Socialist feminists seek to make it illegal to piss while standing.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (PNN) - June 16, 2012 - Take a stand - and sit down for what you believe in. Male representatives on the Sormland County Council in Sweden should sit rather than stand while urinating in office restrooms, according to a motion advanced by the local Left Party.
Known as a socialist and feminist organization, the party claims that seated urination is more hygienic for men - the practice decreases the likelihood of puddles and other unwanted residue forming in the stall - in addition to being better for a man’s health by more effectively emptying one’s bladder.
But not everyone agrees. “Men scatter urine not so much during the actual urination as during the ‘shaking off’ that follows,” wrote John Gamel, a professor at the University of Louisville, while addressing the issue in 2009. “As a result, forcing men to sit while emptying their bladders will serve little purpose, since no man wants to shake himself off while remaining seated on the toilet.”
A representative from the party said he hopes to move toward sitting only bathrooms.