By Lee Parker
The tragedy of 9/11 changed America forever. These changes are evident in more than just the passing of the un-American USA PATRIOT Act, and more far-reaching than the newly created Department of Homeland Security. They are manifest in the fear and terror being sold to the American people, day in and day out, in order that we willingly give up our rights in pursuit of greater security.
I am reticent to speak about this assault on the American way of life. I am uncomfortable and anxious at the thought that you will fail to grasp the depth of the damage being done to our internal sense of security. That security is necessary in order that a free people may prosper.
Fear is inherent in humanity. It is one of our basic emotions. Fear can even be seen in an infant, who experiences the fear of falling by crying and clinging to his parent. Movies are made to elicit fear in the viewer. Books are written with fear as the main theme. Songs are written about fear. Fear is mentioned hundreds of times in the Scriptures. To experience fear is natural.
However, in today’s political climate, the use of fear as a means to control the people has exceeded all previous methods of manipulation used by any government. Because the media is directly influenced by those use fear as their chosen means of control, a day does not go by that we are not bombarded with fear-based stories designed to frighten the unsuspecting reader. Fear and terror are the central themes of virtually every major news story, regardless of its nature.
The federal government uses fear and terror as a method to control the unthinking populace. We are sold a daily dose of fear and insecurity. We are told that unless we do as our government dictates, we are without protection against forces far greater than us all. We are told that we cannot protect ourselves but must rely on government for our salvation.
We are being sold fear. Furthermore, we are told that restrictions on our liberties are necessary in order to protect our children. In other words, the government is using our children as hostages for a fascist agenda of control and subversion.
This prostitution of our children was clearly evident in the lead stories on the second anniversary of the 9/11 event. Over 200 children were placed on center stage to read the names of those killed in this horrendous event. These children were survivors of relatives killed through the “terrorist” tragedy; they were used as bait to elicit fear in YOU!
In the name of the children, the American population is told that protections afforded by our founding documents MUST be surrendered for some ambiguous and undefined safety. In the name of the children we are asked to endure terrorism by a corrupt federal government through Draconian measures found in legislation passed since September 11, 2003. We are sold on the concept that we are unable to protect ourselves or our families because this danger is too great for us to defeat.
Fear, like any human emotion, can be manipulated and directed by those who would seek to control others. It is being done before our very eyes and it seems to me that most Americans buy this illusion of fear and terror as if it was real.
Americans accept the premeditated use of our children as Judas-goats for the subversion of our Founding Documents. In the name of the children, parents fall into lock step behind the lies that are fed to them in the name of “national security”.
Indeed, we must protect our children. We must save their innocence and their loving hearts. We must save them so that they can enjoy the better life associated with freedom and liberty, and not allow the federal government to enslave their spirits through fear, or they will live like emotional and physical drones, in support of an ungodly system.
I am afraid that too many are buying this selling of fear and the corresponding illusion of security. I am afraid that we have become so accustomed to believing what this godless government tells us that we will give up life, liberty and security in response to an impending terror – a Sword of Damocles - propagated by this very same government.
Hitler and other tyrants proved that if you control the emotions of a people, you control their behavior. The United States government is doing just that. It is using the media as the method to ensnare us and our posterity in the trap of tyranny. Through the selling of fear to the American people, it will do what every tyranny has done. It will enslave you and your children to an emotional future of destitution and destruction.
Our only hope to defeat this demon of fear is to follow the Scriptures. Our only solution to defeat the dangers we currently face is to turn to our Creator for help. We cannot fight a battle against darkness by associating with that same darkness. We cannot find the Light of Truth amidst the darkness of fear. We must surrender that fear to a higher source, the true founder of our Country, YHWH.
So, turn off the television. Throw away the newspapers and magazines. Open up and read your Hallowed Writings for the strength and hope you will find there. Teach your children that you, through the strength of faith, will keep them safe. Teach them to turn to their Creator for help and security. Teach them to not turn to a government seeped in darkness and deception, for any reason. Teach them that they are precious beyond imagination and shall never be sold in the name of fear to the evildoers, usurpers and controllers of any government.