One Day at a Time

By Lee Parker

No matter who you are, no matter how much money you have or don't have, no matter how old you are or your position in life, by necessity, you live life one day at a time.

Time doesn't care if you want it to slow down or speed up. Time goes along at its own pace...60 seconds to the minute, 60 minutes to the hour, day in and day out. Time IS one of the constants in our lives, yet everyone seems to want to speed it up!

For example, how many people want the impeachment proceedings to be concluded? We are told that, according to the latest polls, up to 80% of the people want the trial of the President to be done with as quick as possible. Does anyone really understand the implications of rushing through these proceedings? Are those people who want to conclude the proceedings without giving them proper consideration aware of the dangers inherent in rushing to judgment on a matter so crucial to the survival of our great country?

What is at stake here is nothing less than the rule of law in America. If the President - the Chief Executive and chief law enforcement officer of the United States government - can commit with impunity acts which, if you or I did them would most certainly land us in jail, then the law no longer applies equally to all Americans, and the great principles on which America was founded are no longer considered important. If that is the case, then America is truly dead.

I understand that when the circumstances that surround us become difficult or uncomfortable, we want to conclude the matter as soon as possible. However, in this case, speed is NOT the answer. There is NO quick solution to a situation such as the trial of a President.

In order for the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton to get as far as it has, by necessity, there had to be a lengthy and complicated process. Clinton, himself, expanded the length of the investigation by stonewalling.

So why is he now trying to rush through the proceedings?

It is disheartening to have our country run by polls which can never be confirmed. It is dangerous to have our Constitution usurped by elected officials who take an oath to uphold the Constitution, and who then trash it by using unsubstantiated figures and statements to justify what amounts to acts of treason against all Americans and the Constitution for the United States.

I believe that we are fighting a battle against those we have elected to run our government for us. We are fighting a battle of time. The Senate wants to move quickly and in doing so, to abort all for which America stands.

America is nothing without her founding principles, which state clearly that We the People are the rightful rulers of this country, that our rights come from a higher source than government, and that government exists to secure and protect our God-given, natural rights.

YOU can be the force that slows the process down. YOU can be the force that stops the clock. Call your Senator and INSIST that the trial of the President continues until the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is revealed. Don't be fooled into supporting the Senate in rushing through the impeachment trial!