The Painful Truth

By Lee Parker

Last week you asked the question, "What does it mean when a citizen or person is afraid of his/her government? I just want you to sit with that question."

For the rest of the day I have just sat with it. I have pondered the question as I never before and from the very depth of me I think I understand why people do not want to see the evil we are living with.

What does it mean when parents are afraid to discipline their children? The government might take their children from them?

What does it mean when people are forced into registering their guns under threat of imprisonment? Instead, they may be killed by their government for having guns and NOT registering them?

What does it mean when people pay taxes because of the fears instilled in them through terrorist tactics in which property is stolen from them?

What does it mean that we are afraid to speak the truth about our government?

What does it mean when the government has built concentration camps or turned military bases into detention centers? Whatever you are told, these "detention centers" ARE built. Detention for whom? And for what reason?

What does it mean that we cannot trust our President? Our Congress? Our Judiciary?

What does it mean when the police, who are hired to protect us, sell drugs to our children, rip people off and terrorize citizens with Nazi tactics?

I understand these questions. What would happen if everyone asked these questions?

We would have to admit that Waco was a slaughter, regardless of how Congress absolved the killers. We would have to see Ruby Ridge as the murder it really was. Any thinking person knows that you do not kill a woman holding her baby as retaliation against the husband. And what about shooting a 14 year-old boy in the back? Again, the killers were absolved of any and all responsibility. We would have to seek the truth about Oklahoma, a truth which will never be known because they bulldozed the building and did another "cover-up". We would have to ask about the President and his past. We would have to demand the truth about Whitewater, drug running, money laundering and the death of Vince Foster.

We would have to ask, and ask, and ask.

What does it mean when a citizen or person is afraid of his or her government? What would happen if everyone asked this question?

We would have to give up our child-like faith and accept that we have been duped, and used, and sold-out.

What a horrible realization that would be.