Subtle Programming

By Lee Parker

Have you ever sat in front of the television and watched, really watched the messages that are bombarding you? Have you ever questioned the insidious methods being used to “program” you and your children, like dutiful automatons? I encourage you, no, I ask you to take time and pay attention to the messages behind the messages.

For example, several years ago I was watching “Sesame Street” with my neighbors. The scene had several Muppet children standing around playing. They were ethnically balanced, meaning that there was at least one nationality represented by each of the Muppets.

One little creature piped up saying, “Where is Sally?” They looked at each other and one child cheerfully stated that she saw Sally at another part of the school. Then a third chimed in “Oh, yea, I saw Sally playing with the peace policeman. Then little Sally came in and chirped that she had been playing with the peace police and what a nice man he was. She said that she was going to take him a piece of candy and the other children should come with her to meet the Peace Police.

Peace Police??? Peace Police??? Excuse me, but why are we allowing the indoctrination of our children to accept a police presence in our schools as being “normal”, to make sure everything is peaceful.

Then there are currently running Taco Bell and McDonald’s advertising campaigns where lying and cheating are condoned in order to get what the person wants. In the McDonalds ad, a child lies to both of his parents so that he can go to McDonalds… as if lying to get food is okay and cute.

In the Taco Bell ad, a youthful person breaks and enters, trespassing on a golf course without paying fees or takes over a very expensive hotel suite without paying (where he is shown in the bath when the hotel management comes to evict him). This is a not so subtle statement that it is okay to steal from “luxury establishments” if one does not have the financial ability to pay for the services.

This is what is being “programmed” into you and your children and we seldom even take note of it. So take some time while you are watching the “great propaganda tool” – television – and really look at how you are being manipulated! Then decide if this is what you want for yourself and your family.

All you need do to become a mindless subject is allow yourself to be propagandized and programmed by those who would “socially engineer” your behavior.

Now that you understand the threat, you get to decide what you are going to do about it. I suggest you turn off the TV, call those companies who are producing advertising advocating immoral and criminal behavior, and tell them that they are not the solution but rather a major part of the problem of the degeneracy we see creeping into today’s culture.

Become a voice for truth. Don’t allow your mind to be controlled by outside forces.