Election 2008
Election 2008
By Anthony Wade
January 9, 2008 - The New Hampshire results are in. While Ron Paul finished respectfully in fifth place, as he did in Iowa, it is time to face facts. It was nice that he only had 2000 less votes than the slick financed Giuliani and that he beat him in Iowa and the empty suit Thompson in New Hampshire. It sends a clear point that his message was resonating and that people need to take notice. But it cannot end here. Sure Dr. Paul can move on to the other primaries but the truth is that New Hampshire represented his best opportunity to score a win and the machine pushed him back into fifth place. There was the barring him from the Fox debate, a subversion of democracy. There was the spate of smear tactics used against him, trying to tie him to all sorts of sordid racism which while soundly debunked, still took their toll. It is time for the principled Paul to decide if his party is worth more than his country. It is time for an independent run for the White House. There are several reasons why Dr. Paul should seriously consider this option.
First, the country is ripe for change. The country wants change so desperately and it has become the hot sound bite for this election season with all the candidates jumping on the change bandwagon. The problem is that they misunderstand that THEY are what America is seeking a change from. Having Hillary and Obama speak about change when they are so engrained in the DC politics as usual arena is laughable on its face. They both were on Judicial Watch’s top ten most corrupt list this year. While I like the populist rhetoric from John Edwards, he also does not appear devoid of the machine that drives this country. The gang of five on the GOP side clearly do not represent change as they usually just fight over who can blow the world up quicker. No, there were only two men with a message of true change; Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. Kucinich has already ruled out an independent run, choosing his party loyalties over what he knows is right. In his defense, you cannot make a serious run at the White House as an independent without money and Kucinich simply does not generate the kind of fundraising that Paul does.
Which bring us to reason number two. Dr. Paul should run as an independent because of the fundraising he has been able to accomplish and the nature of that fundraising. He has raised more money than any other GOP candidate without having to take corporate or lobbying money. Simply put, he is not owned. The nature of that money is all a true grassroots effort, indicating that the message is what people are responding to. Can that translate into the dollars needed for a general election? I do not truly know. I do think that once people see the choices as being “worse than Bush” (Giuliani), “Bush Light” (Hillary) and “True Change” (Ron Paul), you might be surprised at the support electorally and financially Paul could generate in that scenario. Plus I believe the dynamic that will play out will be that the other two candidates will have to spend the majority of their money bashing each other while all Paul will have to do is spread his message.
This brings us to reason number three. Dr. Paul should run because his message is right for America at this point in history. I am no true fan of the libertarian view of politics but this country is in bad shape folks and if we do not start turning it around now, it may end up being too late. There are three main planks to the Paul platform that all Americans should be able to rally around. First, he would end all wars immediately and bring home all troops. Furthermore, he would cease the usage of the military as foreign policy. America has had enough of politicians throwing platitudes at the troops, while they send them to their deaths in their next breath. They are starting to see it for what it is; beyond hypocrisy. America has had enough of candidates who run on a humble foreign policy and then as soon as they have any reason, no matter how thin, start wars all over again. As an extra add bonus to this plank, Dr. Paul understands that the branches of government need to be balanced and he will reverse the expansion of the Executive Branch power we have seen under Bush. Are you confident that Rudy or even Hillary will be willing to cede power back to Congress? The second plank in the Dr. Paul platform is the restoration of our civil liberties which have been eroded for the past 20 years. Paul is one of the only congresspersons to not vote for the Patriot Act, and will repeal such corrosive and illegal laws. He will not allow the illegal wiretapping or data mining of American citizens. As an extra bonus to this plank, we will see torture as policy cease to exist. Our reputation across the globe could be restored. Perhaps Hillary would stop torture, but certainly not anyone on the GOP side. Will a President Hillary restore all lost civil liberties? I have my doubts. The third plank in the Ron Paul platform is to pay attention to our currency. The dollar is bobsledding to collapse at this point. You cannot run a 10 trillion dollar deficit and promise universal healthcare. It simply will not happen. You have to pay down the debt first and restore the power of the dollar. If it collapses we will face an economic 9-11 which will overshadow the Great Depression. As an extra bonus in this plank, Paul understands that the federal income tax is illegal. It was ruled illegal by the Supreme Court. He understands that the Federal Reserve is not part of the government and that simply printing money is worthless and is at the heart of the devaluation of our currency. If you think this sounds bizarre, I urge you to see the documentary “Freedom to Fascism” for a better understanding of the federal income tax.
That is essentially what Dr. Paul is running on. This is what he will seek to accomplish in his presidency and he will have plenty of agreement from a democratic congress. When the anti-Paul crowd starts their whining, they will not address these planks because they know this is what America needs and there is little argument over it. Instead, they will complain about other tenets of libertarianism, which Dr. Paul is not running on. Even if he were, he could not get any extreme changes through congress. He would have to move to the center, and he would. They will talk about the wedge issues, such as abortion but that is only a distraction. Dr. Paul is a strict constitutionalist and will never impose his personal beliefs into his policy. They will talk about how he will let corporations run amok (like that is not what is already happening). Yet it is only Dr. Paul that is running against the slide into fascism we are in the middle of. It is only Dr. Paul that does not take corporate donations. The attack is baseless. But you must understand that they need to talk about abortion, fake corporate positions, and racist smears because without them they are forced to talk about the three planks he is actually running on. If they are forced to talk about those three, they lose, period.
Of course the true anti-Paul crowd are actually just part of the machine. They do not want the change America wants because it threatens their power and money. They do not want to end these wars. Heck, John McCain just said he would have gone to war with Iraq without WMD anyway! Some have said if they have to stay there for 100 years, no sweat! How long has Hillary promised again? The rest of the GOP field wants to invade Iran and none of the top Dems can even commit to pulling our troops out of Iraq. The machine behind the anti-Paul movement does not want our civil liberties restored. They like America in a near police state. They created the fake immigration issue and now are using it to generate a National ID Card, something Dr. Paul is vehemently opposed to. Most of the candidates in both parties support some form of this Nazi-like mandatory “papers please” mentality. The machine behind the anti-Paul movement does not want to eliminate the federal reserve of income tax. They do not understand or care about the value of the dollar. They already have made a killing off of the blood of innocents. The entire GOP slate would just continue starting wars and scaring the people into thinking some radicals in a cave will swim the Atlantic and blow us up if we do not first kill 100,000 other people that have nothing to do with it. Never mind that we do not have the money for these wars or that we would probably lose if we invaded Iran. They can be quite brave when it is your sons and daughters blood on the line. On the Dem side you have a game of who can promise more! Universal Pre-K? I will raise you a Universal Healthcare plan! Troops coming home? Nope. Never mind how any of this can be paid for, because it cannot. The truth is that the anti-Paul movement comes from the heart of the machine. It is the core of the two-party system. Remember, the chief responsibility of the two-party system is to ensure that only the two parties remain with total control. That is why they have banded together to push people like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich out. Because their messages threaten the status quo. They threaten the true consolidation of power, which is in both parties. They threaten the true corruption, which is in both parties.
And that brings us to the final reason for Dr. Ron Paul to run as an independent. He is essentially only a republican in name at this point. True, Dr. Paul represents a more traditional form of pure republicanism, but that branch has been severed by the new conservatives. The Neocons have not only hijacked the Republican Party, they have converted it. His views on limited government would prevent him from ever running as a Democrat, which means that he is essentially is an independent already anyway.
I am sorry Dr. Paul but that little (r) next to your name just doesn’t mean what it used to. I understand that you are a loyal person but it is time to face facts. You will not be leaving the Republican Party, they left you. Somewhere deep in your heart you know this already. You are a doctor so you can diagnose. There is a cancer eating away at this country Dr. Paul and you know it. We can speak about the military industrial complex, the slide into fascism, the trilateral commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve, war as policy, civil liberties, and the collapse of the dollar all we want but in the end they are merely symptoms of the cancer. The true cancer eroding this country is the two party system and you know it. It plays one side against the other while raping the country. It pretends to have fundamental differences but creates minutia to distract us while the pillaging continues. They point at each other while stuffing their pockets with the people’s money. They deride each other while lining up next to each other at the trough of corporatism. They exist for the sole purpose of ensuring their continued stranglehold on this country. They talk about change but offer up the same tired old candidates, already bought and owned by the machine. They claim the mantle of change but in the end they are still part of the same cancer. You KNOW this sir. Drop the little (r) Dr. Paul. Your country needs you. Your party has already abandoned you. You say that only a doctor can heal this country. Well, get to work Doctor Paul.
Anthony Wade, a contributing writer to opednews.com, is dedicated to educating the populace to the lies and abuses of the government.READ MORE
It’s time for Ron Paul to run as an Independent!
By Anthony Wade
January 9, 2008 - The New Hampshire results are in. While Ron Paul finished respectfully in fifth place, as he did in Iowa, it is time to face facts. It was nice that he only had 2000 less votes than the slick financed Giuliani and that he beat him in Iowa and the empty suit Thompson in New Hampshire. It sends a clear point that his message was resonating and that people need to take notice. But it cannot end here. Sure Dr. Paul can move on to the other primaries but the truth is that New Hampshire represented his best opportunity to score a win and the machine pushed him back into fifth place. There was the barring him from the Fox debate, a subversion of democracy. There was the spate of smear tactics used against him, trying to tie him to all sorts of sordid racism which while soundly debunked, still took their toll. It is time for the principled Paul to decide if his party is worth more than his country. It is time for an independent run for the White House. There are several reasons why Dr. Paul should seriously consider this option.
First, the country is ripe for change. The country wants change so desperately and it has become the hot sound bite for this election season with all the candidates jumping on the change bandwagon. The problem is that they misunderstand that THEY are what America is seeking a change from. Having Hillary and Obama speak about change when they are so engrained in the DC politics as usual arena is laughable on its face. They both were on Judicial Watch’s top ten most corrupt list this year. While I like the populist rhetoric from John Edwards, he also does not appear devoid of the machine that drives this country. The gang of five on the GOP side clearly do not represent change as they usually just fight over who can blow the world up quicker. No, there were only two men with a message of true change; Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. Kucinich has already ruled out an independent run, choosing his party loyalties over what he knows is right. In his defense, you cannot make a serious run at the White House as an independent without money and Kucinich simply does not generate the kind of fundraising that Paul does.
Which bring us to reason number two. Dr. Paul should run as an independent because of the fundraising he has been able to accomplish and the nature of that fundraising. He has raised more money than any other GOP candidate without having to take corporate or lobbying money. Simply put, he is not owned. The nature of that money is all a true grassroots effort, indicating that the message is what people are responding to. Can that translate into the dollars needed for a general election? I do not truly know. I do think that once people see the choices as being “worse than Bush” (Giuliani), “Bush Light” (Hillary) and “True Change” (Ron Paul), you might be surprised at the support electorally and financially Paul could generate in that scenario. Plus I believe the dynamic that will play out will be that the other two candidates will have to spend the majority of their money bashing each other while all Paul will have to do is spread his message.
This brings us to reason number three. Dr. Paul should run because his message is right for America at this point in history. I am no true fan of the libertarian view of politics but this country is in bad shape folks and if we do not start turning it around now, it may end up being too late. There are three main planks to the Paul platform that all Americans should be able to rally around. First, he would end all wars immediately and bring home all troops. Furthermore, he would cease the usage of the military as foreign policy. America has had enough of politicians throwing platitudes at the troops, while they send them to their deaths in their next breath. They are starting to see it for what it is; beyond hypocrisy. America has had enough of candidates who run on a humble foreign policy and then as soon as they have any reason, no matter how thin, start wars all over again. As an extra add bonus to this plank, Dr. Paul understands that the branches of government need to be balanced and he will reverse the expansion of the Executive Branch power we have seen under Bush. Are you confident that Rudy or even Hillary will be willing to cede power back to Congress? The second plank in the Dr. Paul platform is the restoration of our civil liberties which have been eroded for the past 20 years. Paul is one of the only congresspersons to not vote for the Patriot Act, and will repeal such corrosive and illegal laws. He will not allow the illegal wiretapping or data mining of American citizens. As an extra bonus to this plank, we will see torture as policy cease to exist. Our reputation across the globe could be restored. Perhaps Hillary would stop torture, but certainly not anyone on the GOP side. Will a President Hillary restore all lost civil liberties? I have my doubts. The third plank in the Ron Paul platform is to pay attention to our currency. The dollar is bobsledding to collapse at this point. You cannot run a 10 trillion dollar deficit and promise universal healthcare. It simply will not happen. You have to pay down the debt first and restore the power of the dollar. If it collapses we will face an economic 9-11 which will overshadow the Great Depression. As an extra bonus in this plank, Paul understands that the federal income tax is illegal. It was ruled illegal by the Supreme Court. He understands that the Federal Reserve is not part of the government and that simply printing money is worthless and is at the heart of the devaluation of our currency. If you think this sounds bizarre, I urge you to see the documentary “Freedom to Fascism” for a better understanding of the federal income tax.
That is essentially what Dr. Paul is running on. This is what he will seek to accomplish in his presidency and he will have plenty of agreement from a democratic congress. When the anti-Paul crowd starts their whining, they will not address these planks because they know this is what America needs and there is little argument over it. Instead, they will complain about other tenets of libertarianism, which Dr. Paul is not running on. Even if he were, he could not get any extreme changes through congress. He would have to move to the center, and he would. They will talk about the wedge issues, such as abortion but that is only a distraction. Dr. Paul is a strict constitutionalist and will never impose his personal beliefs into his policy. They will talk about how he will let corporations run amok (like that is not what is already happening). Yet it is only Dr. Paul that is running against the slide into fascism we are in the middle of. It is only Dr. Paul that does not take corporate donations. The attack is baseless. But you must understand that they need to talk about abortion, fake corporate positions, and racist smears because without them they are forced to talk about the three planks he is actually running on. If they are forced to talk about those three, they lose, period.
Of course the true anti-Paul crowd are actually just part of the machine. They do not want the change America wants because it threatens their power and money. They do not want to end these wars. Heck, John McCain just said he would have gone to war with Iraq without WMD anyway! Some have said if they have to stay there for 100 years, no sweat! How long has Hillary promised again? The rest of the GOP field wants to invade Iran and none of the top Dems can even commit to pulling our troops out of Iraq. The machine behind the anti-Paul movement does not want our civil liberties restored. They like America in a near police state. They created the fake immigration issue and now are using it to generate a National ID Card, something Dr. Paul is vehemently opposed to. Most of the candidates in both parties support some form of this Nazi-like mandatory “papers please” mentality. The machine behind the anti-Paul movement does not want to eliminate the federal reserve of income tax. They do not understand or care about the value of the dollar. They already have made a killing off of the blood of innocents. The entire GOP slate would just continue starting wars and scaring the people into thinking some radicals in a cave will swim the Atlantic and blow us up if we do not first kill 100,000 other people that have nothing to do with it. Never mind that we do not have the money for these wars or that we would probably lose if we invaded Iran. They can be quite brave when it is your sons and daughters blood on the line. On the Dem side you have a game of who can promise more! Universal Pre-K? I will raise you a Universal Healthcare plan! Troops coming home? Nope. Never mind how any of this can be paid for, because it cannot. The truth is that the anti-Paul movement comes from the heart of the machine. It is the core of the two-party system. Remember, the chief responsibility of the two-party system is to ensure that only the two parties remain with total control. That is why they have banded together to push people like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich out. Because their messages threaten the status quo. They threaten the true consolidation of power, which is in both parties. They threaten the true corruption, which is in both parties.
And that brings us to the final reason for Dr. Ron Paul to run as an independent. He is essentially only a republican in name at this point. True, Dr. Paul represents a more traditional form of pure republicanism, but that branch has been severed by the new conservatives. The Neocons have not only hijacked the Republican Party, they have converted it. His views on limited government would prevent him from ever running as a Democrat, which means that he is essentially is an independent already anyway.
I am sorry Dr. Paul but that little (r) next to your name just doesn’t mean what it used to. I understand that you are a loyal person but it is time to face facts. You will not be leaving the Republican Party, they left you. Somewhere deep in your heart you know this already. You are a doctor so you can diagnose. There is a cancer eating away at this country Dr. Paul and you know it. We can speak about the military industrial complex, the slide into fascism, the trilateral commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve, war as policy, civil liberties, and the collapse of the dollar all we want but in the end they are merely symptoms of the cancer. The true cancer eroding this country is the two party system and you know it. It plays one side against the other while raping the country. It pretends to have fundamental differences but creates minutia to distract us while the pillaging continues. They point at each other while stuffing their pockets with the people’s money. They deride each other while lining up next to each other at the trough of corporatism. They exist for the sole purpose of ensuring their continued stranglehold on this country. They talk about change but offer up the same tired old candidates, already bought and owned by the machine. They claim the mantle of change but in the end they are still part of the same cancer. You KNOW this sir. Drop the little (r) Dr. Paul. Your country needs you. Your party has already abandoned you. You say that only a doctor can heal this country. Well, get to work Doctor Paul.
Anthony Wade, a contributing writer to opednews.com, is dedicated to educating the populace to the lies and abuses of the government.
Election 2008
Cast your vote for President of the United States!
Now you can cast your vote for the President of the United States from anywhere in the world! You can also see how people all over the world are voting! Click here to vote. Only one vote permitted per IP address.
READ MOREElection 2008
MANCHESTER, New Hampshire - January 7, 20-08 - Shut out of a GOP presidential candidate forum sponsored by Fox News, Ron Paul staged his own televised town hall meeting today in which he fielded questions from undecided voters two days before the key primary election here.
The Lake Jackson Republican congressman faced a range of questions from the audience of about 100 people in the public access television station several miles from where four other presidential contenders were to later participate in the Fox debate.
Paul responded to one participant who asked why he should choose the libertarian-leaning Texan over more mainstream GOP contenders such as Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee, saying he had been more consistent in his views than his rivals.
"They are seen as flip-floppers," Paul said. "People look at my record and say he's a stick-to-his guns guy."
One voter noted that Paul was running hard-hitting ads that pledged a crackdown on illegal immigration. He suggested that the campaign promise would entail a beefed up federal bureaucracy and would be inconsistent with Paul's philosophy of reduced government.
Paul said his plan would not mean more federal employees, but rather would bring home border guards now serving in Iraq.
Asked about his views on the Arab Israeli conflict, Paul suggested that he had been unfairly portrayed as anti-Semitic because he opposed U.S. aid to Israel. The congressman said he would also block foreign aid to Arab countries, which would be to Israel's benefit.
The one-hour forum was choreographed to portray Paul in a positive light. He was introduced and questioned by his campaign chairman, Kent Snyder.
On the side of the studio sat his supporters, who clapped enthusiastically after each of his answers.
At times Paul took a professorial approach, lecturing the crowd on the history of monetary policy and his view that abandoning the gold standard was a critical mistake.
The decision by Fox to limit participation in the forum infuriated Paul supporters and even drew the ire of the New Hampshire Republican Party, which withdrew its sponsorship of the event.
Fox had invited Republican candidates Rudolph Giuliani, John McCain, Romney, Huckabee and Fred Thompson to the forum, but excluded Paul as well as California congressman Duncan Hunter.
Paul protested, arguing that he raised $20 million in the last quarter of 2007, almost the same amount as Hillary Clinton. Furthermore, a Research 2000 poll published in the Concord Monitor released Sunday showed Paul garnering 7 percent of the vote, besting Thompson and only 1 point behind Giuliani in the state.
Throughout the day Paul was accompanied by Barry Goldwater, Jr., the son of the late Arizona GOP senator who unsuccessfully ran for president in 1964.READ MORE
Snubbed by unfair and unbalanced Fox News, Ron Paul holds his own New Hampshire forum!
MANCHESTER, New Hampshire - January 7, 20-08 - Shut out of a GOP presidential candidate forum sponsored by Fox News, Ron Paul staged his own televised town hall meeting today in which he fielded questions from undecided voters two days before the key primary election here.
The Lake Jackson Republican congressman faced a range of questions from the audience of about 100 people in the public access television station several miles from where four other presidential contenders were to later participate in the Fox debate.
Paul responded to one participant who asked why he should choose the libertarian-leaning Texan over more mainstream GOP contenders such as Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee, saying he had been more consistent in his views than his rivals.
"They are seen as flip-floppers," Paul said. "People look at my record and say he's a stick-to-his guns guy."
One voter noted that Paul was running hard-hitting ads that pledged a crackdown on illegal immigration. He suggested that the campaign promise would entail a beefed up federal bureaucracy and would be inconsistent with Paul's philosophy of reduced government.
Paul said his plan would not mean more federal employees, but rather would bring home border guards now serving in Iraq.
Asked about his views on the Arab Israeli conflict, Paul suggested that he had been unfairly portrayed as anti-Semitic because he opposed U.S. aid to Israel. The congressman said he would also block foreign aid to Arab countries, which would be to Israel's benefit.
The one-hour forum was choreographed to portray Paul in a positive light. He was introduced and questioned by his campaign chairman, Kent Snyder.
On the side of the studio sat his supporters, who clapped enthusiastically after each of his answers.
At times Paul took a professorial approach, lecturing the crowd on the history of monetary policy and his view that abandoning the gold standard was a critical mistake.
The decision by Fox to limit participation in the forum infuriated Paul supporters and even drew the ire of the New Hampshire Republican Party, which withdrew its sponsorship of the event.
Fox had invited Republican candidates Rudolph Giuliani, John McCain, Romney, Huckabee and Fred Thompson to the forum, but excluded Paul as well as California congressman Duncan Hunter.
Paul protested, arguing that he raised $20 million in the last quarter of 2007, almost the same amount as Hillary Clinton. Furthermore, a Research 2000 poll published in the Concord Monitor released Sunday showed Paul garnering 7 percent of the vote, besting Thompson and only 1 point behind Giuliani in the state.
Throughout the day Paul was accompanied by Barry Goldwater, Jr., the son of the late Arizona GOP senator who unsuccessfully ran for president in 1964.
Election 2008
ARLINGTON, Virginia - January 5, 2008 - The Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign praises the New Hampshire Republican Party’s decision to pull its sponsorship of the Fox News forum in protest of Fox’s decision to exclude Congressman Ron Paul.
“The New Hampshire Republican Party did the right thing by pulling its sponsorship for Fox’s candidate forum,” said Ron Paul 2008 spokesman Jesse Benton. “Fox News’ decision to exclude Congressman Paul is unfair, but it won’t stop Dr. Paul’s message of freedom, peace and prosperity from resonating with the people of New Hampshire.”
Today, New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Fergus Cullen released the following statement regarding Sunday’s Republican forum on FOX:
“The first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary serves a national purpose by giving all candidates an equal opportunity on a level playing field. Only in New Hampshire do lesser known, lesser funded underdogs have a fighting chance to establish themselves as national figures. Consistent with that tradition, we believe all recognized major candidates should have an equal opportunity to participate in pre-primary debates and forums.
“This principle applies to tonight’s debates on ABC as well as Sunday’s planned forum on FOX. The New Hampshire Republican Party believes Congressmen Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter should be included in the FOX forum on Sunday evening. Our mutual efforts to resolve this difference have failed.”
“While we understand that FOX News continues to move forward it is with regret, the New Hampshire Republican Party hereby withdraws as a partner in this forum.”READ MORE
New Hampshire GOP pulls out of unfair and unbalanced Fox News forum!
ARLINGTON, Virginia - January 5, 2008 - The Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign praises the New Hampshire Republican Party’s decision to pull its sponsorship of the Fox News forum in protest of Fox’s decision to exclude Congressman Ron Paul.
“The New Hampshire Republican Party did the right thing by pulling its sponsorship for Fox’s candidate forum,” said Ron Paul 2008 spokesman Jesse Benton. “Fox News’ decision to exclude Congressman Paul is unfair, but it won’t stop Dr. Paul’s message of freedom, peace and prosperity from resonating with the people of New Hampshire.”
Today, New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Fergus Cullen released the following statement regarding Sunday’s Republican forum on FOX:
“The first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary serves a national purpose by giving all candidates an equal opportunity on a level playing field. Only in New Hampshire do lesser known, lesser funded underdogs have a fighting chance to establish themselves as national figures. Consistent with that tradition, we believe all recognized major candidates should have an equal opportunity to participate in pre-primary debates and forums.
“This principle applies to tonight’s debates on ABC as well as Sunday’s planned forum on FOX. The New Hampshire Republican Party believes Congressmen Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter should be included in the FOX forum on Sunday evening. Our mutual efforts to resolve this difference have failed.”
“While we understand that FOX News continues to move forward it is with regret, the New Hampshire Republican Party hereby withdraws as a partner in this forum.”
Election 2008
by Alan Stang
December 31, 2007 - I am still recovering from the response to my piece about the possible assassination of Dr. Ron Paul. In more than forty years of struggle in the battle for America, I have never seen anything like it. Days after publication, I am still trying to answer the email. It is coming from everywhere, in a swelling wave, and I literally mean everywhere, around the world. There are messages from across this country, of course, but also from Canada, from Sweden, from the Philippines, Australia and elsewhere.
It is as if, blundering in the darkness, I accidentally pushed an unseen button, or uncorked an old bottle, or opened a long unused door, and that unknowing, unintended action has unleashed a dormant, primeval force, waiting to be summoned. From uncountable throats a roaring erupts. Something awesome awakens and arises, the dimensions of which we see dimly because they are so vast, something "in the air."
Excerpts from some of these messages could be helpful. First, they prove that what I told you is true. Some of them are scary. Second, they inspire; they prove that, as Dr. No says, freedom is contagious. People everywhere want it. Third, reading them will convince you that you are not alone and you are not crazy.
College campuses, for instance, are aflame. We knew something was afoot when Dr. Paul discusses economics, the "dismal science," the most boring subject, and students erupt in ecstasy. Consider that most of these comments do not come from some "fringe." They come from the heart of the heartland, from what network degenerates contemptuously dismiss as "flyover country." Here they are:
1. I am 66, honorably discharged, and I concur with your assessment of what would happen if we move to assassination politics at this time. Dr. Paul has awakened the American Spirit of Liberty in all age groups across the nation. Many people would start voting with the little red dot. That is the one reason for the move in congress to remove the right for returning soldiers and marines to own weapons using battle fatigue as their lever. Thanks to the Internet these men and women now know that it is their own government who poisoned them through the use of depleted DU munitions in Iraq and in Afghanistan and in Bosnia. Thanks to the Internet they now know our president lied about the reasons for Gulf War 2 like his father lied in Gulf War 1.
I believe all the politicians and their handlers have reason to fear the little red dot in the hands of a man or woman who has been terminally infected with DU. This is one reason so many senior congress critters have and are resigning. They fear being held accountable by angry, hungry, unemployed black and white Americans who want our borders closed, and the illegals removed.
2. Ron Paul wins even if he loses. Yes Ron Paul wins. Remember the movie Braveheart. It was the Spirit of liberty that moved Wallace to act. It is the same Spirit that has entered into the passion of the Ron Paul movement. It is the same Spirit that will guide America through the coming economic crash and 3rd war on our soil.
3. This is an entirely different ball game! This time, we have THEIR number! Also, there are many thousands of very disenchanted young, badly injured servicemen, who realize who set them up for patsies in an extravagant blood-for-money racket! I sure would not like to be in any Bloody-Bilderberger's shoes if anything happens to candidate Ron Paul! They got away with far too much with their fixed courts.
They trained thousands of now-enlightened soldiers how to "take-out" an enemy and now are finding the "real enemies" were playing bloody-chess, with their lives! The Bilderberger outfit should get wise and cash in their bloody hand, take their crooked earnings before they meet real fighters!
4. This next comment comes to us from Jim Schwiesow, a fellow commentator at newswithviews.com. Jim served in law enforcement for forty six years, including three years in the U.S. Army military police, fifteen years as an Iowa city cop and twenty-eight years as the elected sheriff of Sioux County, Iowa.
Dear Alan,
I just read your latest article in re: The threat to Dr. Paul. I am county co-chair for Dr. Paul's campaign and a member of his Iowa Steering Committee. Last week he arrived in our county for an engagement at one of our colleges. I was scheduled to make remarks prior to his program, and when I arrived I was totally shocked at the lack of security. He could have been assassinated with ease and the assassins would have gotten away. He had only one security man with his entourage, ONE! I spoke to this man and asked about the security. He explained that he was it and that they did not have a security staff other than him. He stated that they depended upon the local police in the various communities to help provide security. At this event there was one local police officer present. This is serious and I cannot understand the lack of concern for Dr. Paul's safety. I am going to stress vigorously the need for adequate protection. His candidacy is rapidly gaining ground and the establishment elite are getting panicky; they will soon be at a point where they will do anything to stop him from gaining the presidency and that includes killing him. Thanks for the article pointing up the seriousness of this situation. If something happens to Dr. Paul there are going to be a lot of sorry S.O.B.s in this country.
5. We, the "Legion," have worried about this possibility from the beginning of Dr No's candidacy. For this reason we are ready to ramp up production of a high tech Guillotine if the need should ever arise. Sniff the air, there is a new scent wafting about from the Proletariat. Politicians can't seem to smell it. Neither can Bankers.
6. Congratulations on your excellent letter, which I received through NewsWithViews.com, here in Australia, regarding Dr. Ron Paul, and the risk of his possible assassination. Very good, and one which we have been concerned about now for some time. We pray for his safety, and his success. America needs him, as there does not appear to be anyone else. As far as the enemy is concerned, it is our firm belief that they need to be removed from the top. I mean the very top. By that we mean the very, very, top, top. Do we make ourselves clear?
Does anyone know what these good folks Down Under, and therefore outside the jurisdiction of the U.S. Secret Service, are talking about? The "very top?" I'm confused. There could be some error in translation. Remember, they are Australians. G'dye, Myte!
7. It needed to be said and you used the perfect choice of words to say it. You are so right. If they do a hit on Ron Paul we will take apart the elite's power structure like a massive school of Piranha attacks a bird that falls into the water. It will be fast, furious, and there will be no place to hide.
Your indirect threats to the power structure were pure genius. Somebody needs to stand up to these a--holes and tell them that although they may have the financial backing, and security, nothing will stop the idea and message. It will look like a scene from a Frankenstein movie.
8. I am a Vietnam vet, out of shape, overweight, and at 62 physically incapable of running five feet without a great deal of pain, own no firearms, BUT have the ability to cause more serious damage to the new world order than what you suggest in your article. These people have no clue what is in store for them should anything happen to Ron Paul. I don't advocate any degree of violence because it would only fuel the rapidity of their martial law scenario. I will use my knowledge and abilities to do whatever it takes. How ever long it takes. With whatever effort it takes. Spend whatever money is required to get this country back. I pray for people like you and their talent to keep Ron Paul safe. Sometimes it is safer being in the open then behind closed doors.
9. I too have spoken to both serving and retired military personnel and while they have used different words, they all tell me the same thing. If Ron Paul dies, the gloves come off.
10. Thank you, Mr. Stang, for a wonderful Christmas present. You have the courage to put into words what I have been feeling all along. I have set up Ron Paul booths at gun shows and I have talked at length with the attendees. There is a large group of militia men in this country simmering under the radar. As the foreclosures rise and unemployment gets worse, their recruitment figures will skyrocket. The first gun show I ever went to, I was amazed, the line to get in was 5 abreast and 1/4 mile long. Wow! They try to stop the purchases of assault rifles and handguns by registration and waiting periods. Only fools register guns and cash is king.
We can replace Dr. Paul in an instant; it's not the man, it's the message. His son, Rand, can step into his shoes without missing a step. I would prefer a younger leader, perhaps with a bigger, ruthless streak. I would prefer that we prosecute the criminals that stole our country and murdered millions.
Maybe, our answer to them should be what the African-Americans did to get their attention, a Million Man March. We should make a slight change, and do a Million Gun March. The only problem would be to limit it to a million because I, for one, would probably carry about 5. These guns would be loaded, although the chamber should be empty. Any resistance to the march will be met with overwhelming force kind of like holding back a tsunami. The NRA Lobby building could be our target similar to the Bastille in the French Revolution. We would get their attention. Thanks again and Merry Christmas.
11. I just saw Bill Crystal on Fox and he called Dr. Paul a crank and every other anti-American thing he could think of. It was the most vicious attack I ever heard on TV against anyone. You are right; the "Chain of Command for Treason" is really scared.
12. Sir: I always enjoy your writings, but this one is beyond anything I have read in a long, long time. I certainly hope our "elites" and their useful idiots read this and attempt to comprehend it. If they kill Dr. Paul, or if he has a "heart attack," or a fatal accident, they will open up a can of whup-axx that they cannot imagine in their wildest nightmares. There are not enough traitors in Blackwood or whatever-the-hell these mercenaries call themselves to save even one of these elitists. Like you said, we know who they are, who their family members are, and where they live. All the money in the world will not be able to save them. The Six-Pack-of-S--t that they will open will begin with .50, yes. But it will also begin with .45, .40 and .223. Is Dr. Paul our last hope? I along with Millions of others fervently believe so. There are 80 or so MILLION Americans that are armed, and I'll bet that 50% support Dr. Paul. I don't normally use language like this, but I did this time to simply underscore my feelings about this. Keep up the great work and pray for the continued health of our man. Regards
13. YOU'D BETTER BELIEVE THEY'D HAVE A PROBLEM ON THEIR HANDS. There's a lot of fat assed really old men who can still hit a man sized target at 400 yards with iron sights with a .308 or .30-06 - add another 200 or so with a scope. And plenty of them can do head shots at 400 with their 7mm and .30 magnums. How much armor do these elitists think they can put around themselves, particularly when a .50, for example, gets lobbed in at close to a 40 degree angle at 1500 - 2000 yards, right over the heads of their "guards" and related personnel! Yassir, I think they just might have a serious shooting revolution on their hands! Particularly since an awful lot of those old farts will be dead of natural causes before the gov't can get them executed!
14. I personally, would be very, very, very angry if something "happens" to this particular American. The "elite" might be better off to put up with his presidency for four years ... rather than initiate a WORLD-WIDE "Turner's Diaries" situation. As you and I (and many others) know, there are too many people with hatred that, even now, simmers just barely beneath the surface for the various world governments to contain them in any fashion. Thanks for your "black flag" warning.
15. I think it is too late. . . . The B-52 incident at Barksdale proved that the powers that be are too few to push our military or intelligence services. . . . Honestly, if the average human could blame all of their misery on one group of rich, old, ugly white men there wouldn't be enough Blackwaters to help. I know these men are scared, but, I think they missed their chance. I don't think turning Dr. Paul into a martyr is on their agenda.
There are literally 10's of millions of people in the United States who would unify in the event of an attempt on the doc. Millions of Americans already know that any problem with the doc can be instantly traced to the bad guys. This will increase the amount of scrutiny on the bad guys by a factor of 100 . . . not a good thing for the bad guys.
This would be the end of the handful of crazies who sit on top of the world. These men are driven by fear. Every decision they make is trying to make the illusion of control real. . . . The tipping point has been reached. Dr. Paul was merely the focal point. Millions are unified now and the bad guys will have to work out plan B and pray.
One thing researchers of the NWO never include in their Orwellian treatise. The NWO is about 2 or 3 thousand men and 10 or 20 thousand paid lackeys. This group is badly outnumbered, Mr. Stang. The cause for martial law was lost this summer thank God and it is getting "loster" every moment. Since March at least 1 to 2 million Americans have learned the nature of the political system from the internet. The genius Bilderbergers missed that one didn't they? They need malinformed apathetic people to ignore the man behind the curtain. Millions of bloodthirsty, well informed, authority hating Americans backed by 60,000,000 constitution toting gun owners are communicating with each other every second. Spreading the truth, candidate or not. If they hurt Dr. Paul it will be the end of them. It will unify the already unified and reinforce them by a factor of ten. They are better off letting him win and trying to stop him when he is in office. They need all of us to calm down so they can get back to pulling the strings. No, Mr. Stang, the bad guys had their chance. They guessed wrong. They really had no idea that people would fight to the death for freedom and there are too many fighters for them to win this war.
16. I have friends who are sleeping in tents and their cars, leasing a blimp, etc. because RON MUST WIN or else the republic is an idea whose time has come and gone. I was moved by your article and hope all my friends in DC, NH, and SC read this. I advocate Dr. Paul pick his VP now and his VP pick his VP ahead of time should that be necessary. The only difference between u.s. and a banana republic is that we don't export bananas only arms and war.
17. Very well written, very well put, and so very true. There are "bubbas" in Arkansas that can drop a ten point buck at a half mile with a .22 magnum, so a shot like that with a .300 mag or a .308 would be a piece of cake at three quarters of a mile to a mile. The death of Dr. Paul would open up hunting season.
18. Bravo on your latest Ron Paul article. Hopefully they would not dare go through with killing Dr. Paul. Your article is spot on as to what would happen if they tried. Most people, however, do not get it. Dr. Paul is not the revolution - freedom is! This movement is bigger than Dr. Paul. It has awakened something in all of us that has been sleeping for far too long. Dr. Paul is just the face of it - not the heart of it. They can kill him but they will only make a martyr out of him and help the movement grow even larger. They should be scared. Their days are numbered. Liberty or death! That concludes the excerpts. Remember that the Dr. No movement is unlike anything else in our history. It consists of every kind of American, every race, religion, age and financial status, civilian and military, both sexes, etc. Did I leave someone out? They are buying out the gun shows to the walls. How likely is it that they will turn everything in like good little boys and girls when the government calls? Well, how likely is it that el presidente Jorge W. Boosh will convert to Christianity?
(c) 2007 - Alan Stang - All Rights ReservedREAD MORE
If Ron Paul is assassinated...
by Alan Stang
December 31, 2007 - I am still recovering from the response to my piece about the possible assassination of Dr. Ron Paul. In more than forty years of struggle in the battle for America, I have never seen anything like it. Days after publication, I am still trying to answer the email. It is coming from everywhere, in a swelling wave, and I literally mean everywhere, around the world. There are messages from across this country, of course, but also from Canada, from Sweden, from the Philippines, Australia and elsewhere.
It is as if, blundering in the darkness, I accidentally pushed an unseen button, or uncorked an old bottle, or opened a long unused door, and that unknowing, unintended action has unleashed a dormant, primeval force, waiting to be summoned. From uncountable throats a roaring erupts. Something awesome awakens and arises, the dimensions of which we see dimly because they are so vast, something "in the air."
Excerpts from some of these messages could be helpful. First, they prove that what I told you is true. Some of them are scary. Second, they inspire; they prove that, as Dr. No says, freedom is contagious. People everywhere want it. Third, reading them will convince you that you are not alone and you are not crazy.
College campuses, for instance, are aflame. We knew something was afoot when Dr. Paul discusses economics, the "dismal science," the most boring subject, and students erupt in ecstasy. Consider that most of these comments do not come from some "fringe." They come from the heart of the heartland, from what network degenerates contemptuously dismiss as "flyover country." Here they are:
1. I am 66, honorably discharged, and I concur with your assessment of what would happen if we move to assassination politics at this time. Dr. Paul has awakened the American Spirit of Liberty in all age groups across the nation. Many people would start voting with the little red dot. That is the one reason for the move in congress to remove the right for returning soldiers and marines to own weapons using battle fatigue as their lever. Thanks to the Internet these men and women now know that it is their own government who poisoned them through the use of depleted DU munitions in Iraq and in Afghanistan and in Bosnia. Thanks to the Internet they now know our president lied about the reasons for Gulf War 2 like his father lied in Gulf War 1.
I believe all the politicians and their handlers have reason to fear the little red dot in the hands of a man or woman who has been terminally infected with DU. This is one reason so many senior congress critters have and are resigning. They fear being held accountable by angry, hungry, unemployed black and white Americans who want our borders closed, and the illegals removed.
2. Ron Paul wins even if he loses. Yes Ron Paul wins. Remember the movie Braveheart. It was the Spirit of liberty that moved Wallace to act. It is the same Spirit that has entered into the passion of the Ron Paul movement. It is the same Spirit that will guide America through the coming economic crash and 3rd war on our soil.
3. This is an entirely different ball game! This time, we have THEIR number! Also, there are many thousands of very disenchanted young, badly injured servicemen, who realize who set them up for patsies in an extravagant blood-for-money racket! I sure would not like to be in any Bloody-Bilderberger's shoes if anything happens to candidate Ron Paul! They got away with far too much with their fixed courts.
They trained thousands of now-enlightened soldiers how to "take-out" an enemy and now are finding the "real enemies" were playing bloody-chess, with their lives! The Bilderberger outfit should get wise and cash in their bloody hand, take their crooked earnings before they meet real fighters!
4. This next comment comes to us from Jim Schwiesow, a fellow commentator at newswithviews.com. Jim served in law enforcement for forty six years, including three years in the U.S. Army military police, fifteen years as an Iowa city cop and twenty-eight years as the elected sheriff of Sioux County, Iowa.
Dear Alan,
I just read your latest article in re: The threat to Dr. Paul. I am county co-chair for Dr. Paul's campaign and a member of his Iowa Steering Committee. Last week he arrived in our county for an engagement at one of our colleges. I was scheduled to make remarks prior to his program, and when I arrived I was totally shocked at the lack of security. He could have been assassinated with ease and the assassins would have gotten away. He had only one security man with his entourage, ONE! I spoke to this man and asked about the security. He explained that he was it and that they did not have a security staff other than him. He stated that they depended upon the local police in the various communities to help provide security. At this event there was one local police officer present. This is serious and I cannot understand the lack of concern for Dr. Paul's safety. I am going to stress vigorously the need for adequate protection. His candidacy is rapidly gaining ground and the establishment elite are getting panicky; they will soon be at a point where they will do anything to stop him from gaining the presidency and that includes killing him. Thanks for the article pointing up the seriousness of this situation. If something happens to Dr. Paul there are going to be a lot of sorry S.O.B.s in this country.
5. We, the "Legion," have worried about this possibility from the beginning of Dr No's candidacy. For this reason we are ready to ramp up production of a high tech Guillotine if the need should ever arise. Sniff the air, there is a new scent wafting about from the Proletariat. Politicians can't seem to smell it. Neither can Bankers.
6. Congratulations on your excellent letter, which I received through NewsWithViews.com, here in Australia, regarding Dr. Ron Paul, and the risk of his possible assassination. Very good, and one which we have been concerned about now for some time. We pray for his safety, and his success. America needs him, as there does not appear to be anyone else. As far as the enemy is concerned, it is our firm belief that they need to be removed from the top. I mean the very top. By that we mean the very, very, top, top. Do we make ourselves clear?
Does anyone know what these good folks Down Under, and therefore outside the jurisdiction of the U.S. Secret Service, are talking about? The "very top?" I'm confused. There could be some error in translation. Remember, they are Australians. G'dye, Myte!
7. It needed to be said and you used the perfect choice of words to say it. You are so right. If they do a hit on Ron Paul we will take apart the elite's power structure like a massive school of Piranha attacks a bird that falls into the water. It will be fast, furious, and there will be no place to hide.
Your indirect threats to the power structure were pure genius. Somebody needs to stand up to these a--holes and tell them that although they may have the financial backing, and security, nothing will stop the idea and message. It will look like a scene from a Frankenstein movie.
8. I am a Vietnam vet, out of shape, overweight, and at 62 physically incapable of running five feet without a great deal of pain, own no firearms, BUT have the ability to cause more serious damage to the new world order than what you suggest in your article. These people have no clue what is in store for them should anything happen to Ron Paul. I don't advocate any degree of violence because it would only fuel the rapidity of their martial law scenario. I will use my knowledge and abilities to do whatever it takes. How ever long it takes. With whatever effort it takes. Spend whatever money is required to get this country back. I pray for people like you and their talent to keep Ron Paul safe. Sometimes it is safer being in the open then behind closed doors.
9. I too have spoken to both serving and retired military personnel and while they have used different words, they all tell me the same thing. If Ron Paul dies, the gloves come off.
10. Thank you, Mr. Stang, for a wonderful Christmas present. You have the courage to put into words what I have been feeling all along. I have set up Ron Paul booths at gun shows and I have talked at length with the attendees. There is a large group of militia men in this country simmering under the radar. As the foreclosures rise and unemployment gets worse, their recruitment figures will skyrocket. The first gun show I ever went to, I was amazed, the line to get in was 5 abreast and 1/4 mile long. Wow! They try to stop the purchases of assault rifles and handguns by registration and waiting periods. Only fools register guns and cash is king.
We can replace Dr. Paul in an instant; it's not the man, it's the message. His son, Rand, can step into his shoes without missing a step. I would prefer a younger leader, perhaps with a bigger, ruthless streak. I would prefer that we prosecute the criminals that stole our country and murdered millions.
Maybe, our answer to them should be what the African-Americans did to get their attention, a Million Man March. We should make a slight change, and do a Million Gun March. The only problem would be to limit it to a million because I, for one, would probably carry about 5. These guns would be loaded, although the chamber should be empty. Any resistance to the march will be met with overwhelming force kind of like holding back a tsunami. The NRA Lobby building could be our target similar to the Bastille in the French Revolution. We would get their attention. Thanks again and Merry Christmas.
11. I just saw Bill Crystal on Fox and he called Dr. Paul a crank and every other anti-American thing he could think of. It was the most vicious attack I ever heard on TV against anyone. You are right; the "Chain of Command for Treason" is really scared.
12. Sir: I always enjoy your writings, but this one is beyond anything I have read in a long, long time. I certainly hope our "elites" and their useful idiots read this and attempt to comprehend it. If they kill Dr. Paul, or if he has a "heart attack," or a fatal accident, they will open up a can of whup-axx that they cannot imagine in their wildest nightmares. There are not enough traitors in Blackwood or whatever-the-hell these mercenaries call themselves to save even one of these elitists. Like you said, we know who they are, who their family members are, and where they live. All the money in the world will not be able to save them. The Six-Pack-of-S--t that they will open will begin with .50, yes. But it will also begin with .45, .40 and .223. Is Dr. Paul our last hope? I along with Millions of others fervently believe so. There are 80 or so MILLION Americans that are armed, and I'll bet that 50% support Dr. Paul. I don't normally use language like this, but I did this time to simply underscore my feelings about this. Keep up the great work and pray for the continued health of our man. Regards
13. YOU'D BETTER BELIEVE THEY'D HAVE A PROBLEM ON THEIR HANDS. There's a lot of fat assed really old men who can still hit a man sized target at 400 yards with iron sights with a .308 or .30-06 - add another 200 or so with a scope. And plenty of them can do head shots at 400 with their 7mm and .30 magnums. How much armor do these elitists think they can put around themselves, particularly when a .50, for example, gets lobbed in at close to a 40 degree angle at 1500 - 2000 yards, right over the heads of their "guards" and related personnel! Yassir, I think they just might have a serious shooting revolution on their hands! Particularly since an awful lot of those old farts will be dead of natural causes before the gov't can get them executed!
14. I personally, would be very, very, very angry if something "happens" to this particular American. The "elite" might be better off to put up with his presidency for four years ... rather than initiate a WORLD-WIDE "Turner's Diaries" situation. As you and I (and many others) know, there are too many people with hatred that, even now, simmers just barely beneath the surface for the various world governments to contain them in any fashion. Thanks for your "black flag" warning.
15. I think it is too late. . . . The B-52 incident at Barksdale proved that the powers that be are too few to push our military or intelligence services. . . . Honestly, if the average human could blame all of their misery on one group of rich, old, ugly white men there wouldn't be enough Blackwaters to help. I know these men are scared, but, I think they missed their chance. I don't think turning Dr. Paul into a martyr is on their agenda.
There are literally 10's of millions of people in the United States who would unify in the event of an attempt on the doc. Millions of Americans already know that any problem with the doc can be instantly traced to the bad guys. This will increase the amount of scrutiny on the bad guys by a factor of 100 . . . not a good thing for the bad guys.
This would be the end of the handful of crazies who sit on top of the world. These men are driven by fear. Every decision they make is trying to make the illusion of control real. . . . The tipping point has been reached. Dr. Paul was merely the focal point. Millions are unified now and the bad guys will have to work out plan B and pray.
One thing researchers of the NWO never include in their Orwellian treatise. The NWO is about 2 or 3 thousand men and 10 or 20 thousand paid lackeys. This group is badly outnumbered, Mr. Stang. The cause for martial law was lost this summer thank God and it is getting "loster" every moment. Since March at least 1 to 2 million Americans have learned the nature of the political system from the internet. The genius Bilderbergers missed that one didn't they? They need malinformed apathetic people to ignore the man behind the curtain. Millions of bloodthirsty, well informed, authority hating Americans backed by 60,000,000 constitution toting gun owners are communicating with each other every second. Spreading the truth, candidate or not. If they hurt Dr. Paul it will be the end of them. It will unify the already unified and reinforce them by a factor of ten. They are better off letting him win and trying to stop him when he is in office. They need all of us to calm down so they can get back to pulling the strings. No, Mr. Stang, the bad guys had their chance. They guessed wrong. They really had no idea that people would fight to the death for freedom and there are too many fighters for them to win this war.
16. I have friends who are sleeping in tents and their cars, leasing a blimp, etc. because RON MUST WIN or else the republic is an idea whose time has come and gone. I was moved by your article and hope all my friends in DC, NH, and SC read this. I advocate Dr. Paul pick his VP now and his VP pick his VP ahead of time should that be necessary. The only difference between u.s. and a banana republic is that we don't export bananas only arms and war.
17. Very well written, very well put, and so very true. There are "bubbas" in Arkansas that can drop a ten point buck at a half mile with a .22 magnum, so a shot like that with a .300 mag or a .308 would be a piece of cake at three quarters of a mile to a mile. The death of Dr. Paul would open up hunting season.
18. Bravo on your latest Ron Paul article. Hopefully they would not dare go through with killing Dr. Paul. Your article is spot on as to what would happen if they tried. Most people, however, do not get it. Dr. Paul is not the revolution - freedom is! This movement is bigger than Dr. Paul. It has awakened something in all of us that has been sleeping for far too long. Dr. Paul is just the face of it - not the heart of it. They can kill him but they will only make a martyr out of him and help the movement grow even larger. They should be scared. Their days are numbered. Liberty or death! That concludes the excerpts. Remember that the Dr. No movement is unlike anything else in our history. It consists of every kind of American, every race, religion, age and financial status, civilian and military, both sexes, etc. Did I leave someone out? They are buying out the gun shows to the walls. How likely is it that they will turn everything in like good little boys and girls when the government calls? Well, how likely is it that el presidente Jorge W. Boosh will convert to Christianity?
(c) 2007 - Alan Stang - All Rights Reserved
Election 2008
by Alan Stang
December 31, 2007 - I am still recovering from the response to my piece about the possible assassination of Dr. Ron Paul. In more than forty years of struggle in the battle for America, I have never seen anything like it. Days after publication, I am still trying to answer the email. It is coming from everywhere, in a swelling wave, and I literally mean everywhere, around the world. There are messages from across this country, of course, but also from Canada, from Sweden, from the Philippines, Australia and elsewhere.
It is as if, blundering in the darkness, I accidentally pushed an unseen button, or uncorked an old bottle, or opened a long unused door, and that unknowing, unintended action has unleashed a dormant, primeval force, waiting to be summoned. From uncountable throats a roaring erupts. Something awesome awakens and arises, the dimensions of which we see dimly because they are so vast, something "in the air."
Excerpts from some of these messages could be helpful. First, they prove that what I told you is true. Some of them are scary. Second, they inspire; they prove that, as Dr. No says, freedom is contagious. People everywhere want it. Third, reading them will convince you that you are not alone and you are not crazy.
College campuses, for instance, are aflame. We knew something was afoot when Dr. Paul discusses economics, the "dismal science," the most boring subject, and students erupt in ecstasy. Consider that most of these comments do not come from some "fringe." They come from the heart of the heartland, from what network degenerates contemptuously dismiss as "flyover country." Here they are:
1. I am 66, honorably discharged, and I concur with your assessment of what would happen if we move to assassination politics at this time. Dr. Paul has awakened the American Spirit of Liberty in all age groups across the nation. Many people would start voting with the little red dot. That is the one reason for the move in congress to remove the right for returning soldiers and marines to own weapons using battle fatigue as their lever. Thanks to the Internet these men and women now know that it is their own government who poisoned them through the use of depleted DU munitions in Iraq and in Afghanistan and in Bosnia. Thanks to the Internet they now know our president lied about the reasons for Gulf War 2 like his father lied in Gulf War 1.
I believe all the politicians and their handlers have reason to fear the little red dot in the hands of a man or woman who has been terminally infected with DU. This is one reason so many senior congress critters have and are resigning. They fear being held accountable by angry, hungry, unemployed black and white Americans who want our borders closed, and the illegals removed.
2. Ron Paul wins even if he loses. Yes Ron Paul wins. Remember the movie Braveheart. It was the Spirit of liberty that moved Wallace to act. It is the same Spirit that has entered into the passion of the Ron Paul movement. It is the same Spirit that will guide America through the coming economic crash and 3rd war on our soil.
3. This is an entirely different ball game! This time, we have THEIR number! Also, there are many thousands of very disenchanted young, badly injured servicemen, who realize who set them up for patsies in an extravagant blood-for-money racket! I sure would not like to be in any Bloody-Bilderberger's shoes if anything happens to candidate Ron Paul! They got away with far too much with their fixed courts.
They trained thousands of now-enlightened soldiers how to "take-out" an enemy and now are finding the "real enemies" were playing bloody-chess, with their lives! The Bilderberger outfit should get wise and cash in their bloody hand, take their crooked earnings before they meet real fighters!
4. This next comment comes to us from Jim Schwiesow, a fellow commentator at newswithviews.com. Jim served in law enforcement for forty six years, including three years in the U.S. Army military police, fifteen years as an Iowa city cop and twenty-eight years as the elected sheriff of Sioux County, Iowa.
Dear Alan,
I just read your latest article in re: The threat to Dr. Paul. I am county co-chair for Dr. Paul's campaign and a member of his Iowa Steering Committee. Last week he arrived in our county for an engagement at one of our colleges. I was scheduled to make remarks prior to his program, and when I arrived I was totally shocked at the lack of security. He could have been assassinated with ease and the assassins would have gotten away. He had only one security man with his entourage, ONE! I spoke to this man and asked about the security. He explained that he was it and that they did not have a security staff other than him. He stated that they depended upon the local police in the various communities to help provide security. At this event there was one local police officer present. This is serious and I cannot understand the lack of concern for Dr. Paul's safety. I am going to stress vigorously the need for adequate protection. His candidacy is rapidly gaining ground and the establishment elite are getting panicky; they will soon be at a point where they will do anything to stop him from gaining the presidency and that includes killing him. Thanks for the article pointing up the seriousness of this situation. If something happens to Dr. Paul there are going to be a lot of sorry S.O.B.s in this country.
5. We, the "Legion," have worried about this possibility from the beginning of Dr No's candidacy. For this reason we are ready to ramp up production of a high tech Guillotine if the need should ever arise. Sniff the air, there is a new scent wafting about from the Proletariat. Politicians can't seem to smell it. Neither can Bankers.
6. Congratulations on your excellent letter, which I received through NewsWithViews.com, here in Australia, regarding Dr. Ron Paul, and the risk of his possible assassination. Very good, and one which we have been concerned about now for some time. We pray for his safety, and his success. America needs him, as there does not appear to be anyone else. As far as the enemy is concerned, it is our firm belief that they need to be removed from the top. I mean the very top. By that we mean the very, very, top, top. Do we make ourselves clear?
Does anyone know what these good folks Down Under, and therefore outside the jurisdiction of the U.S. Secret Service, are talking about? The "very top?" I'm confused. There could be some error in translation. Remember, they are Australians. G'dye, Myte!
7. It needed to be said and you used the perfect choice of words to say it. You are so right. If they do a hit on Ron Paul we will take apart the elite's power structure like a massive school of Piranha attacks a bird that falls into the water. It will be fast, furious, and there will be no place to hide.
Your indirect threats to the power structure were pure genius. Somebody needs to stand up to these a--holes and tell them that although they may have the financial backing, and security, nothing will stop the idea and message. It will look like a scene from a Frankenstein movie.
8. I am a Vietnam vet, out of shape, overweight, and at 62 physically incapable of running five feet without a great deal of pain, own no firearms, BUT have the ability to cause more serious damage to the new world order than what you suggest in your article. These people have no clue what is in store for them should anything happen to Ron Paul. I don't advocate any degree of violence because it would only fuel the rapidity of their martial law scenario. I will use my knowledge and abilities to do whatever it takes. How ever long it takes. With whatever effort it takes. Spend whatever money is required to get this country back. I pray for people like you and their talent to keep Ron Paul safe. Sometimes it is safer being in the open then behind closed doors.
9. I too have spoken to both serving and retired military personnel and while they have used different words, they all tell me the same thing. If Ron Paul dies, the gloves come off.
10. Thank you, Mr. Stang, for a wonderful Christmas present. You have the courage to put into words what I have been feeling all along. I have set up Ron Paul booths at gun shows and I have talked at length with the attendees. There is a large group of militia men in this country simmering under the radar. As the foreclosures rise and unemployment gets worse, their recruitment figures will skyrocket. The first gun show I ever went to, I was amazed, the line to get in was 5 abreast and 1/4 mile long. Wow! They try to stop the purchases of assault rifles and handguns by registration and waiting periods. Only fools register guns and cash is king.
We can replace Dr. Paul in an instant; it's not the man, it's the message. His son, Rand, can step into his shoes without missing a step. I would prefer a younger leader, perhaps with a bigger, ruthless streak. I would prefer that we prosecute the criminals that stole our country and murdered millions.
Maybe, our answer to them should be what the African-Americans did to get their attention, a Million Man March. We should make a slight change, and do a Million Gun March. The only problem would be to limit it to a million because I, for one, would probably carry about 5. These guns would be loaded, although the chamber should be empty. Any resistance to the march will be met with overwhelming force kind of like holding back a tsunami. The NRA Lobby building could be our target similar to the Bastille in the French Revolution. We would get their attention. Thanks again and Merry Christmas.
11. I just saw Bill Crystal on Fox and he called Dr. Paul a crank and every other anti-American thing he could think of. It was the most vicious attack I ever heard on TV against anyone. You are right; the "Chain of Command for Treason" is really scared.
12. Sir: I always enjoy your writings, but this one is beyond anything I have read in a long, long time. I certainly hope our "elites" and their useful idiots read this and attempt to comprehend it. If they kill Dr. Paul, or if he has a "heart attack," or a fatal accident, they will open up a can of whup-axx that they cannot imagine in their wildest nightmares. There are not enough traitors in Blackwood or whatever-the-hell these mercenaries call themselves to save even one of these elitists. Like you said, we know who they are, who their family members are, and where they live. All the money in the world will not be able to save them. The Six-Pack-of-S--t that they will open will begin with .50, yes. But it will also begin with .45, .40 and .223. Is Dr. Paul our last hope? I along with Millions of others fervently believe so. There are 80 or so MILLION Americans that are armed, and I'll bet that 50% support Dr. Paul. I don't normally use language like this, but I did this time to simply underscore my feelings about this. Keep up the great work and pray for the continued health of our man. Regards
13. YOU'D BETTER BELIEVE THEY'D HAVE A PROBLEM ON THEIR HANDS. There's a lot of fat assed really old men who can still hit a man sized target at 400 yards with iron sights with a .308 or .30-06 - add another 200 or so with a scope. And plenty of them can do head shots at 400 with their 7mm and .30 magnums. How much armor do these elitists think they can put around themselves, particularly when a .50, for example, gets lobbed in at close to a 40 degree angle at 1500 - 2000 yards, right over the heads of their "guards" and related personnel! Yassir, I think they just might have a serious shooting revolution on their hands! Particularly since an awful lot of those old farts will be dead of natural causes before the gov't can get them executed!
14. I personally, would be very, very, very angry if something "happens" to this particular American. The "elite" might be better off to put up with his presidency for four years ... rather than initiate a WORLD-WIDE "Turner's Diaries" situation. As you and I (and many others) know, there are too many people with hatred that, even now, simmers just barely beneath the surface for the various world governments to contain them in any fashion. Thanks for your "black flag" warning.
15. I think it is too late. . . . The B-52 incident at Barksdale proved that the powers that be are too few to push our military or intelligence services. . . . Honestly, if the average human could blame all of their misery on one group of rich, old, ugly white men there wouldn't be enough Blackwaters to help. I know these men are scared, but, I think they missed their chance. I don't think turning Dr. Paul into a martyr is on their agenda.
There are literally 10's of millions of people in the United States who would unify in the event of an attempt on the doc. Millions of Americans already know that any problem with the doc can be instantly traced to the bad guys. This will increase the amount of scrutiny on the bad guys by a factor of 100 . . . not a good thing for the bad guys.
This would be the end of the handful of crazies who sit on top of the world. These men are driven by fear. Every decision they make is trying to make the illusion of control real. . . . The tipping point has been reached. Dr. Paul was merely the focal point. Millions are unified now and the bad guys will have to work out plan B and pray.
One thing researchers of the NWO never include in their Orwellian treatise. The NWO is about 2 or 3 thousand men and 10 or 20 thousand paid lackeys. This group is badly outnumbered, Mr. Stang. The cause for martial law was lost this summer thank God and it is getting "loster" every moment. Since March at least 1 to 2 million Americans have learned the nature of the political system from the internet. The genius Bilderbergers missed that one didn't they? They need malinformed apathetic people to ignore the man behind the curtain. Millions of bloodthirsty, well informed, authority hating Americans backed by 60,000,000 constitution toting gun owners are communicating with each other every second. Spreading the truth, candidate or not. If they hurt Dr. Paul it will be the end of them. It will unify the already unified and reinforce them by a factor of ten. They are better off letting him win and trying to stop him when he is in office. They need all of us to calm down so they can get back to pulling the strings. No, Mr. Stang, the bad guys had their chance. They guessed wrong. They really had no idea that people would fight to the death for freedom and there are too many fighters for them to win this war.
16. I have friends who are sleeping in tents and their cars, leasing a blimp, etc. because RON MUST WIN or else the republic is an idea whose time has come and gone. I was moved by your article and hope all my friends in DC, NH, and SC read this. I advocate Dr. Paul pick his VP now and his VP pick his VP ahead of time should that be necessary. The only difference between u.s. and a banana republic is that we don't export bananas only arms and war.
17. Very well written, very well put, and so very true. There are "bubbas" in Arkansas that can drop a ten point buck at a half mile with a .22 magnum, so a shot like that with a .300 mag or a .308 would be a piece of cake at three quarters of a mile to a mile. The death of Dr. Paul would open up hunting season.
18. Bravo on your latest Ron Paul article. Hopefully they would not dare go through with killing Dr. Paul. Your article is spot on as to what would happen if they tried. Most people, however, do not get it. Dr. Paul is not the revolution - freedom is! This movement is bigger than Dr. Paul. It has awakened something in all of us that has been sleeping for far too long. Dr. Paul is just the face of it - not the heart of it. They can kill him but they will only make a martyr out of him and help the movement grow even larger. They should be scared. Their days are numbered. Liberty or death!
That concludes the excerpts. Remember that the Dr. No movement is unlike anything else in our history. It consists of every kind of American, every race, religion, age and financial status, civilian and military, both sexes, etc. Did I leave someone out? They are buying out the gun shows to the walls. How likely is it that they will turn everything in like good little boys and girls when the government calls? Well, how likely is it that el presidente Jorge W. Boosh will convert to Christianity?
(c) 2007 - Alan Stang - All Rights ReservedREAD MORE
Ron Paul Awakens the Spirit of America!
by Alan Stang
December 31, 2007 - I am still recovering from the response to my piece about the possible assassination of Dr. Ron Paul. In more than forty years of struggle in the battle for America, I have never seen anything like it. Days after publication, I am still trying to answer the email. It is coming from everywhere, in a swelling wave, and I literally mean everywhere, around the world. There are messages from across this country, of course, but also from Canada, from Sweden, from the Philippines, Australia and elsewhere.
It is as if, blundering in the darkness, I accidentally pushed an unseen button, or uncorked an old bottle, or opened a long unused door, and that unknowing, unintended action has unleashed a dormant, primeval force, waiting to be summoned. From uncountable throats a roaring erupts. Something awesome awakens and arises, the dimensions of which we see dimly because they are so vast, something "in the air."
Excerpts from some of these messages could be helpful. First, they prove that what I told you is true. Some of them are scary. Second, they inspire; they prove that, as Dr. No says, freedom is contagious. People everywhere want it. Third, reading them will convince you that you are not alone and you are not crazy.
College campuses, for instance, are aflame. We knew something was afoot when Dr. Paul discusses economics, the "dismal science," the most boring subject, and students erupt in ecstasy. Consider that most of these comments do not come from some "fringe." They come from the heart of the heartland, from what network degenerates contemptuously dismiss as "flyover country." Here they are:
1. I am 66, honorably discharged, and I concur with your assessment of what would happen if we move to assassination politics at this time. Dr. Paul has awakened the American Spirit of Liberty in all age groups across the nation. Many people would start voting with the little red dot. That is the one reason for the move in congress to remove the right for returning soldiers and marines to own weapons using battle fatigue as their lever. Thanks to the Internet these men and women now know that it is their own government who poisoned them through the use of depleted DU munitions in Iraq and in Afghanistan and in Bosnia. Thanks to the Internet they now know our president lied about the reasons for Gulf War 2 like his father lied in Gulf War 1.
I believe all the politicians and their handlers have reason to fear the little red dot in the hands of a man or woman who has been terminally infected with DU. This is one reason so many senior congress critters have and are resigning. They fear being held accountable by angry, hungry, unemployed black and white Americans who want our borders closed, and the illegals removed.
2. Ron Paul wins even if he loses. Yes Ron Paul wins. Remember the movie Braveheart. It was the Spirit of liberty that moved Wallace to act. It is the same Spirit that has entered into the passion of the Ron Paul movement. It is the same Spirit that will guide America through the coming economic crash and 3rd war on our soil.
3. This is an entirely different ball game! This time, we have THEIR number! Also, there are many thousands of very disenchanted young, badly injured servicemen, who realize who set them up for patsies in an extravagant blood-for-money racket! I sure would not like to be in any Bloody-Bilderberger's shoes if anything happens to candidate Ron Paul! They got away with far too much with their fixed courts.
They trained thousands of now-enlightened soldiers how to "take-out" an enemy and now are finding the "real enemies" were playing bloody-chess, with their lives! The Bilderberger outfit should get wise and cash in their bloody hand, take their crooked earnings before they meet real fighters!
4. This next comment comes to us from Jim Schwiesow, a fellow commentator at newswithviews.com. Jim served in law enforcement for forty six years, including three years in the U.S. Army military police, fifteen years as an Iowa city cop and twenty-eight years as the elected sheriff of Sioux County, Iowa.
Dear Alan,
I just read your latest article in re: The threat to Dr. Paul. I am county co-chair for Dr. Paul's campaign and a member of his Iowa Steering Committee. Last week he arrived in our county for an engagement at one of our colleges. I was scheduled to make remarks prior to his program, and when I arrived I was totally shocked at the lack of security. He could have been assassinated with ease and the assassins would have gotten away. He had only one security man with his entourage, ONE! I spoke to this man and asked about the security. He explained that he was it and that they did not have a security staff other than him. He stated that they depended upon the local police in the various communities to help provide security. At this event there was one local police officer present. This is serious and I cannot understand the lack of concern for Dr. Paul's safety. I am going to stress vigorously the need for adequate protection. His candidacy is rapidly gaining ground and the establishment elite are getting panicky; they will soon be at a point where they will do anything to stop him from gaining the presidency and that includes killing him. Thanks for the article pointing up the seriousness of this situation. If something happens to Dr. Paul there are going to be a lot of sorry S.O.B.s in this country.
5. We, the "Legion," have worried about this possibility from the beginning of Dr No's candidacy. For this reason we are ready to ramp up production of a high tech Guillotine if the need should ever arise. Sniff the air, there is a new scent wafting about from the Proletariat. Politicians can't seem to smell it. Neither can Bankers.
6. Congratulations on your excellent letter, which I received through NewsWithViews.com, here in Australia, regarding Dr. Ron Paul, and the risk of his possible assassination. Very good, and one which we have been concerned about now for some time. We pray for his safety, and his success. America needs him, as there does not appear to be anyone else. As far as the enemy is concerned, it is our firm belief that they need to be removed from the top. I mean the very top. By that we mean the very, very, top, top. Do we make ourselves clear?
Does anyone know what these good folks Down Under, and therefore outside the jurisdiction of the U.S. Secret Service, are talking about? The "very top?" I'm confused. There could be some error in translation. Remember, they are Australians. G'dye, Myte!
7. It needed to be said and you used the perfect choice of words to say it. You are so right. If they do a hit on Ron Paul we will take apart the elite's power structure like a massive school of Piranha attacks a bird that falls into the water. It will be fast, furious, and there will be no place to hide.
Your indirect threats to the power structure were pure genius. Somebody needs to stand up to these a--holes and tell them that although they may have the financial backing, and security, nothing will stop the idea and message. It will look like a scene from a Frankenstein movie.
8. I am a Vietnam vet, out of shape, overweight, and at 62 physically incapable of running five feet without a great deal of pain, own no firearms, BUT have the ability to cause more serious damage to the new world order than what you suggest in your article. These people have no clue what is in store for them should anything happen to Ron Paul. I don't advocate any degree of violence because it would only fuel the rapidity of their martial law scenario. I will use my knowledge and abilities to do whatever it takes. How ever long it takes. With whatever effort it takes. Spend whatever money is required to get this country back. I pray for people like you and their talent to keep Ron Paul safe. Sometimes it is safer being in the open then behind closed doors.
9. I too have spoken to both serving and retired military personnel and while they have used different words, they all tell me the same thing. If Ron Paul dies, the gloves come off.
10. Thank you, Mr. Stang, for a wonderful Christmas present. You have the courage to put into words what I have been feeling all along. I have set up Ron Paul booths at gun shows and I have talked at length with the attendees. There is a large group of militia men in this country simmering under the radar. As the foreclosures rise and unemployment gets worse, their recruitment figures will skyrocket. The first gun show I ever went to, I was amazed, the line to get in was 5 abreast and 1/4 mile long. Wow! They try to stop the purchases of assault rifles and handguns by registration and waiting periods. Only fools register guns and cash is king.
We can replace Dr. Paul in an instant; it's not the man, it's the message. His son, Rand, can step into his shoes without missing a step. I would prefer a younger leader, perhaps with a bigger, ruthless streak. I would prefer that we prosecute the criminals that stole our country and murdered millions.
Maybe, our answer to them should be what the African-Americans did to get their attention, a Million Man March. We should make a slight change, and do a Million Gun March. The only problem would be to limit it to a million because I, for one, would probably carry about 5. These guns would be loaded, although the chamber should be empty. Any resistance to the march will be met with overwhelming force kind of like holding back a tsunami. The NRA Lobby building could be our target similar to the Bastille in the French Revolution. We would get their attention. Thanks again and Merry Christmas.
11. I just saw Bill Crystal on Fox and he called Dr. Paul a crank and every other anti-American thing he could think of. It was the most vicious attack I ever heard on TV against anyone. You are right; the "Chain of Command for Treason" is really scared.
12. Sir: I always enjoy your writings, but this one is beyond anything I have read in a long, long time. I certainly hope our "elites" and their useful idiots read this and attempt to comprehend it. If they kill Dr. Paul, or if he has a "heart attack," or a fatal accident, they will open up a can of whup-axx that they cannot imagine in their wildest nightmares. There are not enough traitors in Blackwood or whatever-the-hell these mercenaries call themselves to save even one of these elitists. Like you said, we know who they are, who their family members are, and where they live. All the money in the world will not be able to save them. The Six-Pack-of-S--t that they will open will begin with .50, yes. But it will also begin with .45, .40 and .223. Is Dr. Paul our last hope? I along with Millions of others fervently believe so. There are 80 or so MILLION Americans that are armed, and I'll bet that 50% support Dr. Paul. I don't normally use language like this, but I did this time to simply underscore my feelings about this. Keep up the great work and pray for the continued health of our man. Regards
13. YOU'D BETTER BELIEVE THEY'D HAVE A PROBLEM ON THEIR HANDS. There's a lot of fat assed really old men who can still hit a man sized target at 400 yards with iron sights with a .308 or .30-06 - add another 200 or so with a scope. And plenty of them can do head shots at 400 with their 7mm and .30 magnums. How much armor do these elitists think they can put around themselves, particularly when a .50, for example, gets lobbed in at close to a 40 degree angle at 1500 - 2000 yards, right over the heads of their "guards" and related personnel! Yassir, I think they just might have a serious shooting revolution on their hands! Particularly since an awful lot of those old farts will be dead of natural causes before the gov't can get them executed!
14. I personally, would be very, very, very angry if something "happens" to this particular American. The "elite" might be better off to put up with his presidency for four years ... rather than initiate a WORLD-WIDE "Turner's Diaries" situation. As you and I (and many others) know, there are too many people with hatred that, even now, simmers just barely beneath the surface for the various world governments to contain them in any fashion. Thanks for your "black flag" warning.
15. I think it is too late. . . . The B-52 incident at Barksdale proved that the powers that be are too few to push our military or intelligence services. . . . Honestly, if the average human could blame all of their misery on one group of rich, old, ugly white men there wouldn't be enough Blackwaters to help. I know these men are scared, but, I think they missed their chance. I don't think turning Dr. Paul into a martyr is on their agenda.
There are literally 10's of millions of people in the United States who would unify in the event of an attempt on the doc. Millions of Americans already know that any problem with the doc can be instantly traced to the bad guys. This will increase the amount of scrutiny on the bad guys by a factor of 100 . . . not a good thing for the bad guys.
This would be the end of the handful of crazies who sit on top of the world. These men are driven by fear. Every decision they make is trying to make the illusion of control real. . . . The tipping point has been reached. Dr. Paul was merely the focal point. Millions are unified now and the bad guys will have to work out plan B and pray.
One thing researchers of the NWO never include in their Orwellian treatise. The NWO is about 2 or 3 thousand men and 10 or 20 thousand paid lackeys. This group is badly outnumbered, Mr. Stang. The cause for martial law was lost this summer thank God and it is getting "loster" every moment. Since March at least 1 to 2 million Americans have learned the nature of the political system from the internet. The genius Bilderbergers missed that one didn't they? They need malinformed apathetic people to ignore the man behind the curtain. Millions of bloodthirsty, well informed, authority hating Americans backed by 60,000,000 constitution toting gun owners are communicating with each other every second. Spreading the truth, candidate or not. If they hurt Dr. Paul it will be the end of them. It will unify the already unified and reinforce them by a factor of ten. They are better off letting him win and trying to stop him when he is in office. They need all of us to calm down so they can get back to pulling the strings. No, Mr. Stang, the bad guys had their chance. They guessed wrong. They really had no idea that people would fight to the death for freedom and there are too many fighters for them to win this war.
16. I have friends who are sleeping in tents and their cars, leasing a blimp, etc. because RON MUST WIN or else the republic is an idea whose time has come and gone. I was moved by your article and hope all my friends in DC, NH, and SC read this. I advocate Dr. Paul pick his VP now and his VP pick his VP ahead of time should that be necessary. The only difference between u.s. and a banana republic is that we don't export bananas only arms and war.
17. Very well written, very well put, and so very true. There are "bubbas" in Arkansas that can drop a ten point buck at a half mile with a .22 magnum, so a shot like that with a .300 mag or a .308 would be a piece of cake at three quarters of a mile to a mile. The death of Dr. Paul would open up hunting season.
18. Bravo on your latest Ron Paul article. Hopefully they would not dare go through with killing Dr. Paul. Your article is spot on as to what would happen if they tried. Most people, however, do not get it. Dr. Paul is not the revolution - freedom is! This movement is bigger than Dr. Paul. It has awakened something in all of us that has been sleeping for far too long. Dr. Paul is just the face of it - not the heart of it. They can kill him but they will only make a martyr out of him and help the movement grow even larger. They should be scared. Their days are numbered. Liberty or death!
That concludes the excerpts. Remember that the Dr. No movement is unlike anything else in our history. It consists of every kind of American, every race, religion, age and financial status, civilian and military, both sexes, etc. Did I leave someone out? They are buying out the gun shows to the walls. How likely is it that they will turn everything in like good little boys and girls when the government calls? Well, how likely is it that el presidente Jorge W. Boosh will convert to Christianity?
(c) 2007 - Alan Stang - All Rights Reserved
Election 2008
NEW YORK - January 1, 2008 - ABC and Fox News Channel are narrowing the field of presidential candidates invited to debates this weekend just before the New Hampshire primary, in Fox's case infuriating supporters of Republican Rep. Ron Paul.
Fox News says it has limited space in its studio, which leaves Rep. Ron Paul out of a weekend debate.
The roster of participants for ABC's back-to-back, prime-time Republican and Democratic debates Saturday in New Hampshire will be determined after results of Thursday's Iowa caucus become clear.
Meanwhile, Fox News has invited five GOP candidates to a forum with Chris Wallace scheduled for its mobile studio in New Hampshire on Sunday. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee received invites, leaving Paul of Texas and Rep. Duncan Hunter of California on the sidelines.
The network said it had limited space in its studio - a souped-up bus - and that it invited candidates who had received double-digit support in recent polls.
Ed. Note: This is how elections are conducted in a supposedly free society??
Ron Paul furious over Fox News debate snub!
NEW YORK - January 1, 2008 - ABC and Fox News Channel are narrowing the field of presidential candidates invited to debates this weekend just before the New Hampshire primary, in Fox's case infuriating supporters of Republican Rep. Ron Paul.
Fox News says it has limited space in its studio, which leaves Rep. Ron Paul out of a weekend debate.
The roster of participants for ABC's back-to-back, prime-time Republican and Democratic debates Saturday in New Hampshire will be determined after results of Thursday's Iowa caucus become clear.
Meanwhile, Fox News has invited five GOP candidates to a forum with Chris Wallace scheduled for its mobile studio in New Hampshire on Sunday. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee received invites, leaving Paul of Texas and Rep. Duncan Hunter of California on the sidelines.
The network said it had limited space in its studio - a souped-up bus - and that it invited candidates who had received double-digit support in recent polls.
Ed. Note: This is how elections are conducted in a supposedly free society??
- Musical Parody: "Obama"
- Musical Parody: "Running Mate"
- Impeach Obama groups already appearing on the Internet!
- Obama campaign workers angry over unpaid wages!
- Black Panther intimidation present at polling places!
- Vote Fraud Files: Election Board members tossed out of polling stations!
- Federal judge rules that more emergency paper ballots be made available to voters!
- Voter rolls stuffed with dead and absent registrants!
- Ron Paul could be spoiler in Montana presidential race!
- Effigy of Sarah Palin hanging by a noose creates uproar!
- Republican campaign workers attacked!
- Republican HQ manager's home shot up over McCain signs!
- Obama and DNC admit all allegations of federal court lawsuit - Obama not qualified to be president!
- Vote Fraud: Machine problems plague first day of early voting!
- Vote Fraud: Some early West Virginia voters angry over switched votes!
- Obama is a Muslim who studied in Islamic schools!
- Second lawsuit challenges Obama's citizenship!
- ACORN workers illegally encourage citizens to fill out multiple voter registration cards!
- Ron Paul added to Louisiana presidential ballot!
- Political argument turns violent!
- Fascist Files: Secret Service agents investigate woman for refusing to support Obama!
- 74% of CEOs believe Obama would be disastrous for the nation!
- Thousands of dead people are listed on Connecticut's voter rolls!
- 3 in 5 voters say to throw every congressman out of office!
- DNC tries to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate!
- Nancy Pelosi paid her husband with PAC funds!
- Governor Blunt statement on Obama campaign’s abusive use of Missouri law enforcement!
- Electing a new president from a financial perspective!
- McCain ads pulled pending cancellation of election!
- Sarah Palin will meet with globalist Kissinger and foreign leaders!
- Cancellation of U.S. election now possible!
- Ahmadinejad ready to debate U.S. presidential hopefuls!
- Socialist Biden says paying higher taxes is a patriotic act!
- Obama mocks McCain in Nevada stops!
- Ron Paul delegate exposes totalitarianism at phony Republican National Convention!
- Ron Paul rejects John McCain campaign's plea for endorsement!
- Election observer arrested in Arizona!
- Obama verbal slip fuels critics!
- Convention officials confiscate Ron Paul sign from Massachusetts delegate!
- Ron Paul speaks about freedom to 15,000 real Americans!
- Obama considering bringing criminal charges against Bush gang!
- McCain campaign tries to block Ron Paul from convention floor!
- Protesters and police clash in front of Republican National Convention!
- Federal government involved in raids on protesters!
- Pelosi asks protesters, "Can we drill your brains?"
- No attempted assassination charges for group that supposedly discussed killing Obama!
- Archbishop berates pro-choice Biden!
- Protesters interrupt Pelosi speech!
- As convention begins, no protesters in 'freedom cage'!
- Plot to kill Obama: shoot from high vantage point!
Freedom Bound International
c/o 411 North 6th Street #6020
Emery, South Dakota uSA (57332)
Brent Johnson conducts a weekly conference call, Tuesdays at 8:00 PM EDT.
Phone: 605-313-5405
Access: 888316#
Replay: 605-313-4103
Mark Twain 2
“Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a Member of Congress… But then I repeat myself.”
— Mark Twain
