The Royal Order of Victims

By Lee Parker

I am concerned about the current attitude we seem to have about the need to save all victims, regardless of national origin, sex, age, gender, etc., etc.. I have decided that a new organization should be formed. We should call it: "The Royal Order of Victims."

First we would have to create a list of qualifications for potential members. Actually, there would be only one qualification required to become a member of The Royal Order of Victims! Anyone who experienced pain, either real or imagined, either physical or mental, would qualify as a victim!

Just imagine the number of members who could join. We would be able to get just about everyone in the world to become a member!!

Though this might sound really crazy, there is a point to my mentioning such a silly notion. The point is that we are being sold the lie that we are victims and that we cannot live our lives without government assistance, because we are too inept. The government is constantly telling us that we are incapable of living life without its "beneficent" controls!! That is the foundation for all their socialistic programs. Every one of their programs tells the recipient that he or she cannot live life without the overseeing of the government. Think about it... just think about it!!

FannieMae is for those who believe they cannot buy a home without government help. Student loans are for those who think they cannot get an education without government help. Medicare is for those who cannot get medical care without government help. SSI and welfare programs are for those who cannot provide for themselves in any other way. How many of the countless other examples of this socialization of the American people can you recognize?

So, when you sign up for their programs you are admitting that you really cannot live life without THEM. You are a victim. You are weak. You are incapable. You are too old, or too young. You are too fast or too slow. You are too smart or too dumb. You are constantly being picked on because you cannot fend for yourself. You are the perfect victim for their perfect scam! Don't you feel saved!

I may sound a bit sarcastic, but I firmly believe in the ability of humanity to grow, to expand, to reach new heights by overcoming obstacles, challenges and pain. It is only when you agree that a situation is unbearable and that you cannot overcome the circumstances, that you give up your will to the government. It is only when you give up on life - YOUR life - that you become a victim to the worst pain of all.... a government that regards you as its property... a government that assesses you on the money it can steal from some to give to others... a government that sells its own people into slavery.

Do you still want to join the club? Do you really want to be a member of The Royal Club of Victims?