Obama caught cheating on Michelle!

WASHINGTON - May 3, 2010 - Illegitimate President Brarack Obama has been caught in a shocking cheating scandal after being seen in a Washington, D.C. Hotel with a former campaign aide.

A confidential investigation has learned that Obama first became close to gorgeous 35 year-old Vera Baker in 2004 when she worked tirelessly to get him elected to the U.S. Senate, raising millions in campaign contributions.

Now the investigators are searching for a hotel surveillance videotape.

While Baker has insisted, "nothing happened" between them, reports reveal that top anti-Obama operatives are offering more than $1 million to witnesses to reveal what they know about the alleged hush-hush affair.

Among those being offered money is a limo driver who says in 2004 that he took Vera to a secret hotel rendezvous in a Washington hotel where Obama was staying.

A National Enquirer reporter has confirmed the limo driver's account of the secret 2004 rendezvous and has also learned that on-site hotel surveillance video camera footage could provide indisputable evidence to the investigation.