The God-Given Right of Choice

By Lee Parker

Everyone is talking about freedom and rights. Ever since September 11, we have heard more about our so-called rights than I can remember hearing in the past eight years. We hear about the rights of this and the rights of that. However, I have not heard anyone address the most fundamental, the #1 right from which each of us has the opportunity to be the very best or very worst that we can be.

This is the first unalienable right YHVH gave to us as thinking, reasoning beings. This is the first right that is taken when any other right is subverted by the government. This is the God-given right of choice.

I am neither ashamed nor embarrassed to tell you that I am an alcoholic. I have not had an alcoholic drink for over 13 years and the road to sobriety has not been an easy one. When I was drinking, I had no choice around alcohol. My life was one of figuring out when and where I would have another drink. I was a socially acceptable drunk, a wino; many would never believe that my drinking was a problem. But it was, because I had no choice over alcohol.

Sobriety gave me back my God-given ability to choose not to drink. Until I got sober there was no choice.

Did you know that frequent blackouts from drinking are a sign of alcoholism? Drinking was a way of life and blackouts were just one aspect of being drunk. I burned up more brain cells through blackouts than anyone can imagine.

Because I know the value of choice, I am vigilant about guarding my right to choose how I live my life. I have the RIGHT to fail by making poor decisions. I have the right to succeed because of good decisions. I have the right to paint my house any color I desire. I have the right to choose to color my hair purple, to smoke cigarettes, to cuss, to get angry…..TO DO ANYTHING SO LONG AS I DO NOT HURT ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING IN THE PROCESS.

Today, our right of choice is being taken away by federal legislation, in an attempt to control our thinking as well as our actions. We are literally being treated like cattle, mindless slaves to a government that is more interested in international trade than individual freedom; that will use the word “freedom” to steal your right of choice. But if you take away choice then there is no freedom.

Today, I choose not to drink. It is my choice and it is the best choice I could possibly make. I also choose to be free to live my life as an individual who has the ability to discern right from wrong, good from bad, and liberty from slavery.

If you allow your choice to be taken from you, you become the mental and physical slave of a New World Order that wants you docile so they can work you until death. When you surrender your unalienable right of choice, you are insulting the Creator who gave you that gift in the first place.

As always, the choice is yours….freedom or slavery!