Ron Paul on Fox News: why he gets the most military support while calling for Iraq withdrawal!

October 17, 2007 - When GOP presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) appeared on Fox News this week, he was introduced as a master of the art of the Internet who has raised millions in online donations. "We have a lot of viewers who are psyched that we finally have you live on the show," the Fox & Friends host told Paul.

Paul modestly replied that his growing support is not so much a matter of campaign wizardly on his part as that "we offered a program and a political position, and the young people especially, and the Internet, has found us, and we're very delighted because our numbers are growing." He said that even though his standing in the polls remains low, he believe that "we're in a pretty good position" for the early primaries, with "the third amount of cash available."

Paul told Fox he wasn't bothered by the governor of his own state of Texas endorsing Rudy Giuliani because "the party is a broad-based party." He emphasized, however, that "we don't want to be exclusive. I mean, I'd like to build the party, which I believe I am, from the young people. And the college kids are flocking to our campaign. ... I think our wing of the party is alive and well, and I think I can show that the number of people joining us are probably greater than those who are joining the big spenders."

Fox asked Paul about a study showing he is the candidate with the most support from members of the US military, even though he is calling for immediate withdrawal from Iraq. "We take the traditional position that you should only go to war under a declaration and win and get out," Paul explained. "It's protecting the troops ... and the fact that we get the money from the military more than all the other Republicans put together is a pretty darn good endorsement."

Paul finished by noting that his positions are based on Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, which he regularly cites as the basis for his view of limited government. That section enumerates a limited list of Congressional functions - including punishing piracy on the high seas, granting letters of marque and reprisal, and regulating commerce with the Indian tribes - but does not cover many of the functions routinely assumed by government today.