The Abomination of Cloning

By Lee Parker

Why does man think that he can improve on the Creator‘s work? When humans try to create life, they are attempting to be God and this is WRONG. When man tries to duplicate life in the form of a clone, he is violating the fundamental law of Creation. A clone is a clone. It is not a human being. It is a copy, a reproduction, a replication, and an abomination. Dolly, the cloned sheep, is not a sheep. It is a clone! I am furious at the audacity of some humans who think they can improve on God’s work.

As a mother who carried her child to term, I cringe at the scientific community’s ill-conceived attempts to create life. The birth of my son was a gift from God! How dare humans trivialize such a gift! How dare they think they can replicate the perfection of life! How dare humans demean all women by removing children from the womb and placing them in Petrie dishes!

I wonder about what will happen to the mistakes that occur during the cloning process. And what about the pain and suffering that the resulting life might face? I am disgusted at the immorality of a society that condones creating life outside the womb.

I would not put it past world leaders to attempt to clone humans and turn them into a Star Wars-like clone army, which mindless drones could be used for any number of evil deeds. Man is not known for his righteous use of humanity… millions of lives have already been lost in man-made wars. It would be much easier to clone soldiers and let them get killed instead of us. This immorality must be resisted at all costs! It is an abomination.

Additionally, look at the confusion cloning will bring. Our dictionaries will have to create a new category for a cloned human. Since a clone is replicated and not created, churches will have to decide if a clone has a soul.

I, for one, would be very upset to learn that my son was married to a clone. Assuming that a clone could reproduce, I would be concerned that my grandchildren would have clone blood and not be true-blooded humans. Also, there will have to be new government services offered in order to train clones to function in a human world. A clone will not have “human rights” since it is not human. This new class of being will likely be considered a piece of property and therefore treated as a slave. Or maybe it could find a job as a government worker.

Only God can create true life, so clones might be considered sub-human. We will need to create an entire social awareness for the love and acceptance of clones. Children will have to be taught that the abomination of cloning is really “natural”, just like same-sex marriages, and should be tolerated.

The arrogance of the human mind thinks it can place itself on the same level as the Creator. It is Dr. Frankenstein at his worst. This arrogance will bring the downfall of the human race, either directly through war or indirectly through this mis-creating of life. Man does not have the moral authority or celestial wisdom to replicate life and that is precisely what cloning is: the replication of that which the Creator has made. Simply put, cloning is morally wrong!

Don’t let propaganda and hype justify the official position on cloning. Don’t underwrite immorality through unwillingness on your part to speak out against this reprehensible abomination. If you allow any cloning, you allow all cloning. Consider your responsibility as a human to protect yourself from being replaced by a clone. If you allow cloning, you make that possibility more of a reality than a fantasy. This is not science fiction. This is FACT. With human cloning, YOU become nothing more than a commodity that can be replaced with the flick of a test tube. YOU become truly dispensable!