WASHINGTON - July 12, 2008 -
15-20,000 people marched on Washington D.C. in a show of mass grass-root's
support for Ron Paul's Message of Liberty and Dedication to the U.S.
In his speech, Dr. Ron Paul encouraged everyone to march in St. Paul, Minnesota on Sept 2, in conjunction with the Republican Convention. He highlighted any plans to bomb Iran as complete insanity, unconstitutional and blatantly illegal. He also reminded everyone that throughout history, revolutions have always been a success through the efforts of only 3-5% of the population.
His speech drew many rounds of loud
applause and excited calls of support from the crowd.
Plans for next year's Revolution March on D.C. are already in the works.
America is obviously a lot more than what we see on TV! Thank you Fellow
Patriots! Thank you America!
Ed. Note: Not one word about this has been heard or seen in the mainstream media.