We Are Pagan

By Lee Parker

If you have studied America’s historical beginnings, you know about the "Shot Heard 'Round the World" that began the War for Independence. It was this event that historians have designated as the beginning of the physical confrontation between the British and American Army that resulted in the colonies freeing themselves from British tyranny.

Today, we are on the precipice of yet another historical event, one that defines the United States as a pagan nation. The United States federal government has used the judiciary to declare this country and its people as being without a Supreme Being or any Judeo-Christian foundation for our law.

With the removal of Roy Moore from the elected office of Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, the federal government has declared that Yah* is dead in America. Moore was given the choice of denouncing Yah or being removed from office for having the temerity to place his oath of office above the federal pagan court system.

Just think of the implications to you and your life. The people elected Roy Moore, yet the courts removed him. Judge Moore was elected because he swore that he would not allow the federal government to violate the Constitution. This violation was initially accomplished when federal Marshalls removed the Ten Commandments monument from the State Supreme Court building rotunda. The Chief Justice was then removed from office.

These actions prove that we are no longer "one nation under God" and that the Creator who endowed us with certain unalienable rights is no longer recognized by the federal judiciary. Without God as the foundation of our legal process, the people are once again at the hands of the kind of tyranny from which we won our independence.

These events impact every citizen in every walk of life. The American people must now decide whom they will follow. Your willingness to permit the removal of our most sacred foundation of Law is another indication that Satan has enlarged his foothold on our country, and has been elevated above Yah in the eyes of the judicial system and therefore the entire federal government, and that the people have supported this wanton disregard for our Highest Law.

Your silence and acceptance of these events indicates that you side with Satan. I don’t care how upset you are in reading this Truth because the federal government could not do what it has done without your tacit acceptance of its actions.

Yes, I am charging YOU with allowing our country to become pagan. How have you done this? By being wimps and cowards instead of risking your comfortable life-style and materialistic worship of THINGS in order to defend our Creator’s Law. Is it more important to you to have a big house, a new car, the right school for your children, and an impressive portfolio, than to fight for our Father and this Country?

So, go prove your hypocrisy by celebrating the pagan Christmas. Go celebrate the pagan Easter. Go celebrate the pagan Halloween. Go to your 501 (c)(3) State-church, where you will find the absence of Yah and the worship of Satan. Your actions will follow you all the way to hell.

* Yah is the proper designation for God.