RNC chief of staff resigns!

WASHINGTON - April 6, 2010 - Republican National Committee chief of staff Ken McKay has resigned in the wake of a controversy over an expenditure at a risque Kalifornia nightclub, RNC communications director Doug Heye said Monday.

McKay's resignation comes one week after the Daily Caller web site reported that the RNC's January expenditure report included nearly $2,000 spent at Voyeur in West Hollywood, a topless nightclub.

RNC officials worked to distance Chairman Michael Steele from the controversy - insisting that not only was he not in attendance but that he had no knowledge of the reimbursement - and promised changes in the way that people were reimbursed by the committee.

McKay's resignation appears to be the leading edge of those moves, and an attempt by Steele and the broader RNC to show donors worried about the stability of the committee that changes are being made.

"The members of the Republican National Committee entrusted myself and every staffer to lead the loyal opposition against the destructive Obama agenda, build a stronger Republican party and win elections. This is a role I take with the utmost seriousness. With this in mind, I want to do everything in my power to ensure that the committee uses all its resources in the best possible fashion," Steele said in a statement.