Election 2008
Ron Paul scores big!
October 3, 2007 - Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, the outspoken libertarian White House hopeful often dismissed by his rivals and the punditocracy as a fringe candidate, was all smiles Wednesday as he bandied about the first-in-the-nation primary state, New Hampshire.
"It's pretty exciting!" he told ABC News.
Long treated at debates as the cantankerous old uncle you don't want to get started talking about the gold standard, Paul had big news. Announcing a relatively astounding haul - $5.1 million - in the fundraising quarter that ended Sunday, Paul is knocking on the door of the top-tier candidates in the race.
"It's really fascinating," Paul said, seeming as surprised with the news as was much of the rest of the political world. "I think the time is right. People are really frustrated - frustrated with both parties, frustrated with the war."
Paul's campaign announced Wednesday afternoon that the congressman from Texas had raised more than $5 million - twice as much as he raised in the last quarter. Almost every other candidate hit the traditional third-quarter lull in the summer and raised less money.
While Paul's haul is likely less than that of better-known Republicans, such as former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who have not yet reported third-quarter numbers, it's roughly what Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is estimated to have raised, and five times what former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee brought in.
Ron Paul finishes September with a bang!
ARLINGTON, Virginia - October 1, 2007 - The Ron Paul Presidential Campaign concluded the third quarter of 2007 yesterday with two substantial milestones, raising over $1,000,000 on-line in one week and staging a major canvassing effort in the key battleground state of New Hampshire.
Paul campaign officials set an ambitious goal on Monday, September 24th to raise an additional $500,000 on-line in the final week of the third quarter. The effort brought in $200,000 on Tuesday alone and by Wednesday, having met its initial goal, the campaign raised the bar to $1,000,000. On Saturday night, the campaign passed the million dollar mark after just six days, and finished over $1,200,000 on-line in one week.
In addition to fundraising strength, the campaign also demonstrated strong boots-on-ground prowess, holding a rally and canvassing efforts in New Hampshire. On Saturday and Sunday, 29 members of the Paul Family were joined by hundreds of volunteers in a state wide door knocking effort that touched at least 12,000 Granite State households. The effort is believed to be the biggest two-day direct voter contact operation executed by a GOP candidate in New Hampshire this election cycle.
“From Los Angles to Manchester, from Seattle to Miami, our campaign continues to grow by the day,” said campaign manager Lew Moore. “No other candidate has captured the hearts of grassroots Americans like Dr. Paul. We will continue to build on our September success and push toward victory in January.”
Join Ron Paul Friends today in support of the only presidential candidate with pro-American values!
We need to send a message out to all the people supporting Ron Paul and lead them to our www.ronpaulfriendsusa.com website and get them logged in to our program. This can be done by posting "Press Releases" to all Freedom Groups for posting on their websites and email updates as well as spreading the word through Internet Radio stations like Republic Broadcasting, We the People Radio Network, Genesis, and many others.
Live Interviews are available and sought after.
Pass this to all your contacts both individually and through the various groups.
JOIN RON PAUL FRIENDS USA ...The time has come!
The Sole purpose of Ron Paul Friends USA is to ensure without a doubt that Ron Paul will:
- Win the Republican Nomination and
- Win the Presidential Election.
These goals will be accomplished through Ron Paul supporters getting directly involved in the Politics of the election process at the Grassroots level beginning at your local Precincts.
There are three goals to accomplish at the Precinct level:
- 1) Get the people registered to vote.
- 2) Get the majority to vote for Ron Paul.
- 3) Get the majority of Delegates elected that are Ron Paul Supporters.
Accomplishing the above three tasks in every precinct across the country will ensure that Ron Paul will be our next President! Yes you read that right. He WILL BE our next President if these goals are accomplished. Period! End of discussion. We are not about trying to get the word out and "hoping" that he will be elected. We're going to make sure he is elected.
Ron Paul Friends USA was designed to make this happen. We are building this from the bottom up and the top down and anything in between. If you want Ron Paul as your next President then we need you to make a commitment by volunteering at some level to take charge of an area whether it be a precinct leader, area leader, county leader, or just a block walker hanging "door hangers".
Please sign up at: http:www.ronpaulfriendsusa.com
You will need your Precinct # off your voter registration card or search for your precinct under your Secretary of State's office website. Get involved NOW! We only have a few months to get organized in every precinct before the first Primaries/Caucus' start in December.
Jim Palmisano
North Territory Director
Ron Paul Friends USA
RTR Missouri Coordinator
Restore The Republic
4 East Ogden Ave #125
Westmont, Illinois 60559
Republican Jewish Coalition discriminates against candidates; holds skewed candidates’ forum!
September 26, 2007 - The Republican Jewish Coalition did not invite presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) to its candidates' forum.
Sources close to the RJC leadership cited two reasons for not extending an invitation to Paul for the Oct. 16 forum to take place in Washington: There was time only for leading candidates; and Paul's record of consistently voting against assistance to Israel and his criticisms of the pro-Israel lobby.
Paul's supporters say he is opposed to foreign assistance in principle and note that he also has blasted the Saudi lobby for what he believes is its undue influence.
The RJC also did not invite Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) and Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), but only because of their long-shot status.
Candidates attending include former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani; Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney; Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson; Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.); and Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas.) Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was invited, but was unable to attend because of a scheduling conflict.
The National Jewish Democratic Council hosted the full range of its party's candidates at a spring event, including Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), like Paul, a tough critic of Israel. The NJDC event, however, lasted two days, while the RJC's is a single-day event.
Ed. Note: Imagine the temerity of candidate Ron Paul to even suggest that America's priorities come before Israel's! Any organization that rejects truth in favor of political correctness should be forcibly shut down! At the very least, don't believe anything they say or do.
Democratic frontrunners won't commit to troops out of Iraq in first term!
September 26, 2007 - By the time the next president takes office the war in Iraq will be stretching toward its seventh year, but none of the top Democratic contenders to retake the White House would commit to removing all U.S. troops from Iraq in their first terms.
Hillary Clinton, the leading candidate, reiterated her refusal to commit to a complete withdrawal of troops from Iraq by 2013. Her top contenders, Barack Obama and John Edwards, joined her in declining to speculate on hypothetical situations so far in the future.
"I think it's hard to project four years from now," Obama said Wednesday night during a debate at Dartmouth University in New Hampshire.
Obama pledged to "drastically reduce" the U.S. troop presence in Iraq beginning immediately after the oath of office is delivered in January 2009, and although the Illinois senator said he hoped all troops would be gone by the time his first term ended he declined to make any promises.
Clinton said it was the "height of irresponsibility" for President Bush to leave office without ending the war, and she said her goal was to have troops gone within four years, but the New York Senator would not make any firm commitments because "we don't know what we're going to find" when the next president takes office.
Former North Carolina Sen. Edwards said he couldn't "make that commitment" to having all troops gone, although he did accent differences between himself and Clinton, accusing her plan to keep some troops in Iraq for limited combat and anti-terror missions "a continuation of the war."
The party's second tier candidates were much more willing to pledge that all U.S. troops currently in Iraq wouldn't be staying too long if they were elected. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson assured the New Hampshire crowd that he would have all troops out of Iraq by the end of his first year, and Sen. Chris Dodd promised, "I will get that done."
Rep. Dennis Kucinich was so excited about drawing down troops that he promised they would all be home by "April 2007." When the Ohio Democrat realized that such a feat would require first developing time travel, he modified his projections.
"Make that April of 2009," Kucinich said. "I'm ready to be president today."
The longest of the long-shots, former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel, lectured Clinton and the other senators on stage for not exercising enough legislative authority to bring the war to an end. He said the senate should vote "every day" on measures to cut off war funding, predicting such a move would allow a bill to pass within 20 days. The Vietnam-era lawmaker said the senate should continue to vote daily to override an expected presidential veto, which would take another 20 days.
"You say the votes aren't there, you go and get them by the scruff of their neck," said Gravel, who appeared to be haranguing Clinton, who was standing beside him.
Gravel also singled out Clinton for voting in favor of a resolution the Senate passed Wednesday that declares Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group, calling it a "fig leaf to let George Bush go to war with Iran."
"I'm ashamed of you, Hillary, for voting for it," Gravel said.
Candidates mostly demurred when asked about whether Israel would be justified in attacking Iran if they believed Tehran's nuclear ambitions created a threat to national security. The Democrats stressed the need for diplomacy with Iran and Syria, and Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) shot back when asked about Republican Rudy Giuliani's assertion he would "set back" Iran eight to 10 years if it continued to pursue nuclear weapons.
"Rudy Giuliani doesn't know what the heck he's talking about," Biden said. "He's the most uninformed person on foreign policy that's now running for president."
Republican candidate and Libertarian Ron Paul has become an Internet sensation!
September 26, 2007 - MSNBC's David Shuster marveled on Tuesday that anti-war libertarian Rep. Ron Paul "has managed to develop a huge fan base online ... especially among college students" in his bid for the GOP presidential nomination.
There are almost 30,000 Ron Paul videos on YouTube, and Paul has more than 64,000 friends on MySpace. Additionally, many articles about Paul have received unusually high numbers of hits at story-recommending sites like Digg and Reddit.
"I can't explain it," Paul told Shuster. "I'm bewildered but surprised and pleased as anybody else. But all I can say is maybe the message of liberty is very popular with young people."
Paul said that if he had the kind of money the front-runners enjoy, he would use it to promote his message of a non-interventionist foreign policy and personal liberty. "We don't need the USA PATRIOT Act, and we don't need warrantless searches and we don't need secret prisons," Paul stated.
Paul said he would support the Republican nominee in 2008 only "if I can find one that'll take the same position I have on the war, that we ought to end it and come home." When asked what he would do with his growing support if he is not the nominee, he answered, "I guess the question is, what are they going to do with me?"
"They've sort of joined me spontaneously, and I'm delighted, but I would work hard to keep them together and to continue the process," Paul continued. Though he cautioned that he had no interest in a third party candidacy, he emphasized that "this group of people now can be very influential. ... I don't think this is going to be just put away. I don't think we can close these ideas off."
N.Y. Republican club refuses to allow Ron Paul fundraising event!
Ron Paul’s campaign stated on its website that the New York Republican club told the campaign that there wasn’t enough support on its board to allow Ron Paul to host a fund raiser at the club.
Paul’s campaign is looking for another location for the October 12th fund raiser.
The Metropolitan Republican club states on its website that:
”We are a varied and enthusiastic group with the common goal of supporting New York City Republican candidates and ideals. Met Club activities include election campaigns, informational programs, and social events. Anyone who shares our basic goals and beliefs is welcome to become a member of the Metropolitan Republican Club.”
The clubs facilities are privately owned but the cold shoulder does seem to conflict with its stated policies. Paul activists think N.Y. Republicans should allow all of the candidates to be heard.
Paul, a darling of many rank and file Republicans has been occasionally getting a cold shoulder from some Republican organizations, a possible indication of a divide between party leadership and party membership.
Ron Paul’s campaign has centered on ‘repealing the police state’ ‘securing and policing U.S. borders’ ‘a noninterventionist foreign policy’ which includes opposition to the Iraq war and preventing a war with Iran.
The Republican presidential candidate also proposes to abolish federal income taxes and the Federal Reserve. Paul also opposes what he has described as attempts to erase U.S. borders and form a North American Union.
- Musical Parody: "Obama"
- Musical Parody: "Running Mate"
- Impeach Obama groups already appearing on the Internet!
- Obama campaign workers angry over unpaid wages!
- Black Panther intimidation present at polling places!
- Vote Fraud Files: Election Board members tossed out of polling stations!
- Federal judge rules that more emergency paper ballots be made available to voters!
- Voter rolls stuffed with dead and absent registrants!
- Ron Paul could be spoiler in Montana presidential race!
- Effigy of Sarah Palin hanging by a noose creates uproar!
- Republican campaign workers attacked!
- Republican HQ manager's home shot up over McCain signs!
- Obama and DNC admit all allegations of federal court lawsuit - Obama not qualified to be president!
- Vote Fraud: Machine problems plague first day of early voting!
- Vote Fraud: Some early West Virginia voters angry over switched votes!
- Obama is a Muslim who studied in Islamic schools!
- Second lawsuit challenges Obama's citizenship!
- ACORN workers illegally encourage citizens to fill out multiple voter registration cards!
- Ron Paul added to Louisiana presidential ballot!
- Political argument turns violent!
- Fascist Files: Secret Service agents investigate woman for refusing to support Obama!
- 74% of CEOs believe Obama would be disastrous for the nation!
- Thousands of dead people are listed on Connecticut's voter rolls!
- 3 in 5 voters say to throw every congressman out of office!
- DNC tries to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate!
- Nancy Pelosi paid her husband with PAC funds!
- Governor Blunt statement on Obama campaign’s abusive use of Missouri law enforcement!
- Electing a new president from a financial perspective!
- McCain ads pulled pending cancellation of election!
- Sarah Palin will meet with globalist Kissinger and foreign leaders!
- Cancellation of U.S. election now possible!
- Ahmadinejad ready to debate U.S. presidential hopefuls!
- Socialist Biden says paying higher taxes is a patriotic act!
- Obama mocks McCain in Nevada stops!
- Ron Paul delegate exposes totalitarianism at phony Republican National Convention!
- Ron Paul rejects John McCain campaign's plea for endorsement!
- Election observer arrested in Arizona!
- Obama verbal slip fuels critics!
- Convention officials confiscate Ron Paul sign from Massachusetts delegate!
- Ron Paul speaks about freedom to 15,000 real Americans!
- Obama considering bringing criminal charges against Bush gang!
- McCain campaign tries to block Ron Paul from convention floor!
- Protesters and police clash in front of Republican National Convention!
- Federal government involved in raids on protesters!
- Pelosi asks protesters, "Can we drill your brains?"
- No attempted assassination charges for group that supposedly discussed killing Obama!
- Archbishop berates pro-choice Biden!
- Protesters interrupt Pelosi speech!
- As convention begins, no protesters in 'freedom cage'!
- Plot to kill Obama: shoot from high vantage point!
Freedom Bound International
c/o 411 North 6th Street #6020
Emery, South Dakota uSA (57332)
Brent Johnson conducts a weekly conference call, Tuesdays at 8:00 PM EDT.
Phone: 605-313-5405
Access: 888316#
Replay: 605-313-4103
C.A. Beard
"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases that our Founding Fathers used in their struggle for independence."
— C.A. Beard
