What Amerikans believe: Iran war propaganda!

BERKLEY, Kalifornia (PNN) - February 22, 2013 - A new Gallup poll found that 99% of Amerikans see Iran’s nuclear program as a threat to the Fascist Police States of Amerika national security. They believe Iran’s imaginary weapons program is more of a threat than North Korea’s actual nuclear weapons.

Contrast these beliefs with the facts: The consensus in the whole of the intelligence community in the FPSA (and Israel) is that Iran has no nuclear weapons program and has yet to demonstrate any intention of starting one anytime soon.

But false beliefs persist even when there have been ample reassurances from elite sources in politics, the military, and the news media that Iran has no weapons program. A matter of months ago, the illegitimate Obama regime marched out its minions, from Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey, all of whom reiterated the fact that Iran has no nuclear weapons program, despite constant rhetoric to the contrary.

Furthermore, even if Iran did have nuclear weapons, there is broad consensus that it would not translate to nuclear war. Officials and expert analysts constantly explain Iran’s leaders are rational, unlikely to provoke a conflict, and have no interest in suicide as a result of nuclear retaliation by the FPSA. The threat from Iran is manufactured.

Regime officials that came out to reiterate the intelligence consensus did so in boring congressional testimony, which no one watches. The more vociferous and rhetorical politicians going on tirades on the Senate floor or demagoguing on television and reinforcing the belief in Iranian weapons programs, by contrast, get the attention of the electorate; and far fewer Amerikans read the New York Times frequently enough that they may have caught those few articles dispelling the myth of Iranian nukes, than watch pundits on network news like Fox, CNN, and NBC, for example, which constantly mislead on this question.

Trevor Thrall, Associate Professor of Government and Politics at George Mason University, wrote in an article that much of the reason such false beliefs persist is because the Amerikan people are substantially ignorant of “what’s going on in the (FPSA), much less the rest of the world.”

People are not just ignorant; they’re ideological. They’ll believe what they want to believe. Unfortunately, such widespread and impenetrable false beliefs in the realm of foreign policy mean that the political leadership can pretty easily launch a war if and when it decides to do so and whether it is warranted or not.