Panhandling for justice!

Will Patriots pitch in?

March 29, 2016 - What a relief. Round one I'm calling a victory. No intimidation tactics were used and I established a good rapport with the magistrate on the case. I have been in a state of terror since people with guns and presumed authority to do whatever they want served me a pink notice threatening crimes of kidnapping and assault if I do not go down to their private forum and bear witness against myself.

I need your help. I've gone from a 4 bedroom home, two businesses and three vehicles to a life of the beggar on the street, selling information for a free lunch or trying to find some work wherever my skills could be of use. I've donated all my substance to this fight for liberty. Everything I have, save for a few contractor tools, has been donated to me. By and large, I no longer exist in the money system and am instead attempting to design an honor system where people do not need money; all they need is their word of honor.

I need your help right now. I do not ask for your help without providing evidence of my resolve. I do not expect you to invest your hard earned liberty dollars in a process that will have no fruition. Visit my website at livewithhonor.info and check out the video link to our YouTube channel. For starters, I've moved over 1,000 tons of dirt with nothing more than a shovel and a wheelbarrow. When I got here I said I would fight any attempt to violate our God-granted rights on this private property.

Code enforcement, no matter what "agency" in whatever town, is a private corporation contracted to enforce commercial rules on commercial activities. If you do not use your private land to engage in commerce, nothing you do on that property can be regulated. Regulation of private activity is the very definition of Communism and that is one of the major precedents I intend to set in this case. There is a Facebook group set up to educate others as well. I am prepared to go all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States of America, if I have the wherewithal to do so and my heart still beats.

The second precedent that needs to be set in this country is that nobody is authorized to come onto your private property, against your will, without a warrant. It does not matter what their excuse is. The only quasi-exception to that rule is if they have probable cause a crime is being committed on that property and can therefore retroactively get a warrant authorized, thereby completing the requirements of our due process guarantee.

If you own private land and are tired of being told what to do in your own castle, I need your support. This case will establish a precedent that you can use as a cookie cutter to win your own private property cases. If we band together right here and now, we can win. I've studied for 7 years, preparing for this battle. I've done everything I've said I was going to do… now it's up to you. Are you ready to give me the fuel I need to get this liberty train going along down the tracks?

Bitcoin donations: 134CAbTyc7MdmWZFDV1Aqc6EnKk1d5Cpd2

Postal Money Order (Preferred), Personal Checks, Cash, Gold, Silver etc:

Blanca Colorado, [81123]

Alternatively, there are two other ways you can support both #GoE and the general fight for property rights in America. #LibertyCamp is a way for you to support what we're doing on-site, while saving on living expenses wherever you are right now! For just $500 you'll be able to camp until October 1st! There is even high-speed wi-fi available on site. Witness court action. Learn to argue your own cases in court. This is the most potent liberty training anyone could ever dream of. Are you ready to enforce your rights instead of just know them? Contact us right away at (719) 580-6406; donate or send us a note via snail mail ASAP to find out how you can get involved! Stay tuned!