffer admits campaign attracts Marxists, Leninists and anarchists!
CHARLESTON, South Carolina - January 28, 2020 - Two more Bernie Sanders staffers have been caught on tape speaking passionately about “the revolution” they're fighting, the type of people the Sanders campaign attracts, and the need to take direct, violent action against their enemies.
Commentary: This week in stupid
By L. Neil Smith
January 19, 2020 - I have always prided myself that I am a good judge of history and human nature. Yet it appears that I have underestimated the blind, irrational, bigoted, furious hatred out there for Donald J. Trump, and have had barrels of raw animal excrement figuratively dumped on my head simply because I voted for the man in 2016, have frequently celebrated him in my writings since then, and plan to vote for him again in 2020.
Sanders staffer says Trump supporters will need to be re-educated in camps!
DES MOINES, Iowa (PNN) - January 15, 2020 - An undercover operative for Project Veritas has filmed a rabid Bernie Sanders field organizer who claims that "cities will burn" if President Donald Trump is re-elected this year, and that Trump supporters will need to be re-educated in literal gulags, similar to what Germany did to “Nazified” Germans after World War II.
- DoJ refuses to investigate largest voting machine counting error in state history!
- Senator Josh Hawley will object to Electoral College votes on January 6!
- Was the election fraud a trap set up by Trump?
- Texas stands by claim that a Biden win is statistically impossible!
- Georgia senate committee recommends decertifying electors!
- Donald Trump summons Pennsylvania state lawmakers to White House!
- Navarro report states that election fraud is sufficient to swing victory to Trump!
- Trump alternate electors send votes directly to Congress!
- Representative Mo Brooks will challenge the Electoral College votes!
- Ratcliffe report will blow the mind of every citizen of the country!
- Republican electors from seven states cast votes for Trump!
- Nineteen FPSA states have now joined Texas SCOTUS bid to overturn election!
- Georgia governor calls for signature audit following CCTV footage of ballot fraud!
- Amistad argues that Electoral College deadlines are not set in stone!
- Georgia secretary of state acknowledges ballots were counted in secret!
- Arizona may withhold electoral college votes to Biden due to evidence of fraud!
- Pennsylvania Republicans to introduce resolution disputing election results!
- Pennsylvania judge backs Trump claims over mail-in ballots!
- Petition filed in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots!
- Trump scores two wins as legislature and federal appeals court agree to reviews!
- Governor Kemp calls for audit of signatures on ballot envelopes!
- Cobb County elections department caught shredding absentee ballots!
- Trump legal team exposes massive and well funded effort to destroy Amerika!
- Trump campaign files for recount in two Wisconsin counties!
- The Georgia recount may be as corrupt as the election itself!
- Martin Armstrong says 2020 election most corrupt in Amerikan history!
- Congress officially declares that Joe Biden is not president-elect!
- President Donald Trump outlines path to 2020 victory!
- Kayleigh McEnany says Trump expects to serve second term!
- Georgia announces hand recount as razor thin margins persist!
- Trump campaign files first election fraud lawsuit!
- Trump win validated by quantum blockchain system recount of votes!
- Georgia county discovers issue with ballot reporting!
- Commentary: Election 2020… and the winner is…!
- Donald Trump Jr. urges dad to go to war to expose election cheating and fraud!
- Penn. county won't resume counting votes until Friday due to “administrative work”!
- Workers illegally block windows and bar observers from absentee ballot counting!
- Wisconsin and Michigan Democrats fraudulently produce late night votes!
- Trump assembling all-star legal team to challenge elections in close states!
- Hundreds of Pro-Trump ballots have been recovered in rural Michigan city!
- Poll watcher denied entry in Philadelphia days after State AG says “Trump will lose”!
- Thousands of ballots in Pennsylvania may be missing!
- Biden zombie clip goes viral as Trump Campaign gambles on unconventional ads!
- Trump says if reelected he will cut middle class taxes even further!
- Joe Biden forgets Trump’s name and claims he is running against “George Bush”!
- The Democrat closing argument to Amerika is shut up and obey!
- Biden boosters dox nuns for the sin of attending Trump rally!
- Caravan of Trump supporters invade empty Biden rally!
- Supreme Court rules counties can’t reject ballots when signatures don’t match!
- Biden claims Boilermakers Union endorsed him but they say he blatantly lied!
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"Lay down true principles and adhere to them inflexibly. Do not be frightened into their surrender by the alarms of the timid." (Letter to Edward Dowse, April 19, 1803).
— Thomas Jefferson