Sex drugs make you deaf!

By Dr. William Douglass

BALTIMORE, Maryland - July 1, 2010 - Viagra and other sex meds might make you hard all right - hard of hearing!

A new study finds yet another awful side effect of these dangerous penis pills: hearing loss. Add that to the vision problems already linked to Viagra, and you’ll be a real pro in the bedroom for sure.

But hey, it’ll save you the trouble of buying blindfolds and earplugs, if that’s your thing. Who am I to judge?

Men have been complaining for years about hearing loss after using these sex drugs, but the mainstream has been deaf to them. That should change now - because this new study is hard to ignore.

Researchers looked at data on 11,525 Amerikan men 40 years old and older. They found that one out of every six were either deaf or hard of hearing. But among users of Viagra and similar sex drugs, that shot up to one out of every three, according to the study in Archives of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery.

Can you hear me now?

The researchers say the hearing loss may not hit all at once - so pay attention if you find yourself raising the volume on the TV just a little bit more after each drug-assisted romp in the hay.

But really, a world of silence might be a blessing in some marriages; and as far as side effects go, it’s nothing compared to the real toll these drugs can take.

You know those four-hour erections mentioned in the commercials? Comics love to joke about them - but you won’t be laughing if you get one.

It’s a potentially deadly condition called priapism - and it requires a trip to the emergency room, where you could watch in horror as doctors slice into your favorite body part to save your life.

But while you might survive, your sex life may not.