Ron Paul campaign hits 40,000 meetup group members!
ARLINGTON, Virginia - September 4, 2007 - As Labor Day kicked off the traditional start of the presidential campaign season, the Ron Paul campaign passed an important milestone: 40,000 volunteers signed up through to help Dr. Paul.
The Paul campaign has been widely recognized for its powerful presence on the Internet.
The campaign leads all GOP candidates in every significant online metric including: website traffic, MySpace and Facebook friends, Eventful demands, YouTube subscribers and Google searches. The Paul online campaign is now translating that support into on-the-ground organization through Meetup groups.
"All over America, Meetup group members are coming together and organizing to support Dr. Paul," said campaign chairman Kent Snyder. "Our Meetup groups help give us the grassroots support that other campaigns are trying to buy."
There are currently 40,213 Ron Paul Meetup members while Barrack Obama, the candidate with the second best Meetup organization, has 5,801 members.