Pair of nuns helps police nab robbery suspect!

INDEPENDENCE, Missouri - August 13, 2009 - Thou shalt not steal - especially within sight of a convent. Police in Independence, Missouri are crediting a pair of nuns with helping nab a gun-toting man suspected of burglarizing two homes Thursday morning.

Around 7 a.m., one of the women glanced out a window of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist Convent and spotted a suspicious man walking through a soybean field. She and another nun headed outside to see if the man was lost or hunting illegally.

They saw the man was carrying a shotgun, boxing gloves and other items. When they began to question him, the man ran into nearby woods.

One of the nuns gave chase, wearing her ankle-length habit and flip-flops. He got away, but the 49-year-old nun was able to describe him later to police, who subsequently made an arrest.

Ed. Note: Why was this man arrested? What crime did this man commit? When will Real Americans rise up and demand full disclosure from our public servant police?