CAMDEN, New Jersey (PNN) - August 27, 2012 - One of the Fascist Police States of Amerika’s most dangerous cities is planning to eliminate its entire pig thug cop department, laying off all 270 of its thug cops.
The city of Camden has been struggling with a budget deficit for years. In 2011, it was named the poorest city in New Jersey. In an attempt to save millions, its officials decided to get rid of the entire city thug cop force. Instead, residents of Camden will have to rely on the new pig thug cop department that will be operated by Camden County; and here is the secret for saving money - the new Metro Division of the Camden County pig thug cops will not have collective bargaining.
Camden city officials say that the transition is necessary to be able to afford the costs of making the city safer.
The city of Camden has more crime than 97% of cities in the FPSA. The city hosts 1,846 violent crimes per year, with an average of 37 murders, 73 rapes, 713 robberies, and 1,023 cases of assault. In 2004, Camden was named Amerika’s most dangerous city, taking the title away from Detroit.
To balance its $26 million budget deficit, the city laid off 167 cops in 2011 without having a replacement program in place.
With not enough pig thug cops and too many major crimes, the thug cop department has largely stopped responding to minor crimes such as car accidents, petty thefts and vandalism.
While Camden city officials hope that the switch to a county patrol unit will give it the means to reduce crime, its 270 laid off cops will struggle to find employment. Less than half can expect to find a job in the county.
The new, non-unionized county unit is estimated to employ more thug cops with the same budget, while also risking taking away the notoriously dangerous city’s local pig thug cops who have experience and knowledge of Camden.