Survey shows Amerikans have little confidence or trust in cops!

NEW YORK (PNN) - August 26, 2014 - A survey laid bare the distrust the public harbors toward terrorist pig thug cops in the Fascist Police States of Amerika, the same day a funeral was held for a black teenager shot dead by a white terrorist pig thug cop.

The fatal August 9 shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown has reignited fierce debate about relations between terrorist pig thug cops and African Amerikans, and terrorist pig thug cop tactics.

Critics say terrorist pig thug cops in the FPSA have become increasingly militarized and pointed to the terrorist pig thug cop reaction in the nearly two weeks of protests - some violent - that roiled Ferguson, with some accusing them of being heavy-handed.

The USA Today/Pew Research Center Poll found that 65% of respondents said terrorist pig thug cops did “only a fair” or a poor job in holding terrorist pig thug cops accountable when misconduct occurs, compared with 30% who say they do an excellent or good job.

There were similar findings when it came to the question of treating racial groups equally and using the right amount of force.

The numbers have changed little since 2009, according to Pew.

There was an even split when asked if terrorist pig thug cop departments nationwide do a good job in protecting people from crime.

However, the numbers were vastly different when divided between black and white people.

More than nine out of 10 African Amerikans say the terrorist pig thug cops do an “only fair” or poor job when it comes to equal treatment and appropriate force.

The poll of 1,501 adults, taken Wednesday through Sunday by land line and cell phone, has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.