Tony Blair met by anti-war protesters during speech at Yale University!

NEW HAVEN, Connecticut - May 26, 2008 - Tony Blair was left reeling last night after students disrupted his debut speech at Yale University to protest at his role in taking Britain and America to war in Iraq.

The former British Prime Minister, who is normally immensely popular in the U.S. for his support for President George W. Bush's “war on terror”, faced an unexpected gathering of anti-war protesters when he arrived to give his lecture at the Ivy League university.

Some smuggled banners bearing anti-war slogans into the venue, which they held up as Mr. Blair was speaking, and when he had finished boos could be heard amid the applause.

Mr. Blair's arrival was met by a small but vocal contingent of protestors waving placards that read "No to Blair" and "Yale! Don't Support a War Criminal", but police held them back from the ceremony, which was held in a large gated garden.

But as he took to the podium, Mr. Blair, 54, was met with dozens of red signs that students had hidden under their graduation robes, reading "Peace Now" and "No War".

One student, a young woman wearing a headscarf, stood throughout the ceremony, holding a "Peace Now" sign above her head, just 10 feet in front of the former Prime Minister, who appeared to be doing his best to avoid looking at her.

Mr. Blair also avoided referring to Iraq by name as he talked about the rise of India and China as future world superpowers, the problem of climate change, and the threat of "terrorism fueled by religion".

"Each new generation finds the world they enter," said Mr. Blair, who is returning to Yale next year as a lecturer on issues of faith and globalization.  "But they fashion the world they leave."

Staff from the university took photographs of those holding signs, prompting some to hide them under their chairs, but as the parents stood to give a standing ovation following the 20-minute speech, several boos were heard from the students as the protest signs came out again.

The incident was especially embarrassing for Mr. Blair because Yale is the university from which his son, Euan, has recently graduated.

The identity of the 2008 guest speaker at Yale had been confirmed in February, but was kept secret until just a few weeks ago because of "security concerns", according to the university newspaper.

Ed. Note: What does it say about a country, when students who wish to stage a protest must hide the signs and banners that contain their messages under their graduation robes, in order to prevent them from being confiscated by the police?  Is this a free country?