Passion For Freedom

By Lee Parker

For the past several nights I have been watching a video of the mini-series Amerika. This 12-hour 1987 mini-series depicts a United States which has been serripitiously taken over by the Soviet Union, not through overt military activity but rather by subtly, quietly subverting the principles on which our great country was founded.

The show centers in the mid-west and shows the outcome of 10 years of Soviet occupation. It is a very, very disturbing story. People who speak out against the government are sent to prison; when released they are exiled. While in prison they are given numbers, which are always waiting for them if they EVER speak out against the government again. They are marked for life as outcasts, dissidents and trouble makers. Does any of this sound familiar?

In the scene which most affected me, the Russian overseer was explaining to an American that Russia did not conquer America; she had lost the battle long before the Russians took over. He said, "You had political freedom, but lost your passion." America lost due to the people's lack of passion for freedom.

Passion for freedom. What is that? Are YOU passionate about freedom? Do you get upset when you hear about growing numbers of Americans imprisoned for standing up to an oppressive federal government and its tentacle-like arms? Do you speak to others about your discontent with the way things are? Are you passionately opposed to government restricting virtually everything you do?

Or do you just accept what the government is doing to our country because you feel powerless? Do you think that it is useless to speak up and dangerous to become involved? Do you leave risk-taking to someone else and simply go along with whatever the government tells you to do?

Now is the time for the American people to stop their fence sitting! Now is the time for all of us to express our passion for the freedom bequeathed to us by the Founding Fathers. Being passionate means being alive. It means conviction. It means taking a stand. It means giving words to your thoughts and making your beliefs known.

Passion is not passive!! Passion does not wait for the other guy to make things all right! Passion does not turn a deaf ear to reality or turn its back on the truth, regardless of how others receive that truth.
Passion embodies courage. Speaking out takes courage. We have been SO conditioned to keep quiet, to be good, to follow along, to NOT make waves, to be quietly miserable, that we have lost touch with our true heritage. It seems that, both individually and as a country, we have lost our way, lost our courage, lost our truth, lost our passion.

However, experience tells us that it is not too late. I have seen an increase in the number of Americans becoming passionately alive about their personal freedom. The federal government who would enslave us all KNOWS that we are coming alive and THEY are afraid. That is why they are stepping up their abusive actions against us. They KNOW that they must instill more and more fear. They KNOW that they must separate us in order to defeat us.

We must remember that we are not alone in this fight. We must remember that we are the only hope our children and grandchildren have to remain free. We must remember that WE ARE ALL AMERICANS.

We must put our individual fears, our individual inconviences, our individual pettiness aside and look at the outcome of our actions. Either we stand up and reclaim our country NOW or we turn our country, our children, our grandchildren over to the federal slave-keepers. We will either live in light or in darkness. We will either be alive with passion or dead with fear.