MP sees global warming talks as step toward world government!

LONDON, England - October 19, 2009 - Lord Christopher Monckton, a conservative British MP, delivered a speech last week in St. Paul about the impending international climate change talks to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Monckton has made some waves in the last few years as a noted climate change denialist.  In particular he championed a successful legal challenge against Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth from being showed in British schools. (He now funds and supports the showing of The Great Global Warming Swindle in schools instead.)

One of Monckton's previous forays into the science/public health arena resulted in his 1987 essay "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS," in which he supported mandatory monthly AIDS testing for everyone, along with compulsory and permanent quarantining of all carriers of the virus.

22 years later, at Bethel University in St. Paul, addressing members of Minnesota Free Market Institute, Lord Monckton painted the modern environmental movement as little more than the latest manifestation of the global communist movement, rising from the ashes of the fallen Soviet Union:

So, at last, the communists who piled out of the Berlin Wall and into the environmental movement, who took over Greenpeace so that my friends who funded it left within a year, because [the communists] captured it - Now the apotheosis as at hand. They are about to impose a communist world government on the world. You have a president who has very strong sympathies with that point of view. He’s going to sign it. He’ll sign anything.

What do you think about this point of view?  Do "free market" organizations have any standing to speak about the science of climate change?  Are the majority of scientists in the world who agree that global warming is human-caused just a bunch of communists?

Between these ravings and what I'm seeing in the health care "debate," I'm beginning to wonder if there's room for rationality in any argument in Amerikan politics.