WELLINGTON, New Zealand - December 23, 2010 - The BBC and Huffington Post are reporting that the New Zealand government has just released hundreds of classified files detailing reports and sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The reports span from 1954-2009.
The documents allegedly contain drawings of flying saucers, and an alleged sample of alien writing. Accounts by members of the public, military personnel and commercial airline pilots describing close encounters are also included.
The files also include details of New Zealand’s most famous UFO sighting (when strange lights were filmed off the South Island town of Kaikoura in 1978).
The reports have been released under freedom of information laws in New Zealand. The approximate size of the report is 2,000 pages.
The Dominion Post is publishing the entire lot of documents online. I suggest you check them out! Among the reports that have been uploaded so far are details of a 1999 sighting of contrails above the sky in Auckland, during which the writer warns, "A vast many people in Auckland will suffer flu-like sickness."
Another report from 1995 describes an incident in which a man met an alien with massive feet who told him dying humans ascend as hydrogen atoms.