The Social Security beneficiary is a ward of the State!


The holder of a Social Security Number/Account is in effect, or in the nature of a Ward of the State.


The law of Wards of the State provides that he who is incapable of caring for himself (whether young or old, crippled, insane, infant feeble or otherwise incapacitated), his TOTAL ESTATE escheats to the State in liquidation of the costs of that care and ward.


All holders of Social Security Numbers/Accounts, as a matter of law, forfiet at law ownership of their total Estate.


Thus, those beneficiaries of government doles and promises are REDUCED to a MERE TRUSTEE in EQUITY over that property.


The Federal Government and Federal Reserve Corporation are the TRUE OWNERS at law of all properties in which Social Security Number and Account holders have interests. They even own your shorts!


This neat trick assures that the Federal Government and Federal Reserve CAN and DOES 'hold' all of your properties as Collateral for the 'National Debt' while making you Surety (liable as in 'signatory') for all debt created by the Corporate Federal Government, most of which is inimical to your interests.


All of this is possible because your State forwards a copy of your Birth Certificate to the U.S. Department of Commerce, creating the nexus for an 'un-revealed' Contract of Adhesion or Implied Contract, making you a 14th Amendment Federal citizen and an unwitting slave to government from cradle to grave Because of this fraud, the Birth Certificate should be unilaterally Revoked and Rescinded.