Ron Paul gets bigger arena to hold massive crowds expected at competing convention!

July 22, 2008 - Texas Congressman Ron Paul is not holding his breath for a speaking slot at the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis/St. Paul in September and he has long planned a daylong shadow convention to give him an arena to expound his limited government message.

But, worried about the size of his arena, his new political action group - The Campaign for Liberty - has booked a bigger one.

They'll announce today they've changed from the Williams Arena at the University of Minnesota to the much larger Target Center, seating capacity: 18,000.

Paul's supporters have been undefinable and unknown throughout the election cycle. There are the loud and sometimes rowdy, usually young sign-waving blimp renters, omnipresent in the early primary states during the Republican race, and there are the legions of online supporters, contributing millions online and creating what Paul hopes will be a lasting grassroots framework to stand for freedom.

Due to inaccurate vote reporting, documented incidents of fraud, and a mainstream media blackout of Dr. Paul’s pro-American, pro-liberty, pro-Constitution, limited government stances, there were not many official votes registered for Paul, and though he stayed in the race against Senator John McCain longer than any of his GOP rivals, he currently has very few Republican delegates.  This reflects more on the current unrepresentative and corrupt system being used to maintain the political status quo than it does on Dr. Paul’s unquestionable popularity.  If Ron Paul was given fair media coverage, he would definitely be the next President of the United States.

Dr. Paul's convention will be a test of his Campaign for Liberty's staying power and organizational mettle. Supporters have been encouraged to work within state delegate rules to get appointed to and make themselves known at the Republican National Convention before going to the Target Center.