A Woman's Point of View

There are those who believe that the fight for liberty is exclusively a man’s fight. That is not true. Lee Parker is dedicated to truth and freedom, a patriotic woman who has given the last dozen years of her life to efforts to expose lies and reveal truths concerning the unalienable rights to life, liberty and property that are expressly recognized by the Declaration of Independence, and are inherent in all people around the world. Lee lends her perspective to the struggle for truth and liberty in a manner both conversational and pointed, in easy-to-understand language designed to make the listener seriously think about the issues raised.

By Lee Parker

Man is unique in the animal kingdom in that he has the ability to create, through choice, that which he experiences. However, regardless of man’s claims to advanced technologies, there are some natural elements over which he has no control. Nevertheless, man’s ability to choose how to react to these natural elements makes him different than all other animals.

I am saddened by what man has created on Earth. Even with all his imagination, creativity and ability to create for good, man has instead created hell on Earth. Some would call that a natural outcome of the fall from grace. Others would say that Yahushua came to absolve us from that same fall. Ultimately, any response is secondary to the results of man’s creation on Earth. Today, human life on Earth is a living hell.

By Lee Parker

I admit that I did not listen to Bush’s latest State of the Union address. I had just had dinner and did not want the indigestion that watching and listening to him would bring. However, I did read responses to his annual speech of lies and I watched several commentaries on television.
Well, believe it or not, I agree with Bush! I don’t remember ever agreeing with him, but this time I must. He said that the nation is addicted…..to oil. I agree with that but I also recognize the myriad other addictions that the people of this country embrace.

By Lee Parker

I moved to the country so I could be free. Free of the congestion. Free of the intrusive eyes of Big Brother. Free of the mass mentality that believes anything on TV must be true.

I wanted to be free from the pace, hassle, and pressure of urban life. I just wanted to be free to breathe clean air and drink clean water.

However, after being in the country for several years, I now see civilization creeping my way; new housing developments are almost at my doorstep. Is this the American Dream? If so, I find myself thinking, “BEWARE of the American Dream.”

By Lee Parker

Why does man think that he can improve on the Creator‘s work? When humans try to create life, they are attempting to be God and this is WRONG. When man tries to duplicate life in the form of a clone, he is violating the fundamental law of Creation. A clone is a clone. It is not a human being. It is a copy, a reproduction, a replication, and an abomination. Dolly, the cloned sheep, is not a sheep. It is a clone! I am furious at the audacity of some humans who think they can improve on God’s work.

As a mother who carried her child to term, I cringe at the scientific community’s ill-conceived attempts to create life. The birth of my son was a gift from God! How dare humans trivialize such a gift! How dare they think they can replicate the perfection of life! How dare humans demean all women by removing children from the womb and placing them in Petrie dishes!

By Lee Parker

Once upon a time lying was unacceptable; it was simply not allowed. Those who lied were branded as untrustworthy. They were shunned in business and social circles. Lying was neither condoned nor ignored.

However, the voice of truth seems to have been silenced among the people. How else can you explain modern society’s acceptance of lies as a natural part of life? Lies are accepted as truth in every aspect of our culture. Lies are told between family members, government and citizen, clergy and parishioner, and no one seems to care.

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