Election 2020
Penn. county won't resume counting votes until Friday due to “administrative work”!
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (PNN) - November 5, 2020 - A county in Pennsylvania says it won’t begin counting over 35,000 ballots until Friday due to the need to perform what election officials are calling “administrative work”.
When Will Chamberlain tried to give his legal commentary on the issue, Twitter censored Chamberlain’s tweet.
“They are waiting to see how many mail-in ballots they will need,” he tweeted. “No other good explanation exists. This should be treated as evidence of intent to commit election fraud.”
Workers illegally block windows and bar observers from absentee ballot counting!
DETROIT, Michigan (PNN) - November 4, 2020 - The city of Detroit is using the TCF Center - formerly Cobo Hall - to count all of the alleged absentee ballots in the city.
Republicans and President Donald Trump supporters grew alarmed as Trump was holding a strong lead in the state during early counting Tuesday evening, only for it to evaporate as mailed-in ballots were counted in historically Democrat areas.
Several videos posted on social media show workers attempting to restrict transparency and not allow people outside to observe what was going on inside the counting area.
Wisconsin and Michigan Democrats fraudulently produce late night votes!
100% go to Biden.
DETROIT, Michigan (PNN) - November 4, 2020 - Two critical battleground states necessary for President Donald Trump to win re-election saw irregular and abrupt vote tally jumps for his opponent. These vote tally jumps occurred in the dead of night and after election officials allegedly stopped tabulations for the night.
An analysis of the state and county hourly voting tallies in both Wisconsin and Michigan reveals significant jumps in Democrat candidate Joe Biden’s vote totals. These vote total jumps came in single instance ballot dumps.
Trump assembling all-star legal team to challenge elections in close states!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - November 4, 2020 - With tempers flaring over mysterious overnight ballot dumps and questionable pro-Biden rulings leading up to Tuesday's election, President Donald Trump’s campaign on Wednesday began assembling an all-star legal team to mount challenges in key states, beginning with a Court of Claims lawsuit in Michigan.
The team will include Trump attorneys Jay Sekulow and Rudy Giuliani, along with former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. Michael Flynn attorney Sidney Powell may also be called upon.
Hundreds of Pro-Trump ballots have been recovered in rural Michigan city!
PORT HURON, Michigan (PNN) - November 4, 2020 - A recent tweet by independent journalist Jordan Epperson has gone viral after being retweeted by Donald Trump, Jr. In his tweet, Epperson indicates that it is not just urban communities in Michigan that are problematic in the state with regards to electoral integrity, but rural areas as well.
Big League Politics did research to prove whether or not Epperson’s claim is legitimate. It quickly discovered that Epperson’s tweet is backed up by the facts.
Michigan state representative Shane Hernandez initially discovered that a precinct in the small town of Marysville had a voter turnout that was roughly 35% lower than neighboring precincts.
Poll watcher denied entry in Philadelphia days after State AG says “Trump will lose”!
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (PNN) - November 3, 2020 - A Republican poll watcher in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was denied entry to a polling location despite having a valid poll watcher’s certificate.
In a viral video posted by attorney Will Chamberlain, which gained over 700,000 views in less than two hours, poll watcher Gary Feldman can be seen attempting to enter a polling station, only to be turned away by workers who claim his certificate “isn't valid for this location.”
“Call the police.” says one poll worker, adding, “If you’re legal, call the cops.”
Thousands of ballots in Pennsylvania may be missing!
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (PNN) - October 30, 2020 - Thousands of voters in Butler County, Pennsylvania, said they have never received their ballots...
Nearly 40,000 registered voters in the county requested mail-in ballots, but only about 24% of them have been returned back to the county so far.
“At first we thought that maybe it just was a delay in the postal system” due to the high number of requests, said Leslie Osche, chairman of the Butler County Commissioners. “That could still be the case. But nonetheless, when we realized that, we changed our strategy and now have begun to tell folks that if they haven’t received a ballot, they still have multiple options.”
- DoJ refuses to investigate largest voting machine counting error in state history!
- Senator Josh Hawley will object to Electoral College votes on January 6!
- Was the election fraud a trap set up by Trump?
- Texas stands by claim that a Biden win is statistically impossible!
- Georgia senate committee recommends decertifying electors!
- Donald Trump summons Pennsylvania state lawmakers to White House!
- Navarro report states that election fraud is sufficient to swing victory to Trump!
- Trump alternate electors send votes directly to Congress!
- Representative Mo Brooks will challenge the Electoral College votes!
- Ratcliffe report will blow the mind of every citizen of the country!
- Republican electors from seven states cast votes for Trump!
- Nineteen FPSA states have now joined Texas SCOTUS bid to overturn election!
- Georgia governor calls for signature audit following CCTV footage of ballot fraud!
- Amistad argues that Electoral College deadlines are not set in stone!
- Georgia secretary of state acknowledges ballots were counted in secret!
- Arizona may withhold electoral college votes to Biden due to evidence of fraud!
- Pennsylvania Republicans to introduce resolution disputing election results!
- Pennsylvania judge backs Trump claims over mail-in ballots!
- Petition filed in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots!
- Trump scores two wins as legislature and federal appeals court agree to reviews!
- Governor Kemp calls for audit of signatures on ballot envelopes!
- Cobb County elections department caught shredding absentee ballots!
- Trump legal team exposes massive and well funded effort to destroy Amerika!
- Trump campaign files for recount in two Wisconsin counties!
- The Georgia recount may be as corrupt as the election itself!
- Martin Armstrong says 2020 election most corrupt in Amerikan history!
- Congress officially declares that Joe Biden is not president-elect!
- President Donald Trump outlines path to 2020 victory!
- Kayleigh McEnany says Trump expects to serve second term!
- Georgia announces hand recount as razor thin margins persist!
- Trump campaign files first election fraud lawsuit!
- Trump win validated by quantum blockchain system recount of votes!
- Georgia county discovers issue with ballot reporting!
- Commentary: Election 2020… and the winner is…!
- Donald Trump Jr. urges dad to go to war to expose election cheating and fraud!
- Penn. county won't resume counting votes until Friday due to “administrative work”!
- Workers illegally block windows and bar observers from absentee ballot counting!
- Wisconsin and Michigan Democrats fraudulently produce late night votes!
- Trump assembling all-star legal team to challenge elections in close states!
- Hundreds of Pro-Trump ballots have been recovered in rural Michigan city!
- Poll watcher denied entry in Philadelphia days after State AG says “Trump will lose”!
- Thousands of ballots in Pennsylvania may be missing!
- Biden zombie clip goes viral as Trump Campaign gambles on unconventional ads!
- Trump says if reelected he will cut middle class taxes even further!
- Joe Biden forgets Trump’s name and claims he is running against “George Bush”!
- The Democrat closing argument to Amerika is shut up and obey!
- Biden boosters dox nuns for the sin of attending Trump rally!
- Caravan of Trump supporters invade empty Biden rally!
- Supreme Court rules counties can’t reject ballots when signatures don’t match!
- Biden claims Boilermakers Union endorsed him but they say he blatantly lied!
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Patrick Henry 3
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
— Patrick Henry