Amerikan Gestapo documents show plans to illegally use Tohono O’odham land.
SELLS, Arizona (PNN) - September 17, 2012 - Ignoring human rights appeals and outrage over the abuse of O'odham by Fascist Police States of Amerika Border Patrol agents, the terrorist Amerikan Gestapo Department of Homeland Security division plans to illegally construct a new massive Border Patrol complex on sovereign Tohono O’odham land in Pisinemo District. It would house 32 terrorist outlaw Border Patrol agents, with a helicopter launch pad, horses, dogs, and a spy tower.
As usual, a Finding of No Significant Impact was declared in an August report, despite the fact that saguaro in the region are home to the federally protected species of the lesser long-nosed bat.
The site in Pisinemo District is an alternative because O’odham rejected the complex in the communities of Dirtburn and Kupk on Tohono O’odham land, according to federal documents.
Although the plan has been intentionally concealed, the public comment period ends on Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012.
In this area, there are Tohono O’odham culturally sensitive plants including saguaro, cholla, Palo Verde, prickly pear cactus, mesquite and wolfberry.
The massive complex would add to the noise and pose more risks to local O’odham from helicopters, increased pollution, increased water usage by the Border Patrol, and disturb the fragile land of the Sonoran Desert. Additionally, more O’odham land would be unlawfully seized by the fascists for a corridor for a separate electrical transmission line, which would be constructed to the north, according to the documents.
Already O’odham are protesting the militarization, constant harassment and abuse by FPSA Border Patrol agents here. An O’odham was beaten in front of schoolchildren at a school bus, and other agents have held O’odham women and elderly at gunpoint. Still, other fascist pig border agents have shined flashlights into O’odham women’s homes at night, stalked O’odham women, endangered O’odham lives with high rates of speed, and destroyed the fragile desert with off road vehicles. Further, the constant spying and searches by federal agents have left many O'odham living in a state of fear.
Tohono O’odham Bennett Patricio, 18, was run over and murdered by fascist pig thug Border Patrol agents in this region. Bennett was crushed as he walked home at dawn. Bennett's family sought justice in federal court and accused the FPSA Border Patrol agents of intentionally murdering him. They believe Bennett walked in on pig thug border agents involved in a drug transfer in the desert. The fascist pig thug bastard Border Patrol agents were never held accountable; they literally got away with murder.
O'odham protesting the FPSA Border Patrol say they cannot depend on their tribal government to protect them because it has been co-opted by the fascist FPSA government.
Hundreds of fascist Border Patrol agents have been arrested for drug trafficking and conspiracy. The Amerikan Gestapo ATF division has already been exposed for Project Gunrunner, which illegally supplied cartels with assault weapons since it began in 2005 in Laredo, Texas, and then expanded to the Arizona border.
Ed. Note: It is time to overthrow the cowardly fascist terrorist pig thug agents and officials that have taken over our once free country! It is time to kill the murderers before they murder more innocent people! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!