WASHINGTON - January 5, 2010 - In his 2008 bestseller Wealth, War and Wisdom former Morgan Stanley research guru Barton Biggs warns us to prepare for a "breakdown of civilization ... Your safe haven must be self-sufficient and capable of growing some kind of food ... It should be well-stocked with seed, fertilizer, canned food, wine, medicine, clothes, etc ... A few rounds over the approaching brigands' heads would probably be a compelling persuader that there are easier farms to pillage.".
This is what’s currently happening in Dubai and Greece. In Greece, there is real chaos and lawlessness, with mobs on the street. If Dubai goes down the drain, there’s going to be serious trouble, because they have a million or so imported workers from third-world countries. They are working their butts off, and they have been cheated for years, in terms of what they are paid and their food allowances. There are going to be real problems there.
You can make the case that it is not inconceivable that the barbarians could be at the gate in Europe, Japan and the U.S. It’s one chance in ten that is going to happen but, as a person with wealth, you must ask what type of insurance to take out against that.
It sounds simplistic, but there’s nothing the matter with having some kind of self-sufficient farm that is not close to the big cities. To some it may sound stupid, but it sure paid off in occupied Europe during World War II. I don’t think periods of lawlessness are going to last a long time in countries like the U.S. But could we have four or five months of lawlessness? I think there’s one chance in ten that could happen.
Ed. Note: Anarchy means “without a ruler”; it does not mean lawlessness. When you hear or read the word “anarchy”, remember that it is a favorite word of propagandists, who use it to encourage opposition to the very thing that defines a free society: We Rule ourselves!
This is what’s currently happening in Dubai and Greece. In Greece, there is real chaos and lawlessness, with mobs on the street. If Dubai goes down the drain, there’s going to be serious trouble, because they have a million or so imported workers from third-world countries. They are working their butts off, and they have been cheated for years, in terms of what they are paid and their food allowances. There are going to be real problems there.
You can make the case that it is not inconceivable that the barbarians could be at the gate in Europe, Japan and the U.S. It’s one chance in ten that is going to happen but, as a person with wealth, you must ask what type of insurance to take out against that.
It sounds simplistic, but there’s nothing the matter with having some kind of self-sufficient farm that is not close to the big cities. To some it may sound stupid, but it sure paid off in occupied Europe during World War II. I don’t think periods of lawlessness are going to last a long time in countries like the U.S. But could we have four or five months of lawlessness? I think there’s one chance in ten that could happen.
Ed. Note: Anarchy means “without a ruler”; it does not mean lawlessness. When you hear or read the word “anarchy”, remember that it is a favorite word of propagandists, who use it to encourage opposition to the very thing that defines a free society: We Rule ourselves!