An American stand: the Bundy ranch siege
In this podcast, Sheriff Richard Mack - noted author and American Patriot - details how Americans from all over the country have come together in defense of Cliven Bundy and his family, in the ongoing siege perpetrated by the federal Bureau of Land Management.
The BLM has stolen Bundy’s cattle, gruesomely executed his livestock, tasered his son, assaulted his relatives (slamming a middle-aged woman’s head into the cement road, and generally acted in a manner that would inspire pride in Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin.
Undaunted, the Patriots have stood their ground, forcing the BLM thugs to retreat! The latest reports indicate the BLM - which claims its involvement revolves around the endangered desert tortoise – has agreed to remove the desert tortoise from Bundy’s land! Additionally, the BLM claims Bundy owes for unpaid grazing fees, to the tune of $1 million, even though Cliven Bundy’s family has been working the same land since 1877.
Sheriff Richard Mack is the driving force behind the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA). For more information and to contact him go to www.cspoa.org.
The Constitutional Sheriff
In this podcast, Sheriff Richard Mack - noted author and American Patriot - explains in detail how Liberty County, Florida, Sheriff Nick Finch was unlawfully arrested and removed by the Florida Governor from his elected office for a crime he didn’t commit because he dared to drop charges of firearm possession against a law abiding citizen of his county.
During his trial, Sheriff Finch said that the Constitution has to stand for something, and if it stands for anything, it provides citizens who are doing nothing wrong with the right to arm themselves. A jury of six unanimously found Sheriff Finch not guilty and he has been reinstated to the office to which he was duly elected.
Sheriff Mack also discusses his new book, which is a sequel to The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope, entitled, Are you a David? Sheriff Mack also discusses the upcoming constitutional sheriffs convention he will be hosting in January 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Sheriff Richard Mack is the driving force behind the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA). For more information and to contact him go to www.cspoa.org.
The Real Truth about the Kennedy Assassination!
Noted investigative journalist Pat Shannan discusses his new book, The JFK Assassination and the Uncensored Story of the Two Oswalds, in which he provides solid evidence that there were actually two Oswalds – Lee and Harvey – one of which was a Russian CIA asset.
In this interview, Shannan brings clarity to the most heinous crime of the 20th century. He exposes many of the false claims as to who really killed John F. Kennedy, including the allegation – shared by many people – that the driver of the presidential limousine was the culprit.
In eloquent style, Shannan provides clear and compelling proof that the conspiracy and subsequent cover-up went all the way to the White House, implicating President Lyndon Johnson in the assassination of one of the most popular presidents in the history of the United States.
All truth seekers who care about the accurate reporting of this historical infamous event will be interested in this podcast and Shannan’s new book.
To contact Pat Shannan or for a copy of this new and exciting book, send an email to shannanpat@gmail.com or go to www.patshannan.us.
Global Elite Update
Chaplain Lindsey Williams has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years. While working on The TransAlaska oil pipeline, he spent three years working and rubbed shoulders with some of the World’s Elite Oil Executives; he lived with them and attended their board meetings.
He wrote about his experiences in the eye-opening book, The Energy Non-Crisis. Due to the sensitive nature of his book, Pastor Williams' life was threatened by an oil executive; he was forced to shut down his website and stop selling his books and CDs.
In January, 2010, this same oil executive, who was now in poor health, told Chaplain Lindsey, "I’m too old to care… tell them everything."
This podcast includes the latest information - from the global elite’s perspective - concerning the ongoing European economic crisis, and especially the ramifications of the Cyprus bailout; what to expect from gold and silver prices; and the ever-changing situation in the Middle East, and especially Syria.
You may obtain Chaplain Williams DVDs and other information about the global elite by calling 888-799-6111.
Katie Davis: Sandy Hook Shooting
On December 14, 2012, 26 people - including 20 children - were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, shocking the entire country and spawning efforts in Congress and various state legislatures to further restrict ownership of firearms and ammunition. There has been much talk about the perpetrators of this foul crime.
The official story is that a 20-year-old local autistic man was the shooter, but there have also been stories of a second shooter. Evidence has surfaced suggesting CIA or Israeli Mossad involvement. The Second Amendment has come under renewed attack from gun control advocates, while constitutionalists have dug in their heels concerning the God-given right to keep and bear firearms in defense of life, family and country.
I spoke with a local Sandy Hook citizen to try and get a clearer picture of what really happened on that fateful day, and in its aftermath.
The shootings in Sandy Hook are an American tragedy. The loss of life is reprehensible. Yet the unalienable right of each citizen to own firearms rests at the very heart of our country’s laws. We should all abhor such tragedies as the Sandy Hook shootings, but there will almost certainly be more of these incidents in the future.
Will we, as Americans, be ready for them when they happen? Or will we abandon the principles our Founding Fathers fought and died to preserve in the hope that bad people will stop doing bad things?
Holocaust survivors!
Helen Novak is the daughter of Holocaust survivors!
Both her parents were arrested by the Nazis on their wedding day, and transported to a Siberian concentration camp, where they set shining examples of perseverance and determination.
Helen tells the story of how her parents were brutally tortured, denied food and water, and subjected to the most demeaning, degrading conditions. Despite all this, they were determined to not allow the Nazis to destroy their love of life. They held on until after the war, when they were finally rescued.
After they escaped their brutal imprisonment, these two extraordinary people were separated from each other. They completely lost touch with each other. However, they ultimately were reunited, moved to the united States of America, and found the American Dream.
Helen’s story is of vital importance to us all. She warns that concentration camps are coming soon to the Fascist Police States of Amerika. She pleads for us to wake up now and take action to prevent such atrocities from ever again happening anywhere in our world.
How to fix the economy!
In this interview, Professor Steve Keen, of Western Sydney University in Australia, discusses what he considers to be the proper way for economies to function. He explains what is wrong with the United States, European Union and global economies, and what could be done to fix them.
Prof. Keen is the author of Debunking Economics, in which he goes up against the standardized views of economists. Prof. Keen clarifies how Keynesian economic principles have been distorted into the debt economies that exist today.
Prof. Keen writes a blog in which he expounds on his economic theories.
- An American stand: the Bundy ranch siege
- The Constitutional Sheriff
- The Real Truth about the Kennedy Assassination!
- Global Elite Update
- Katie Davis: Sandy Hook Shooting
- Holocaust survivors!
- How to fix the economy!
- Bob Barr - The future of freedom in Amerika
- Phyllis Schlafly - Investigative Journalist
- Are we creating a race of artificial humans?
- The Patriot Congressman speaks!
- Did dinosaurs and humans live together?
- Noted researcher Ralph Winterrowd discusses the Restore America plan!
- Former state trooper reveals Orwellian police tactics!
- In search of Genesis
- The Tavistock Institute: Mind Control
- Collectivism vs. Individualism
- Aspartame with Cori Brackett
- The American Nobility
- U.S. Abandons Soldiers to North Korea!
- Radio Frequency Identification Chips with Liz McIntyre
- Davy Crockett: Congressman
- How Do You Know that it's True?
- Restoring State Militias
- A New Paradigm
- Bank Fraud
- Firearms Laws
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Thomas Jefferson 2
"In matters of power, let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the 'Chains' of the CONSTITUTION."
— Thomas Jefferson