Unemployment rate declines due to people giving up on search!

NEW YORK - January 10, 2011 - Employers in the U.S. added fewer jobs than forecast in December, confirming Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s view that it will take years for the labor market to heal.

Payrolls increased 103,000, compared with the median forecast of 150,000 in a Bloomberg News survey, Labor Department figures showed today in Washington. Employment the prior two months rose more than initially estimated. The jobless rate fell to 9.4%, but the decrease is due solely to large numbers of Amerikans who have stopped looking for jobs.

Faster job growth is needed to keep consumers spending and provide a way out of the current Depression in the world’s largest economy. Bernanke, in Senate testimony an hour after the report was released, said it may take four or five years for the labor market to fully normalize, indicating no change in the Fed’s plans to pump $600 billion into the financial system.

“We’re moving in the right direction, but we won’t get out of the hole anytime soon,” said Jay Feldman, an economist at Credit Suisse in New York. “For the Fed, it means steady as she goes.”

Ed. Note: As long as the Fascist States of Amerika continues to base its economic success on debt, the Depression will continue.  The mainstream media will tell you that there is a recovery in process, and manipulate economic statistics to convince the uneducated and ill informed of the accuracy of their claims. But until and unless the Amerikan people destroy the existing bankster’s system, that country’s economy will remain in the trash heap, where it rightfully belongs! If you want a healthy economy then adjust your lifestyle to reflect what you can afford!  Do not go into debt to make your lives more comfortable! Pay as you go! That is the only path to a healthy and sustainable economy.