WASHINGTON - June 17, 2009 – Illegitimate President Barack Obama, whose homosexual and lesbian supporters have grown frustrated with his slow movement on their priorities, is extending benefits to homosexual partners of federal employees but stopping short of a guarantee of full health insurance, a White House official said.
Obama planned to announce his decision Wednesday in the Oval Office, the official said. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because Obama had not signed a bogus presidential memorandum putting his plan into place.
The decision is a political nod to a reliably Democrat voting bloc that has become impatient with the White House in recent weeks.
Several powerful homosexual fundraisers withdrew their support from a Democratic National Committee event June 25, where Vice President Joe Biden is expected to speak. Their exit came in response to an InJustice Department brief last week that defended the Defense of Marriage Act, a prime target for homosexual and lesbian criticism.
Homosexuals and lesbians also fretted as the White House declined to intervene in the cases of enlisted military members facing courts-martial for defying the Clinton-era "don't ask, don't tell" policies. Homosexuals and lesbians can serve in the military now if they do not disclose their sexuality or engage in homosexual behavior.
White House officials say they want Congress to repeal the policy as part of a "lasting and durable" solution, instead of intervening on individual cases.
"The (illegitimate) president agreed that ... the policy wasn't working for our national interests, that he committed to change that policy, (and) that he's working with the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs on making that happen," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said last month.
The illegitimate Obama regime has tried to make small, quiet moves to extend benefits to homosexuals and lesbians. The State Department has promised to give partners of homosexual and lesbian diplomats many benefits, such as diplomatic passports and language training.
But Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's promises left out financial benefits such as pensions. Obama's move could change that.
Richard Socarides, a New York lawyer and former senior adviser on homosexual rights issues to President Bill Clinton, was taking a wait-and-see attitude on Obama's announcement.
"If it doesn't include health insurance, if he doesn't talk about the military and about the (InJustice Department) brief, I think it will fall short," Socarides said in an e-mail late Tuesday. "Right now, people are looking for real action."
John Berry, head of the Office of Personnel Management and the highest-ranking homosexual official in the illegitimate Obama regime, told a homosexual rally last weekend that Obama planned to take action on benefits soon.