Scientists order BP to stop using new cap over fears it will worsen disaster!

NEW YORK - July 14, 2010 - Any momentary optimism over BP's latest attempt to cap the broken oil well evaporated Wednesday when government scientists called a temporary halt to operations, saying the new tighter containment cap could end up making the gusher worse by putting pressure on the broken well.

"When you close the vents and you increase the pressure, if the structural integrity of the wellbore isn't strong, what you'll get is oil coming out of... multiple points on the sea floor," said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs.

"Obviously, that would be a very complicated situation to deal with."

BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles told The Associated Press Wednesday that BP is trying to resolve the government's concerns.

That means millions of gallons of oil a day are spewing unchecked into the Gulf of Mexico again - a significant step backwards after a series of attempts to choke the geyser.

Separately, BP halted the drilling of two relief wells that are supposed to ultimately plug the well for good in August.