Pandemic paranoia fears a boon to body bag sales!

TORONTO, Ontario, Canada - August 1, 2009 - As concerns grow of a possible flu pandemic onslaught this autumn, alert authorities worldwide have been stockpiling emergency supplies. Masks, gloves and anti-viral medications are on the list; and body bags.

Demand for body bags is prompting a surge of interest in the wares of a small Toronto custom bag manufacturer named Trevor Owen, Ltd. Inquiries about its pandemic body bags are pouring in from as far away as the Sultanate of Oman on the Arabian Peninsula.

Trevor Owen recently shipped several thousand of the thick plastic bags - sewn in its Scarborough factory and touted for their ability to "prevent leakage and seepage of bodily fluids" - to Alberta. It is bidding on a contract to supply Ohio with 12,500 of the white woven polyethylene pandemic bags.

"Some seniors' residences are starting to buy five, 10 or 15 at a time," said Trevor Owen president Pierre Barcik. "There are state and provincial governments that are starting to stockpile pandemic body bags. It's a bad pun, but (the business) is growing."