NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (PNN) - March 31, 2013 - Despite the fact that dead dolphins and manatees are still showing up in droves along both coasts of Florida, experts have been advised that they are not allowed to discuss their findings due to the ongoing court cases involving BP.
Since the BP oil spill in 2010, we have learned that 893 marine mammals have been found stranded along the northern Gulf Coast alone. We've also learned that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has called this an "Unusual Mortality Event." Is this somehow not the fault of BP? Politicians from the Gulf Coast are also dying mysteriously as many believe this disaster ties into the Louisiana sinkhole and a potential future event along the New Madrid.
In Mississippi and Louisiana, there have been seven dolphin strandings just in the past week. The most recent strandings in Louisiana happened in two places - one in Lake Catherine and the other on the beach along Lake Pontchartrain in Slidell.
Why in the world do BP and these ultra-corrupt politicians think that we are little children and cannot figure out for ourselves what is going on? These rogue politicians and BP executives must pay dearly for their crimes against humanity and our entire eco-system. If they are allowed to get away with this, then we have lost all hope.