Election 2012
First ever transgender state rep should resign over hidden criminal past!
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, New Hampshire (PNN) - November 26, 2012 - New Hampshire Democrat State Representative-elect Stacie Laughton was for a brief moment a celebrity for Democrats across the country after becoming the first ever openly transgender person to win an election in the Fascist Police States of Amerika. It didn’t last long.
Nevada brothel owner wins victory in county race!
RENO, Nevada (PNN) - November 19, 2012 - Lance Gilman is a thriving businessman with dozens of employees. That those workers include a good many prostitutes didn't faze the people of a rural Nevada county who recently elected him as a Storey County commissioner by a wide margin.
Rubio makes his Iowa debut as possible future of GOP!
ALTOONA, Iowa (PNN) - November 18, 2012 - As the Republican Party regroups after Mitt Romney’s defeat, the message Saturday night at Iowa Republican Governor Terry Branstad’s birthday fundraiser was “turn the page” and “look to the future” - and what that future apparently holds is Florida Senator Marco Rubio, the event’s featured speaker.
Woman runs down husband for not voting!
PHOENIX, Arizona (PNN) - November 12, 2012 - An Arizona woman, in despair at the re-election of illegitimate President Barack Obama, ran down her husband with the family car in suburban Phoenix on Saturday because he failed to vote in the election.
The Ron Paul factor in the GOP defeat!
LAKE JACKSON, Texas (PNN) - November 10, 2012 - A full three days after the GOP took a shellacking in the general election, as many as 19 reasons have been put for the by both parties, pundits and the corporate media as they grope for explanations. The woman’s vote, the Hispanic vote, media bias, a poor campaign message, Tea Party extremism, Romney too moderate, hurricane Sandy, New Jersey governor Christie, even voter suppression - the list goes on and on.
Eight unsettled House races remain too close to call!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - November 8, 2012 - Seven of eight unresolved Fascist Police States of Amerika House of Representatives races remain too close to call with votes still being counted and potential losers preparing and, in some cases, already launching court challenges demanding a full recount.
Colorado and Washington legalize marijuana!
DENVER, Colorado and SEATTLE, Washington (PNN) - November 7, 2012 - Colorado voters made history Tuesday night, passing a constitutional amendment to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana and becoming the first state in the Fascist Police States of Amerika to break with marijuana prohibition. Hours later, voters in Washington state followed suit, passing a legalization initiative there, but a similar effort in Oregon came up short.
- First ever transgender state rep should resign over hidden criminal past!
- Nevada brothel owner wins victory in county race!
- Rubio makes his Iowa debut as possible future of GOP!
- Woman runs down husband for not voting!
- The Ron Paul factor in the GOP defeat!
- Eight unsettled House races remain too close to call!
- Colorado and Washington legalize marijuana!
- Woman wearing MIT shirt barred from voting by terrorist thug official!
- Obama re-election spells trouble for Netanyahu!
- Post-election divide surfaces on fiscal cliff!
- Ineligible Obama gets second illegitimate term in office!
- Democrats keep grasp on control of Senate!
- Criminal fraud rampant throughout Election Day!
- Iowa warns international observers of arrest!
- Electronic voting machine swaps Obama for Romney!
- Biden may run in 2016!
- Obama does not have the power to delay the election!
- Libertarian Johnson's first national ad slams warmongering over Iran!
- Voters in three states take on automated traffic cameras!
- Russia Today to host final third-party presidential debate!
- Texas sparks international dispute with election observers!
- Free Press endorses Gary Johnson for president!
- Real debate includes all candidates excluded from biased media debates!
- Barack Obama attacks Mitt Romney aggressively on foreign policy!
- OSU Republicans greet Obama with reminder of his poor spelling!
- South Carolina voter ID law blocked until 2013!
- Ron Paul suggests he will vote for Gary Johnson!
- Teacher mocks student for wearing Romney shirt!
- Obama hits campaign trail amid bad debate reviews!
- Obama faces serious problem with unemployment!
- Obama campaign staffer threatened NAACP official!
- Three major sponsors pull advertising from presidential debates!
- Romney wants to bring back waterboarding!
- Early voting in Iowa and other states kicks off presidential election!
- Romney targets Obama foreign policy!
- Obama supporters claim voter fraud laws unfair!
- Gary Johnson files lawsuit to appear in presidential debates!
- Romney releases 2011 tax returns!
- Struggling young adults are question mark for campaigns!
- Candidate criticizes incumbent for vote to spy on Amerikans.
- Romney calls many Amerikans dependent and feeling entitled!
- Obama advantage over Romney narrows in new poll!
- Obama campaign in debt after DNC goes $15 million over budget!
- YouTube flags Democrat Convention video for copyright violations!
- Could Gary Johnson hand election to Obama?
- Vice President described as idiot and buffoon!
- Democrats boo motion to put God back into party platform!
- Obama speech moved to smaller venue due to lack of interest!
- Romney gets convention bounce!
- Bill Clinton’s top political adviser to vote for Romney!
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Benjamin Franklin 1
"They that give up liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
— Benjamin Franklin