By Lee Parker
What will you do when you are challenged by those who would attempt to force their will over you? Will you fight back? Will you face your inquisition with faith and determination or will you succumb to your fears and capitulate? Will you stand for freedom or will you take "the easy way" out and become a casualty?
In truth, none of us know how he will actually respond when the federales come knocking at the door. You can practice the right words to say. You might even be able to recite the Constitution. But you cannot KNOW for certain how you will handle the situation until you are actually put to the test.
Over the weekend, I met a young woman who has met the enemy of freedom face-to-face. She has stood before judge and jury and defended OUR right to live free. She has seen judicial corruption and total disregard for our founding documents by those who, by law, are sworn to support these documents, and she has done all of this without legal counsel and without support from others (except her father), including those who espouse the importance of living free from government regulation.
The young woman of whom I am speaking is Anna-Rene of Michigan.
She is 18 years of age. She has never had a social security number, a driver's license, nor accepted any other "privilege", any of which would enslave her to the corrupt federal government. She has seen injustice after injustice handed down from corrupt judges in her county, even to the point of being put behind bars. Yet, she continues to stand for freedom. She continues to stand for the rights of all Americans to remain free from government intervention in their lives. She has stood, and continues to stand alone!
I asked her how she felt about what was happening to her and the injustice she was experiencing. Tears started to well-up in her eyes; she admitted that she feels all alone in her struggle. The only person who has been consistently there for her is her father. No patriots have yet shown up at the hearings. No patriots have yet attended the trial. Oh, it might be that we did not know the times and dates, but try to explain that to an 18 year-old who is standing up for what is right!
Try to explain why it is important to all of us that she remain true, that she Stay the Course. Try to explain why she should go to jail for "the cause" so that those who could not be bothered to lend her support by attending the hearing or trial, can benefit from what the stand she is taking.
Anna-Rene is standing for you and me. She is carrying our banner of freedom and if we don't support her, how can we expect others to support our efforts? If government efforts succeed in turning Anna-Rene into a virtual slave because she falters for lack of support, then they will have won another battle in the eternal struggle for liberty and we will have lost another soldier in the ongoing war to preserve our freedom.
If you ever expect to see victory, then you must support those who stand in the cross-hairs of the corrupt judicial system. We cannot allow anyone who stands for freedom to face the devil's minions alone. They will use our silence, our reticence as proof that we don't know our own minds. They will pick us off ONE PATRIOT AT A TIME, unless we stand against tyranny and corruption, like Anna-Rene is doing.
Anna-Rene's trial is scheduled for June 26 in the Muskegon District Court in Muskegon, Michigan. All patriots need to be there to support her and by so doing, support all of us. Anna-Rene is standing for us and we need to stand for her! Call me at Freedom Bound to get Anna-Rene's phone number and let her know how that you support her.