April 28, 2015 - Love is awesome. Sex is awesome. The titles of scientific studies about sex things are the awesomest of all.
Erectile hydraulics: Maximizing Inflow While Minimizing Outflow is good, though for laugh-out-loud-like-the-14-year-old-you-really-are, Fellatio by Fruit Bats Prolongs Copulation Time still takes the biscuit for the weirdest thing scientists have ever studied.
But even though our inner middle schooler chortles every time we say clitourethrovaginal complex, the study of sex shouldn’t be X-rated. This is important stuff that we’re still learning about.
From the abstract of the study that coined the term (and dismissed the idea of that lucky penny, the G-spot), “The vagina is not a passive organ but a highly dynamic structure with an active role in sexual arousal and intercourse. The anatomical relationships and dynamic interactions between the clitoris, urethra, and anterior vaginal wall have led to the concept of a clitourethrovaginal (CUV) complex, defining a variable, multifaceted morphofunctional area that, when properly stimulated during penetration, could induce orgasmic responses.”