PETA criticizes Obama for inhumane treatment of a fly! (NOT A JOKE)

WASHINGTON - June 18, 2009 - Some people just have to get a life. While the mainstream media was just cooing over illegitimate President Obama's masterful execution of the common housefly, not everyone was amused.

People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was horrified at the inhumane treatment of the bug, and sent the illegitimate president a Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher.

Simply place Katcha Bug over the bug and slowly slide its plastic trapdoor shut. The bug will step onto the trapdoor as it closes, and you can carry Katcha Bug outside, where all you need to do is slide the trap door open, allowing the bug to walk away. Gee, while the illegitimate president was committing murder on a six-legged creature, people in Iran were getting beaten up and shot for expressing their political views, however, I didn't see PETA complaining about that.

After the illegitimate president very publicly swatted and then killed a fly during an interview with CNBC yesterday, the outspoken animal rights group said they wished Obama had provided a better example for the Amerikan people.

“We support compassion for even the smallest animals," says Bruce Friedrich, Vice President for Policy at PETA. “We support giving insects the benefit of the doubt."