Election 2008
Musical Parody: "Obama"
{enclose Obama_final_mix.mp3}
(to the tune of “Hosanna”)
by Brent-Emory..Johnson
Obama! Rebuild our country
Obama! Rebuild our country
Obama! Rebuild our country
Obama! Rebuild our country
Time now for Barack Obama
He’s our man. Oh yes!
No more running home to mama
He’s our man. Oh yes!
Time now for Barack Obama
He’s our man. Oh yes!
No more running home to mama
He’s our man. Oh yes!
Musical Parody: "Running Mate"
{enclose Running_Mate_mix.mp3}
Running Mate
(to the tune of “Dancing Queen”)
by Brent-Emory..Johnson
Oh Yeah
Sunny days and changing ways
With America ruling the world
If we vote McCain and his beauty queen on Election Day
Here we go with another race
Who’s gonna run the United States
Catch the latest poll
Listen to the candidates rolling out the same old scene
Impeach Obama groups already appearing on the Internet!
- November 5, 2008 - Barack Obama has not even been sworn in yet as the
44th president of the United States, but groups are already springing up online
calling for his impeachment.
Obama campaign workers angry over unpaid wages!
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana - November 5, 2008 - Lines were long
and tempers flared Wednesday not to vote but to get paid for canvassing for
Barack Obama. Several hundred people are still waiting to get their pay for
last minute campaigning. Police were called to the Obama campaign office on
North Meridian Street downtown to control the crowd.
Black Panther intimidation present at polling places!
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania - November 4, 2008 - Just after 12:00
noon, Fox News reported that two Black Panthers were at one location in
Philadelphia, guarding the doorway to a polling station. One carried a
nightstick and confronted a citizen who had gone into the polling place. That
citizen called police. The citizen reported that police removed the Black
Panther with the nightstick, but the other, who lives in the area, remains near
the door.”
Vote Fraud Files: Election Board members tossed out of polling stations!
Pennsylvania - November 4, 2008 - GOP Election Board members have been
tossed out of polling stations in more than half a dozen polling stations in
Philadelphia because of their party status.
Federal judge rules that more emergency paper ballots be made available to voters!
Pennsylvania - October 29, 2008 - Federal Judge Harvey S. Bartle III ruled
today that emergency paper ballots must be made available when fifty percent or
more voting machines fail at polling locations across Pennsylvania. Judge
Bartle, who is the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania, issued the ruling in favor of plaintiffs who had
argued that voters could be disenfranchised by having to wait hours in line due
to voting machine breakdowns. The plaintiffs presented testimony at an eight-hour
hearing yesterday before Judge Bartle that voters had faced such long lines
caused by voting machine problems during the primary election in Pennsylvania
in April, particularly in low-income minority neighborhoods.
- Musical Parody: "Obama"
- Musical Parody: "Running Mate"
- Impeach Obama groups already appearing on the Internet!
- Obama campaign workers angry over unpaid wages!
- Black Panther intimidation present at polling places!
- Vote Fraud Files: Election Board members tossed out of polling stations!
- Federal judge rules that more emergency paper ballots be made available to voters!
- Voter rolls stuffed with dead and absent registrants!
- Ron Paul could be spoiler in Montana presidential race!
- Effigy of Sarah Palin hanging by a noose creates uproar!
- Republican campaign workers attacked!
- Republican HQ manager's home shot up over McCain signs!
- Obama and DNC admit all allegations of federal court lawsuit - Obama not qualified to be president!
- Vote Fraud: Machine problems plague first day of early voting!
- Vote Fraud: Some early West Virginia voters angry over switched votes!
- Obama is a Muslim who studied in Islamic schools!
- Second lawsuit challenges Obama's citizenship!
- ACORN workers illegally encourage citizens to fill out multiple voter registration cards!
- Ron Paul added to Louisiana presidential ballot!
- Political argument turns violent!
- Fascist Files: Secret Service agents investigate woman for refusing to support Obama!
- 74% of CEOs believe Obama would be disastrous for the nation!
- Thousands of dead people are listed on Connecticut's voter rolls!
- 3 in 5 voters say to throw every congressman out of office!
- DNC tries to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate!
- Nancy Pelosi paid her husband with PAC funds!
- Governor Blunt statement on Obama campaign’s abusive use of Missouri law enforcement!
- Electing a new president from a financial perspective!
- McCain ads pulled pending cancellation of election!
- Sarah Palin will meet with globalist Kissinger and foreign leaders!
- Cancellation of U.S. election now possible!
- Ahmadinejad ready to debate U.S. presidential hopefuls!
- Socialist Biden says paying higher taxes is a patriotic act!
- Obama mocks McCain in Nevada stops!
- Ron Paul delegate exposes totalitarianism at phony Republican National Convention!
- Ron Paul rejects John McCain campaign's plea for endorsement!
- Election observer arrested in Arizona!
- Obama verbal slip fuels critics!
- Convention officials confiscate Ron Paul sign from Massachusetts delegate!
- Ron Paul speaks about freedom to 15,000 real Americans!
- Obama considering bringing criminal charges against Bush gang!
- McCain campaign tries to block Ron Paul from convention floor!
- Protesters and police clash in front of Republican National Convention!
- Federal government involved in raids on protesters!
- Pelosi asks protesters, "Can we drill your brains?"
- No attempted assassination charges for group that supposedly discussed killing Obama!
- Archbishop berates pro-choice Biden!
- Protesters interrupt Pelosi speech!
- As convention begins, no protesters in 'freedom cage'!
- Plot to kill Obama: shoot from high vantage point!
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Alexander Tyler 1
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury."
—Alexander Tyler