Noted analyst says stocks still face deflationary collapse!

NEW YORK - May 18, 2009 - Longtime technical analyst Robert Prechter, who forecast the 1987 stock market crash, predicted this week that U.S. equities may plunge to half their lows hit in March as a deflationary Depression bites.

Oil and U.S. Treasury bonds are also locked in long-term bear markets, while corporate bond prices will plunge precipitously by next year as broad economy, banking system and company earnings sustain more damage from a financial crisis that's akin to the Great Depression, he said.

The U.S. S&P 500 stock index's rebound by nearly 40 percent since it sagged to a 12-year closing low of 676 points on March 9 is not sustainable, Prechter said in an interview with Reuters.

"It's not the start of a new bull market," said Prechter, chief executive at research company Elliott Wave International in Gainesville, Georgia. "Our models are (showing) right now that it is a much bigger bear market than most people realize, something along the lines of 1929-1932," he told Reuters in a wide-ranging interview. "It's a very rare event," he added.

"I think the next leg down will be at least as severe if not more severe than what we just experienced. So you want to stay on the side of safety," he said.

As he did in his 2002 book, "Conquer the Crash", which warned of the dangers of a U.S. debt bubble and deflationary Depression, Prechter continues to advocate safer cash proxies such as Treasury bills.

Riskier assets such as commodities, corporate bonds, and stocks, which are currently anticipating that the severe global economic downturn may be bottoming, are likely to have short-lived intense rallies, but within an inexorable long-term decline that may last another seven years, he said.

As banks continue to accumulate losses and corporate earnings fall, "the difficulties will probably last through about 2016," he said. "There will be plenty of rallies along the way."