Radioactive skeletons found in ancient India

March 16, 2008 - Was there a nuclear fare occurred in ancient India? There were remains found in ancient India that is modern Pakistan, where many of the archeological excavation revealed some bizarre findings. You probably know something of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. The remains of these ancient cities are in modern day Pakistan.

These were the key centers of the Indus Valley civilization. These also appear to have suddenly sprung up with no clear-cut traces of having evolved from primitive beginnings.

The ruins of these ancient Indus Valley cities are immense. They are thought to have contained well over a million people each. You’d be surprised at what’s been dug up here. In place was a system of town planning with straight streets and rectangular blocks, as well as wide main streets like modern boulevards. There were also heated public baths.

At Mohenjo-Daro there has been uncovered a network of canals, pipes and sewers, with inspection peepholes, ingeniously devised. This city enjoyed an efficient drainage system and a highly efficient piped water supply, with pipes and drains under every street. And there was a sewage system from each house, as good as that of the present day.

Jewels, rings, bracelets and necklaces of gold, silver and ivory, were worn. They were kept in elegant silver caskets and so well finished and so highly polished that they might have come out of a Bond Street jeweler’s.

The ruins of the ancient cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa are extremely radioactive.

Practically nothing is known of their histories, except that both were destroyed suddenly. In Mohenjo-Daro, in an epicenter 150 feet wide, everything was crystallized, fused or melted; 180 feet from the center the bricks are melted on one side, indicating a blast.

Excavations down to the street level revealed 44 scattered skeletons, as if doom had come so suddenly they could not get to their houses. All the skeletons were flattened to the ground. A father, mother and child were found flattened in the street, face down and still holding hands.

It has been claimed that the skeletons, after thousands of years, are still among the most radioactive that have ever been found, on a par with those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

But here’s something else to shock you…

In the forest areas between the Indian mountains of Rajmahal and the Ganges, the explorer De Camp came upon unknown charred ruins. A number of huge masses appeared fused together and hollowed at various points "like lumps of tin struck by a stream of molten steel." The result could not be due to ordinary fire, however violent.

Further south, the British official J. Campbell stumbled upon similar ruins, with a half-vitrified courtyard, produced by an unknown agent.

Similar reports have come from other travelers in the jungle areas, reports of ruined buildings with walls ‘like thick slabs of crystal," likewise holed, split and corroded by some mysterious force. Let me take a moment to tell you what another explorer has found…

The explorer-hunter H. J. Hamilton received a substantial shock when he entered a low-domed building. He recalls that:

“Suddenly the ground gave way under my feet with a curious noise. I got into a safe place and then widened the hole, which had appeared, with my rifle-butt and lowered myself into it. I was in a long and narrow corridor, which got its light from the space where the dome had split. At the bottom I saw a kind of table and chair, made of the same "crystal" as the walls.

“An odd shape was crouching on the seat, with vaguely human features.

“Looking at it from close by, I thought it might be a statue damaged in the course of time but then I glanced at something which filled me with horror: under the ‘glass" which covered that ‘statue’ a skeleton could clearly be seen!”

Walls, furniture, people - melted, then crystallized. No natural burning flame or volcanic eruption could have produced a heat intense enough to cause this phenomenon. Do you know what? Only the heat released through something like atomic energy could have done this damage.

Advanced weaponry in ancient times? It’s more startling than fiction! That’s right… technology. And you’ll discover more in Dead Men’s Secrets, an astonishing report crammed with lost secrets of the ancient world.

On this point - and the significance of this is absolutely world-shaking - researchers have recently unlocked what we could call a time capsule, a number of documents "buried" in incomprehensible terms until our day.

When translated last century, they were not understood. Nor could they be until modern knowledge "caught up" with former knowledge and was able to recognize it.

These very ancient documents contain what is now startlingly familiar language. Their contents are quite alarming.

There are eyewitness reports that raise the compelling question: Did a nuclear explosion wipe out large sections of the civilized world in the third millennium BC?

Let me share with you what’s in an ancient Indian text, the Mahabharata. This document of 200 verses was translated completely by 1884.

Although it dates in its present form to 500 BC, textual evidence indicates that it refers to events that occurred from 1500 to 2500 BC.

The chief translator (decades before the appearance of aircraft, war gases, rockets and nuclear energy), commented that much in the book would seem “ridiculous” to the purely English reader.

This ancient document recounts in detail how aircraft were used to launch a weapon that devastated three cities. The record is unnervingly similar to an eyewitness report of an atomic bomb explosion. It describes:

Ø The brightness of the blast

Ø the column of rising smoke and fire

Ø the fallout

Ø intense shockwaves and heat waves

Ø the appearance of the victims

Ø the effects of radiation poisoning


Significantly, these are found in the ruins of inferior civilizations - after the superior technology had vanished. They are suggestive of what must have preceded them.