NEW YORK (PNN) - July 25, 2012 - What in the world has happened to the children of Amerika? All over the Fascist Police States of Amerika, children are acting like half-crazed monsters, but most people seem to think that this is normal.
American youth today are selfish, self-centered, sadistic, cruel, disrespectful, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, boastful, unforgiving, incredibly brutal, and they possess very little self-control. They feel entitled to everything, but they don't want to work for any of it. They are absolutely addicted to entertainment, and they know very little about self-sacrifice.
Disciplining children is not considered to be politically correct, and with each passing year these little hellions get even worse. So what in the world is our country going to look like when all of these out of control children grow into adults?
It is time to face reality - Amerikan youth are really, really messed up.
This is one of the reasons why I am encouraging parents to get their children out of government schools. Public schools are horrible places. I feel really badly for any child who has to endure the hellholes that we call modern public schools.
Sadly, there are endless examples of how out of control Amerikan children are these days. For example, teens all over Amerika are now playing something called “the knockout game”.
The idea is that you pick out a random stranger on the street and then see who can run over and knock that person out first.
How would you like to be walking down the street one day only to have a group of teenagers savagely attack you for no reason and try to knock you unconscious?
Something has changed in Amerika. Our country has become very sick and twisted.
Meanwhile, our children are becoming increasingly stupid.
For example, according to a survey conducted by the National Geographic Society, only 37% of all Amerikans between the ages of 18 and 24 can find the nation of Iraq on a map. Sadly, there are many other surveys that have also shown how stupid our youth have become.
Anyone who cannot see that there is something fundamentally wrong with Amerikan children these days is delusional.
Of course, there are exceptions. There are some young people out there today who are absolutely extraordinary.
But overall, the children of Amerika are a total mess. Not only are they stupid and violent, but they are also very sexually active.
In the United States today, 47% of all high school students have had sex. All of that loose sexuality has some very negative consequences.
For example, the FPSA has the highest teen pregnancy rate on the entire planet. Is that something of which we should be proud? In the FPSA today, one out of every four teenage girls has at least one sexually transmitted disease; and there is no cure for some of those diseases. They can be treated, but they will stay with those girls for the rest of their lives.
Not that our boys are doing any better. In fact, our boys are probably doing even worse than our girls.
So what is causing all of this?
There are a lot of factors, but the breakdown of the family is definitely one of them.
According to the Pew Research Center, only 51% of all Amerikans at least 18 years old are currently married. Back in 1960, 72% of all FPSA adults were married.
The United States has the highest divorce rate in the world by a very wide margin, and Amerika also has the highest percentage of one-person households on Earth. Our families are weak and they are getting weaker, and our children are suffering for it.
It is this type of environment that produces monsters. When the basic building blocks of society break down, people tend to lose it.
Don't let this happen to your family or to your children. In a world that is becoming crazier and more unstable with each passing day, there is more of a need for love and family than there ever has been.