Election 2008
More evidence surfaces of votes stolen from Ron Paul!
January 9, 2008 - Not even twenty four hours passed before reports of fraud surfaced in New Hampshire, it began in the town of Sutton. Initially the reports released said that no one voted for Ron Paul in that town, but a woman claiming to be from Sutton commented online that she and her family all voted for Ron Paul in Sutton.
That was enough for Bev Harris of blackboxvoting.org to jump into action, she contacted the Town Clerk for Sutton and Jennifer Call confirmed the fraud. The zero tally was in fact a mistake, and Ron Paul actually received 31 votes. They omitted eight percent of the votes in that town, and called it an accident...whoops sorry.. and the mainstream media quietly updated their charts never reporting the story.
But this cannot be glossed over as a "human error," this is fraud and Bev Harris highlights how deceitful it really is:
"...one of the most common forms of fraud in a hand count system is to alter or omit results on the reporting sheet. Hand count is lovely, transparent. They then fill out another reconciliation sheet, often in front of witnesses, and it looks fine. Then they provide a summary or media sheet with the incorrect results.”
So far nothing has been updated for the town of Greenville. The Boston Globe reports 139 voters, and CNN reports 144 votes, both are reporting zero votes for Ron Paul, but the Nashua Telegraph is reporting a very different story in Greenville, tallying 290 votes, they report 25 votes for Ron Paul. In Greenville they used electronic “vote flipping” machines so perhaps not another human error, but possible malicious intent. Out of the 17 towns that originally reported no votes for Ron Paul, two have been changed, but how many more towns have erased our votes, or updated their numbers without anyone noticing? We must find out.
It is illegal and whoops is not an acceptable answer, after the 2004 elections, Ohio was under the microscope and people were convicted of illegally rigging the 2004 recount. These types of "careless mistakes" are likely to follow Ron Paul throughout the primaries. Our "fair elections" are filled with fraud and we know it, to ignore it would not be revolutionary. Ron Paul has done best when his supporters step up and lead the campaign, today the message from his supporters is for Ron Paul to demand an official recount. We are willing to be activists, we have given our time and money and now we need a leader to attack this injustice properly.
Clinton braces for second loss; union and senators may back Obama!
January 8, 2008 - With Barack Obama strongly favored - even within Hillary Clinton's camp - to win a second straight victory in today's New Hampshire Democratic primary, both rivals are looking to the next battle grounds. But his momentum threatens to swamp her in the next two states as well and shows signs of fracturing her support in the party establishment.
Already some Clinton associates have begun lobbying for her early exit if she loses the primary by a big margin, as polls suggest she could. Several Senate colleagues who have sat on the fence are now in talks with Obama advisers about endorsing the freshman Illinois senator over his more experienced colleague.
Despite raising more than $100 million, Sen. Clinton also faces financial worries as contributions have begun to slacken. But she vows to fight on: Her campaign will pivot to focus more heavily on "Super Tuesday" Feb. 5, when 21 states vote. "We are going all the way to the convention," Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said.
Still, the maneuverings marked an extraordinary turn, and underscored the power of small, early-voting states to scramble all bets - especially in a year when the states' contests are so closely scheduled. Sen. Clinton until now continued to hold wide leads in national polls; a new Gallup poll has her slipping into a dead heat. Her original campaign strategy, aimed at positioning her as the inevitable nominee who would capture the early states and wrap up the nomination before February, is now in shambles.
Sen. Clinton uncharacteristically bared the strain of her plight and the grueling campaign pace yesterday: She momentarily choked up with tear-filled eyes.
Jay Leno to Ron Paul: 'You should be kicking someone's ass right now'
January 8, 2008 - In a freewheeling sit-down with the Tonight Show's Jay Leno just a day ahead of the New Hampshire primary, Republican presidential hopeful Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) called out Fox News, skewered GOP rival Rudy Giuliani and looked across the aisle to praise fellow presidential long shot Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH).
Kicking off the interview with a discussion of his exclusion from Sunday evening's Republican presidential debate on the Fox News, Paul accused the network of not airing views that deviated from the Republican mainstream.
"Maybe they're intimidated, maybe they're frightened," said Paul. "Maybe they don't want to know the truth...you know I've been trying to figure out what to do. And I thought, 'Well, maybe I ought to sue them.'...I've decided what to sue them over, and that is for fraud. Because of this 'fair and balanced idea.
Leno, who expressed disappointment that Paul had been snubbed from the forum, said the candidate had a right to be mad.
"You don't seem like that type," said the host, "but it seems like you should be kicking somebody's ass right now."
Turning his attention to party rivals for the GOP presidential nod, Paul said he feared that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was losing support because of his Mormon faith.
"One thing I'm a little bit afraid of is that they might be doing that for religious reasons, and I don't like that," he said. " I disagree with Romney on some of the issues, and he's gone after me on the stage, but that shouldn't be the reason that he doesn't do well."
But Paul had no kind words for former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, with whom the congressman shared a heated exchange about the nature of terrorism during a Republican debate in May of last year. When Paul had asserted that U.S. policy was in part to blame for the Sept. 11 attacks, Giuliani demanded that the candidate retract his statement.
"You know when we had a little confrontation early on in the debates with Mayor Giuliani, you know - and he was confused about what causes terrorism - I sent him some books," Paul told Leno. "And I said 'Please read these books.' But so far, it doesn't sound like he's read his books. He hasn't done his homework."
Pressed by Leno as to whom he would support among Democratic contenders, Paul said that Kucinich had his respect - though certainly not his vote.
"He understands civil liberties," said Paul. "He understands a lot about foreign policy...I have a lot of respect for him, but we would disagree on economic policy."
The respect is apparently mutual. In November, Kucinich told supporters he was "thinking about Ron Paul" as a running mate should he win the Democratic nomination.
Iowa caucus had vote fraud!
IOWA - January 7, 2008 - The Republican caucuses usually take only half as long as the Democratic caucuses, due to simpler procedures. Yet the Republicans are lagging behind the Democrats now by over TEN HOURS in having all their results in. Results delays are a red flag.
Alert CSPAN watchers caught TV screen shots of Giuliani vote totals going down by a couple thousand votes midstream in, I believe it was, Linn County. That needs a confirm; screen shot images were posted on various blogs, but if anyone recorded the coverage and can corroborate those screen shots, please let us know.
As many of us know, vote totals that go DOWN during the middle of the count can be an error, but also can signal an election theft tactic whereby votes from a candidate finishing very low in the pack are skimmed off and given to a favored candidate higher in the pack. If corroborated, the vote total shift will be another red flag.
And with the Republican race, I wouldn't look first at fraud in the number one position. I'd look for it in the area of repositioning candidates in the second through sixth spot.
- The delay in results is a red flag.
- The vote totals going down during the count is a red flag.
- The failure to release county results in live time, as promised in a Republican Party press release on Jan. 2, is a red flag.
- The failure to release precinct totals at all is a corrupt procedure. Note that the day before the caucuses, after much pressure, the Republicans did (belatedly) promise to release the precinct results on election night. They didn't.
In addition, I am trying to get information on whether the public was kicked out of the room during hand counting in all locations, or just some.
There is absolutely no reason to consider any of the Republican caucus results to be credible.
I'm not saying they are wrong, I am saying the breakdown in checks and balances was stunning enough to call it not a magic show, but a bad magic show.
Source: http://www.roguegovernment.com/news.php?id=5902
Image: Dogs do the most amazing things!
What a political statement! This is one smart dog!
Ron Paul: quote of the day!
By Dr. Steven Taylor
January 9, 2008 - David Weigel at Reason reports the following statement:
“If you walked into this room tonight you’d think we won,” said Ron Paul campaign manager Lew Moore. “There was more energy in this room than in McCain’s party!”
And that line right there well encapsulates the Paul campaign and the Paul phenomenon: yes, there are a lot of very enthusiastic Paul supporters out there. They are passionate, they have energy and they care. The issue has never been whether the core Paul supporters have energy, it has always been how many Paul supporters actually exist. All candidates have some core of hardcore believers (although granted, some believers are more hardcore than others) - the real question is how many less energetic, less passionate, if not outright boring supporters one has when it comes time to cast votes. The problem with so many who support Paul (and certainly many who comment on blogs) is that they can’t fathom that their passion for Paul is limited to a small number of persons relative to the larger population.
So, in response to Mr. Moore quoted above: it is not the intensity of the party that matters, but content of the ballot box (not that he doesn’t ultimately know that). The problem arises, however, when supporters think there must be something wrong with the system when their enthusiasm doesn’t produce the results that they would like.
Of course, even Moore seems a bit self-deluded about what the energy means relative to the rest of the process:
“The lessons we can learn from this, what worked and what didn’t… I’m still putting that together in my head.”
Moore stressed a look forward to the next primaries. “The energy is starting to build,” he said, “and I think it’s a question of whether it builds fast enough to impact this front-loaded primary process.”
When one wins only 8% of the vote, the issue isn’t about learning lessoning, its about lack of sufficient support in the electorate.
New Hampshire election fraud!
By Ron Corvus
January 9, 2008 - I knew it, I knew it, I knew it................I knew it HAD to be election fraud.........let the election season fraud begin.
New Hampshire Election Fraud: Hillary LOST the paper ballot count but WON the optical scan ballot count. Obama WON the paper ballot count but LOST the optical scan ballot count.
2008 New Hampshire Democratic Primary Results - Total Democratic Votes:
286,139 - Machine vs Hand (RonRox.com) 09 Jan 2008
Clinton, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 39.618%
Clinton, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 34.908%
Barack Obama, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 36.309%
Obama, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 38.617%
Machine vs Hand:
Clinton: 4.709% (13,475 votes)
Obama: -2.308% (-6,604 votes)
2008 New Hampshire Republican Primary Results - Total Republican Votes:
236,378 Machine vs Hand (RonRox.com) 09 Jan 2008
Mitt Romney, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 33.075%
Romney, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 25.483%
Ron Paul, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 7.109%
Ron Paul, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 9.221%
Machine vs Hand:
Romney: 7.592% (17,946 votes)
Paul: -2.112% (-4,991 votes)
I knew there was something a bit fishy about Hillary winning New Hampshire. First of all, today, all the polls indicated a double-digit lead for Obama. Obama internal polls had him winning by 14 points. Hillary's camp had him winning by 11 points.
Even the Hillary camp conceded virtual defeat early on.
Even Hillary believed she had lost before the polls closed. I can't recall a primary where a candidate had a double-digit lead the day of the election, but finished several points behind. Even the exit polling showed no sign of a Hillary win. The exit polls showed about even. Exit polls have a history of accurate projections.
Despite this, Hillary maintained about a three point difference the entire evening.
AP called it for Hillary with only 61% reporting. CNN still refused to call if for Hillary, as they explained and demonstrated on an electronic map how several key precincts had not come in yet. But that didn't stop NBC calling it for Hillary.
With 94% reporting, those key precincts STILL showed zero per cent reporting. NONE of the TV pundits could explain the differences.
Here's one pundit's excuse: "Maybe it has to do with the voting curtain in New Hampshire (private voting) whereas Iowa was public voting."
Today, pundits are still scratching their heads trying to figure out how all the polls were wrong, the Clinton camp projections were wrong; the Obama camp projections were wrong - it just doesn't add up to anything other than election fraud.
- Musical Parody: "Obama"
- Musical Parody: "Running Mate"
- Impeach Obama groups already appearing on the Internet!
- Obama campaign workers angry over unpaid wages!
- Black Panther intimidation present at polling places!
- Vote Fraud Files: Election Board members tossed out of polling stations!
- Federal judge rules that more emergency paper ballots be made available to voters!
- Voter rolls stuffed with dead and absent registrants!
- Ron Paul could be spoiler in Montana presidential race!
- Effigy of Sarah Palin hanging by a noose creates uproar!
- Republican campaign workers attacked!
- Republican HQ manager's home shot up over McCain signs!
- Obama and DNC admit all allegations of federal court lawsuit - Obama not qualified to be president!
- Vote Fraud: Machine problems plague first day of early voting!
- Vote Fraud: Some early West Virginia voters angry over switched votes!
- Obama is a Muslim who studied in Islamic schools!
- Second lawsuit challenges Obama's citizenship!
- ACORN workers illegally encourage citizens to fill out multiple voter registration cards!
- Ron Paul added to Louisiana presidential ballot!
- Political argument turns violent!
- Fascist Files: Secret Service agents investigate woman for refusing to support Obama!
- 74% of CEOs believe Obama would be disastrous for the nation!
- Thousands of dead people are listed on Connecticut's voter rolls!
- 3 in 5 voters say to throw every congressman out of office!
- DNC tries to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate!
- Nancy Pelosi paid her husband with PAC funds!
- Governor Blunt statement on Obama campaign’s abusive use of Missouri law enforcement!
- Electing a new president from a financial perspective!
- McCain ads pulled pending cancellation of election!
- Sarah Palin will meet with globalist Kissinger and foreign leaders!
- Cancellation of U.S. election now possible!
- Ahmadinejad ready to debate U.S. presidential hopefuls!
- Socialist Biden says paying higher taxes is a patriotic act!
- Obama mocks McCain in Nevada stops!
- Ron Paul delegate exposes totalitarianism at phony Republican National Convention!
- Ron Paul rejects John McCain campaign's plea for endorsement!
- Election observer arrested in Arizona!
- Obama verbal slip fuels critics!
- Convention officials confiscate Ron Paul sign from Massachusetts delegate!
- Ron Paul speaks about freedom to 15,000 real Americans!
- Obama considering bringing criminal charges against Bush gang!
- McCain campaign tries to block Ron Paul from convention floor!
- Protesters and police clash in front of Republican National Convention!
- Federal government involved in raids on protesters!
- Pelosi asks protesters, "Can we drill your brains?"
- No attempted assassination charges for group that supposedly discussed killing Obama!
- Archbishop berates pro-choice Biden!
- Protesters interrupt Pelosi speech!
- As convention begins, no protesters in 'freedom cage'!
- Plot to kill Obama: shoot from high vantage point!
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Goethe 1
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
