Tax Freedom Program FAQs

If you are interested in opening up a bank account without a SSN, please print out the appropriate instructions and documents , or call 888-385-3733 and we will fax or send you the material.

Like all taxes, sales tax is an indirect tax, which means it is voluntary.  If you do not want to pay sales tax, do not purchase the item.  It makes no difference whether or not you have accepted the assignment of a Social Security number.

Property tax is assessed because real property has been recorded with the County Recorder or Registrar of Deeds.  It has nothing whatsoever to do with the assignment (or lack) of a Social Security number.

We are not tax attorneys and therefore cannot offer tax advice, however, a requirement to pay income tax is always attached to the performance, or request for performance, of some privilege, such as engaging in commerce effectively connected with a government office.

If you have rescinded your SSN yet engage in such exclusively taxable and privileged activities that would result in the assessment of the income tax, then yes, you would generally be liable for that tax. If you do not engage in such activities, then you would generally not be liable for that tax.

The SSN is the property of the SSA, and remains so. No assignment of the number can be treated as legally valid, if you have not accepted that assignment knowingly, thoughtfully, intentionally and voluntarily. Therefore the actions of the SSA do not affect your declaration of an unconscionable contract.

If the SSA’s failure or refusal to adjust its records to reflect that you have rescinded, and its failure or refusal ever causes you any damage, it may be held liable for said damage.


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